* ascendeth , 0305 anabaino ,



 ascendeth -0305 arose, ascend, ascended, {ascendeth}, ascending,

 came, climbeth, come, cometh, coming, entered, go, goeth, going,

 gone, grew, groweth, rise, rising, rose, sprang, sprung, went,







 ascendeth ......... ascendeth 0305 -anabaino->

ascendeth ......... that ascendeth 0305 -anabaino->







 ascendeth 011 007 Rev               /${ascendeth /out of the

bottomless pit shall make war against them , and shall overcome

them , and kill them .

ascendeth 014 011 Rev               /${ascendeth /up for ever

and ever : and they have no rest day nor night , who worship the

beast and his image , and whosoever receiveth the mark of his

name .



 ascendeth 2 -



 ascendeth <REV11 -7> And when they shall have finished their

testimony, the beast that {ascendeth} out of the bottomless pit

shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill


ascendeth <REV14 -11> And the smoke of their torment {ascendeth}


for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who


the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his


