longsuffering  EXO 034 006 And the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah >

passed <05674  +<abar > by before him ,  and proclaimed <07121  

+qara> > ,  The LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > ,  The LORD <03068  

+Y@hovah > God <00410  +>el > ,  merciful <07349  +rachuwm > and

gracious <02587  +channuwn > ,  {longsuffering} ,  and abundant

<07227  +rab > in goodness <02617  +checed > and truth <00571  

+>emeth > ,

longsuffering  NUM 014 018 The LORD <03068  +Y@hovah >  [ is ]  

{longsuffering} ,  and of great <07227  +rab > mercy <02617  

+checed > ,  forgiving <05375  +nasa> > iniquity <05771  +<avon

> and transgression <06588  +pesha< > ,  and by no <03808  +lo>

> means clearing <05352  +naqah >  [ the guilty ]  ,  visiting

<06485  +paqad > the iniquity <05771  +<avon > of the fathers

<1> upon the children <01121  +ben > unto the third <08029  

+shillesh > and fourth <07256  +ribbea< >  [ generation ]  .

* longsuffering , 3115 makrothumia ,

* suffering , 2552 kakopatheia , 3804 pathema , 3958 pascho ,

4330 proseao , 5254 hupecho ,



 longsuffering -3115 {longsuffering}, patience,

suffering -2552 affliction, {suffering},

suffering -3804 affections, afflictions, {suffering}, sufferings,

suffering -3958 felt, passion, suffer, suffered, {suffering},


suffering -4330 {suffering},

suffering -5254 {suffering},

sufferings -3804 affections, afflictions, suffering,






 longsuffering 0639 -- /aph -- anger(-gry), + before,

countenance, face, +forebearing, forehead, + [{long-]suffering},

nose, nostril, snout, Xworthy, wrath.

longsuffering 3114 ** makrothumeo ** bear (suffer) long, be

{longsuffering}, have (long)patience, be patient, patiently


longsuffering 3115 ** makrothumia ** {longsuffering}, patience.

suffering 0750 -- /arek -- long[{-suffering}, -winged], patient,

slow [to anger].

suffering 2552 ** kakopatheia ** {suffering} affliction.

suffering 3804 ** pathema ** affection, affliction, motion,




 longsuffering ......... and longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->

longsuffering ......... but is longsuffering to us -ward 2248 -


longsuffering ......... by longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->

longsuffering ......... longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->

longsuffering ......... longsuffering and doctrine 1322 -didache-


longsuffering ......... that the longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia-


longsuffering ......... the longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->

longsuffering ......... with longsuffering 3115 -makrothumia->

suffering ......... for the suffering 3804 -pathema->

suffering ......... not suffering 4330 -proseao->

suffering ......... of suffering 2552 -kakopatheia->

suffering ......... suffering 3958 -pascho->

suffering ......... suffering 5254 -hupecho->

sufferings ......... For as the sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... in my sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... of his sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... of the sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... that the sufferings 3804 -pathema->

sufferings ......... the sufferings 3804 -pathema->





 long-]suffering 0639 ## >aph {af}; from 599; properly, the nose

or nostril; hence, the face, and occasionally a person; also

(from the rapid breathing in passion) ire: -- anger(-gry), +

before, countenance, face, + forebearing, forehead, + [{long-

]suffering}, nose, nostril, snout, X worthy, wrath. [ql

longsuffering 3114 # makrothumeo {mak-roth-oo-meh'-o}; from the

same as 3116; to be long-spirited, i.e. (objectively) forbearing

or (subjectively) patient: -- bear (suffer) long, be

{longsuffering}, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently


longsuffering 3115 # makrothumia {mak-roth-oo-mee'-ah}; from the

same as 3116; longanimity, i.e. (objectively) forbearance or

(subjectively) fortitude: -- {longsuffering}, patience.[ql

suffering 2552 # kakopatheia {kak-op-ath'-i-ah}; from a compound

of 2256 and 3806; hardship: -- {suffering} affliction.[ql

suffering 3804 # pathema {path'-ay-mah}; from a presumed

derivative of 3806; something undergone, i.e. hardship or pain;

subjectively, an emotion or influence: -- affection, affliction,

motion, {suffering}.[ql

suffering 0750 ## >arek {aw-rake'}; from 748; long: -- long[{-

suffering}, -winged], patient, slow [to anger]. [ql



 longsuffering 034 006 Exo           /^{longsuffering /and

abundant in goodness and truth ,

longsuffering 004 002 IITi          /${longsuffering /and

doctrine .

longsuffering 014 018 Num           /^{longsuffering /and of

great mercy , forgiving iniquity and transgression , and by no

means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

longsuffering 086 015 Psa           /^{longsuffering /and

plenteous in mercy and truth .

longsuffering 006 006 IICo          /${longsuffering /by

kindness , by the Holy Ghost , by love unfeigned ,

longsuffering 003 010 IITi          /${longsuffering /charity ,

patience ,

longsuffering 001 016 ITi           /${longsuffering /for a

pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life

everlasting .

longsuffering 004 002 Eph           /${longsuffering /forbearing

one another in love ;

longsuffering 005 022 Gal           /${longsuffering /gentleness

, goodness , faith ,

longsuffering 015 015 Jer           /^{longsuffering /know that

for thy sake I have suffered rebuke .

longsuffering 002 004 Rom           /${longsuffering /not

knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance ?

longsuffering 003 020 IPe           /${longsuffering /of God

waited in the days of Noah , while the ark was a preparing ,

wherein few , that is , eight souls were saved by water .

longsuffering 003 015 IIPe          /${longsuffering /of our

Lord is salvation ; even as our beloved brother Paul also

according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you ;

longsuffering 009 022 Rom           /${longsuffering /the

vessels of wrath fitted to destruction :

longsuffering 003 009 IIPe          /${longsuffering /to us-ward

, not willing that any should perish , but that all should come

to repentance .

longsuffering 001 011 Col           /${longsuffering /with

joyfulness ;

suffering 005 010 Jam               /${suffering /affliction ,

and of patience .

suffering 002 009 Heb               /${suffering /of death ,

crowned with glory and honour ; that he by the grace of God

should taste death for every man .

suffering 001 007 Jud               /${suffering /the vengeance

of eternal fire .

suffering 027 007 Act               /${suffering /us , we sailed

under Crete , over against Salmone ;

suffering 002 019 IPe               /${suffering /wrongfully .

sufferings 003 010 Php              /${sufferings /being made

conformable unto his death ;

sufferings 001 024 Col              /${sufferings /for you , and

fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my

flesh for his body's sake , which is the church :

sufferings 005 001 IPe              /${sufferings /of Christ ,

and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed :

sufferings 001 011 IPe              /${sufferings /of Christ ,

and the glory that should follow .

sufferings 001 005 IICo             /${sufferings /of Christ

abound in us , so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ .

sufferings 008 018 Rom              /${sufferings /of this

present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which

shall be revealed in us .

sufferings 001 007 IICo             /${sufferings /so shall ye

be also of the consolation .

sufferings 004 013 IPe              /${sufferings /that , when

his glory shall be revealed , ye may be glad also with exceeding

joy .

sufferings 001 006 IICo             /${sufferings /which we also

suffer : or whether we be comforted , it is for your consolation

and salvation .



 longsuffering 17 -

suffering 5 -

sufferings 10 -



 suffering <ACT27 -7> And when we had sailed slowly many days,


scarce were come over against Cnidus, the wind not {suffering}


we sailed under Crete, over against Salmone;

suffering <HEB2 -9> But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower

than the angels for the {suffering} of death, crowned with glory


honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every


suffering <JAM5 -10> Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have

spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of {suffering}

affliction, and of patience.

suffering <1PE2 -19> For this is] thankworthy, if a man for

conscience toward God endure grief, {suffering} wrongfully.

suffering <JUD1 -7> Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities


them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and

going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example,


the vengeance of eternal fire.

