
Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

~ ~ Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ourselves ^ 2Co_10_14 For <1063> we stretch <5239> <0> not <3756> {ourselves} <1438> beyond <5239> (5719) our measure, as <5613> though we reached <2185> (5740) not <3361> unto <1519> you <5209>: for <1063> we are come <5348> (5656) as far as <0891> to you <5216> also <2532> in <1722> preaching the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>:

ourselves ^ 1Co_11_31 For <1063> if <1487> we would judge <1252> (5707) {ourselves} <1438>, we should <0302> not <3756> be judged <2919> (5712).

ourselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> {ourselves} <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

ourselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> {ourselves} of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

ourselves ^ 2Co_07_01 Having <2192> (5723) therefore <3767> these <5025> promises <1860>, dearly beloved <0027>, let us cleanse <2511> (5661) {ourselves} <1438> from <0575> all <3956> filthiness <3436> of the flesh <4561> and <2532> spirit <4151>, perfecting <2005> (5723) holiness <0042> in <1722> the fear <5401> of God <2316>.

ourselves ^ Rom_08_23 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> they, but <0235> {ourselves} <0846> also <2532>, which have <2192> (5723) the firstfruits <0536> of the Spirit <4151>, even <2532> we <2249> ourselves <0846> groan <4727> (5719) within <1722> ourselves <1438>, waiting <0553> (5740) for the adoption <5206>, to wit, the redemption <0629> of our <2257> body <4983>.

ourselves ^ Rom_08_23 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> they, but <0235> ourselves <0846> also <2532>, which have <2192> (5723) the firstfruits <0536> of the Spirit <4151>, even <2532> we <2249> ourselves <0846> groan <4727> (5719) within <1722> {ourselves} <1438>, waiting <0553> (5740) for the adoption <5206>, to wit, the redemption <0629> of our <2257> body <4983>.

ourselves ^ Luk_22_71 And <1161> they said <2036> (5627), What <5101> need <2192> (5719) we <5532> any further <2089> witness <3141>? for <1063> we {ourselves} <0846> have heard <0191> (5656) of <0575> his own <0846> mouth <4750>.

ourselves ^ Rom_15_01 We <2249> then <1161> that are strong <1415> ought <3784> (5719) to bear <0941> (5721) the infirmities <0771> of the weak <0102>, and <2532> not <3361> to please <0700> (5721) {ourselves} <1438>.

ourselves ^ Rom_08_23 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> they, but <0235> ourselves <0846> also <2532>, which have <2192> (5723) the firstfruits <0536> of the Spirit <4151>, even <2532> we <2249> {ourselves} <0846> groan <4727> (5719) within <1722> ourselves <1438>, waiting <0553> (5740) for the adoption <5206>, to wit, the redemption <0629> of our <2257> body <4983>.

ourselves ^ Tit_03_03 For <1063> we {ourselves} <2249> also <2532> were <2258> (5713) <0453> <0> sometimes <4218> foolish <0453>, disobedient <0545>, deceived <4105> (5746), serving <1398> (5723) divers <4164> lusts <1939> and <2532> pleasures <2237>, living <1236> (5723) in <1722> malice <2549> and <2532> envy <5355>, hateful <4767>, and hating <3404> (5723) one another <0240>.

ourselves ^ Joh_04_42 And <5037> said <3004> (5707) unto the woman <1135>, <3754> Now <3765> we believe <4100> (5719), not <3754> because <1223> of thy <4674> saying <2981>: for <1063> we have heard <0191> (5754) him {ourselves} <0846>, and <2532> know <1492> (5758) that <3754> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) indeed <0230> the Christ <5547>, the Saviour <4990> of the world <2889>.

ourselves ^ 1Jo_01_08 If <1437> we say <2036> (5632) that <3754> we have <2192> (5719) no <3756> sin <0266>, we deceive <4105> (5719) {ourselves} <1438>, and <2532> the truth <0225> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> in <1722> us <2254>.

ourselves ^ 1Th_02_10 Ye <5210> are witnesses <3144>, and <2532> God <2316> also, how <5613> holily <3743> and <2532> justly <1346> and <2532> unblameably <0274> we behaved {ourselves} <1096> (5675) among you <5213> that believe <4100> (5723):

ourselves ^ 2Co_01_09 But <0235> <0846> we had <2192> (5758) the sentence <0610> of death <2288> in <1722> ourselves <1438>, that <3363> <0> we should <3982> <0> not <3363> trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> {ourselves} <1438> <5600> (5753), but <0235> in <1909> God <2316> which <3588> raiseth <1453> (5723) the dead <3498>:

ourselves ^ 2Co_01_09 But <0235> <0846> we had <2192> (5758) the sentence <0610> of death <2288> in <1722> {ourselves} <1438>, that <3363> <0> we should <3982> <0> not <3363> trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> ourselves <1438> <5600> (5753), but <0235> in <1909> God <2316> which <3588> raiseth <1453> (5723) the dead <3498>:

ourselves ^ 2Co_03_01 Do we begin <0756> (5731) again <3825> to commend <4921> (5721) {ourselves} <1438>? or <1508> need we <5535> (5719), as <5613> some <5100> others, epistles <1992> of commendation <4956> to <4314> you <5209>, or <2228> letters of commendation <4956> from <1537> you <5216>?

ourselves ^ 2Co_05_13 For <1063> whether <1535> we be beside {ourselves} <1839> (5627), it is to God <2316>: or whether <1535> we be sober <4993> (5719), it is for your cause <5213>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_06_04 But <0235> in <1722> all <3956> things approving <4921> (5723) {ourselves} <1438> as <5613> the ministers <1249> of God <2316>, in <1722> much <4183> patience <5281>, in <1722> afflictions <2347>, in <1722> necessities <0318>, in <1722> distresses <4730>,

ourselves ^ 2Co_12_19 Again <3825>, think ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> we excuse {ourselves} <0626> (5736) unto you <5213>? we speak <2980> (5719) before <2714> God <2316> in <1722> Christ <5547>: but <1161> we do all things <3956>, dearly beloved <0027>, for <5228> your <5216> edifying <3619>.

ourselves ^ 2Th_01_04 So <5620> that we <2248> {ourselves} <0846> glory <2744> (5738) in <1722> you <5213> in <1722> the churches <1577> of God <2316> for <5228> your <5216> patience <5281> and <2532> faith <4102> in <1722> all <3956> your <5216> persecutions <1375> and <2532> tribulations <2347> that <3739> ye endure <0430> (5736):

ourselves ^ 2Th_03_07 For <1063> yourselves <0846> know <1492> (5758) how <4459> ye ought <1163> (5748) to follow <3401> (5738) us <2248>: for <3754> we behaved <0812> <0> not <3756> {ourselves} disorderly <0812> (5656) among <1722> you <5213>;

ourselves ^ Act_23_14 And they <3748> came to <4334> (5631) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>, and said <2036> (5627), We have bound <0332> (5656) {ourselves} <1438> under a great curse <0331>, that we will eat <1089> (5664) nothing <3367> until <2193> <3739> we have slain <0615> (5725) Paul <3972>.

ourselves ^ Gal_02_17 But <1161> if <1487>, while we seek <2212> (5723) to be justified <1344> (5683) by <1722> Christ <5547>, we <2147> <0> {ourselves} <0846> also <2532> are found <2147> (5681) sinners <0268>, is therefore <0687> Christ <5547> the minister <1249> of sin <0266>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636).

ourselves ^ Heb_10_25 Not <3361> forsaking <1459> (5723) the assembling <1997> <0> of {ourselves} <1438> together <1997>, as <2531> the manner <1485> of some <5100> is; but <0235> exhorting <3870> (5723) one another: and <2532> so much <5118> the more <3123>, as <3745> ye see <0991> (5719) the day <2250> approaching <1448> (5723).

ourselves ^ 2Th_03_09 Not <3756> because <3754> we have <2192> (5719) not <3756> power <1849>, but <0235> to <2443> make <1325> (5632) {ourselves} <1438> an ensample <5179> unto you <5213> to <1519> follow <3401> (5738) us <2248>.

ourselves ^ Act_06_04 But <1161> we <2249> will give {ourselves} continually <4342> (5692) to prayer <4335>, and <2532> to the ministry <1248> of the word <3056>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_03_05 Not <3756> that <3754> we are <2070> (5748) sufficient <2425> of <0575> ourselves <1438> to think <3049> (5664) any thing <5100> as <5613> of <1537> {ourselves} <1438>; but <0235> our <2257> sufficiency <2426> is of <1537> God <2316>;

ourselves ^ 2Co_03_05 Not <3756> that <3754> we are <2070> (5748) sufficient <2425> of <0575> {ourselves} <1438> to think <3049> (5664) any thing <5100> as <5613> of <1537> ourselves <1438>; but <0235> our <2257> sufficiency <2426> is of <1537> God <2316>;

ourselves ^ 2Co_04_05 For <1063> we preach <2784> (5719) not <3756> {ourselves} <1438>, but <0235> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> the Lord <2962>; and <1161> ourselves <1438> your <5216> servants <1401> for <1223> <0> Jesus <2424> sake <1223>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_05_12 For <1063> we commend <4921> (5719) not <3756> {ourselves} <1438> again <3825> unto you <5213>, but <0235> give <1325> (5723) you <5213> occasion <0874> to glory <2745> on <5228> <0> our <2257> behalf <5228>, that <2443> ye may have <2192> (5725) somewhat to <4314> answer them which glory <2744> (5740) in <1722> appearance <4383>, and <2532> not <3756> in heart <2588>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_01_04 Who <3588> comforteth <3870> (5723) us <2248> in <1909> all <3956> our <2257> tribulation <2347>, that <1519> we <2248> may be able <1410> (5738) to comfort <3870> (5721) them which are in <1722> any <3956> trouble <2347>, by <1223> the comfort <3874> wherewith <3739> we <3870> <0> {ourselves} <0846> are comforted <3870> (5743) of <5259> God <2316>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_04_02 But <0235> have renounced <0550> (5639) the hidden things <2927> of dishonesty <0152>, not <3361> walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> craftiness <3834>, nor <3366> handling <1389> <0> the word <3056> of God <2316> deceitfully <1389> (5723); but <0235> by manifestation <5321> of the truth <0225> commending <4921> (5723) {ourselves} <1438> to <4314> every <3956> man's <0444> conscience <4893> in the sight <1799> of God <2316>.

ourselves ^ 2Co_04_05 For <1063> we preach <2784> (5719) not <3756> ourselves <1438>, but <0235> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> the Lord <2962>; and <1161> {ourselves} <1438> your <5216> servants <1401> for <1223> <0> Jesus <2424> sake <1223>.

selves ^ 2Ti_03_02 For <1063> men <0444> shall be <2071> (5704) lovers of their own {selves} <5367>, covetous <5366>, boasters <0213>, proud <5244>, blasphemers <0989>, disobedient <0545> to parents <1118>, unthankful <0884>, unholy <0462>,

selves ^ 2Co_13_05 Examine <3985> (5720) yourselves <1438>, whether <1487> ye be <2075> (5748) in <1722> the faith <4102>; prove <1381> (5720) your own {selves} <1438>. <2228> Know ye <1921> (5719) not <3756> your own selves <1438>, how that <3754> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> you <5213>, except <1509> ye be <2075> (5748) reprobates <5100> <0096>?

selves ^ 2Co_08_05 And <2532> this they did, not <3756> as <2531> we hoped <1679> (5656), but <0235> first <4412> gave <1325> (5656) their own {selves} <1438> to the Lord <2962>, and <2532> unto us <2254> by <1223> the will <2307> of God <2316>.

selves ^ 2Co_13_05 Examine <3985> (5720) yourselves <1438>, whether <1487> ye be <2075> (5748) in <1722> the faith <4102>; prove <1381> (5720) your own selves <1438>. <2228> Know ye <1921> (5719) not <3756> your own {selves} <1438>, how that <3754> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> you <5213>, except <1509> ye be <2075> (5748) reprobates <5100> <0096>?

selves ^ Act_20_30 Also <2532> of <1537> your <5216> own {selves} <0846> shall <0450> <0> men <0435> arise <0450> (5698), speaking <2980> (5723) perverse things <1294> (5772), to draw away <0645> (5721) disciples <3101> after <3694> them <0846>.

selves ^ Jam_01_22 But <1161> be ye <1096> (5737) doers <4163> of the word <3056>, and <2532> not <3361> hearers <0202> only <3440>, deceiving <3884> (5740) your own {selves} <1438>.

selves ^ Luk_21_30 When <3752> they now <2235> shoot forth <4261> (5632), ye see <0991> (5723) and know <1097> (5719) of <0575> your own {selves} <1438> that <3754> summer <2330> is <2076> (5748) now <2235> nigh at hand <1451>.

themselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> {themselves} <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

themselves ^ 2Co_08_03 For <3754> to <2596> their power <1411>, I bear record <3140> (5719), yea, and <2532> beyond <5228> their power <1411> they were willing of {themselves} <0830>;

themselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) {themselves} <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

themselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) {themselves} <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

themselves ^ 2Co_11_13 For <1063> such <5108> are false apostles <5570>, deceitful <1386> workers <2040>, transforming {themselves} <3345> (5734) into <1519> the apostles <0652> of Christ <5547>.

themselves ^ 2Pe_02_01 But <1161> there were <1096> (5633) false prophets <5578> also <2532> among <1722> the people <2992>, even <2532> as <5613> there shall be <2071> (5704) false teachers <5572> among <1722> you <5213>, who <3748> privily shall bring in <3919> (5692) damnable <0684> heresies <0139>, even <2532> denying <0720> (5740) the Lord <1203> that bought <0059> (5660) them <0846>, and bring <1863> (5723) upon {themselves} <1438> swift <5031> destruction <0684>.

themselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> {themselves} <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

themselves ^ 1Pe_01_12 Unto whom <3739> it was revealed <0601> (5681), that <3754> not <3756> unto {themselves} <1438>, but <1161> unto us <2254> they did minister <1247> (5707) the things <0846>, which <3739> are <0312> <0> now <3568> reported <0312> (5648) unto you <5213> by <1223> them that have preached the gospel <2097> (5671) unto you <5209> with <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> sent down <0649> (5651) from <0575> heaven <3772>; which things <3739> the angels <0032> desire <1937> (5719) to look <3879> (5658) into <1519>.

themselves ^ 1Pe_03_05 For <1063> after this manner <3779> in the old time <4218> the holy <0040> women <1135> also <2532>, who <3588> trusted <1679> (5723) in <1909> God <2316>, adorned <2885> (5707) {themselves} <1438>, being in subjection <5293> (5746) unto their own <2398> husbands <0435>:

themselves ^ Mat_16_07 And <1161> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <1722> {themselves} <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), It is because <3754> we have taken <2983> (5627) no <3756> bread <0740>.

themselves ^ 1Co_06_09 <2228> Know ye <1492> (5758) not <3756> that <3754> the unrighteous <0094> shall <2816> <0> not <3756> inherit <2816> (5692) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>? Be <4105> <0> not <3361> deceived <4105> (5744): neither <3777> fornicators <4205>, nor <3777> idolaters <1496>, nor <3777> adulterers <3432>, nor <3777> effeminate <3120>, nor <3777> abusers of {themselves} with mankind <0733>,

themselves ^ 1Th_01_09 For <1063> they <0518> <0> {themselves} <0846> shew <0518> (5719) of <4012> us <2257> what manner <3697> of entering in <1529> we had <2192> (5719) (5625) <2192> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> how <4459> ye turned <1994> (5656) to <4314> God <2316> from <0575> idols <1497> to serve <1398> (5721) the living <2198> (5723) and <2532> true <0228> God <2316>;

themselves ^ 1Ti_06_10 For <1063> the love of money <5365> is <2076> (5748) the root <4491> of all <3956> evil <2556>: which <3739> while some <5100> coveted after <3713> (5734), they have erred <0635> (5681) from <0575> the faith <4102>, and <2532> pierced <4044> <0> {themselves} <1438> through <4044> (5656) with many <4183> sorrows <3601>.

themselves ^ 2Pe_02_13 And shall receive <2865> (5697) the reward <3408> of unrighteousness <0093>, as they that count <2233> (5740) it pleasure <2237> to riot <5172> in <1722> the day time <2250>. Spots <4696> they are and <2532> blemishes <3470>, sporting {themselves} <1792> (5723) with <1722> their own <0846> deceivings <0539> while they feast <4910> (5740) with you <5213>;

themselves ^ 1Ti_03_13 For <1063> they that have used the office of a deacon <1247> (5660) well <2573> purchase <4046> (5731) to {themselves} <1438> a good <2570> degree <0898>, and <2532> great <4183> boldness <3954> in <1722> the faith <4102> which <3588> is in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>.

themselves ^ 2Co_05_15 And <2532> that he died <0599> (5627) for <5228> all <3956>, that <2443> they which live <2198> (5723) should <2198> <0> not henceforth <3371> live <2198> (5725) unto {themselves} <1438>, but <0235> unto him which died <0599> (5631) for <5228> them <0846>, and <2532> rose again <1453> (5685).

themselves ^ Jde_01_10 But <1161> these <3778> speak evil of <0987> (5719) those things which <3745> <3303> they know <1492> (5758) not <3756>: but <1161> what <3745> they know <1987> (5736) naturally <5447>, as <5613> brute <0249> beasts <2226>, in <1722> those things <5125> they corrupt {themselves} <5351> (5743).

themselves ^ Jde_01_07 Even as <5613> Sodom <4670> and <2532> Gomorrha <1116>, and <2532> the cities <4172> about <4012> them <0846> in like <3664> <5125> manner <5158>, giving {themselves} over to fornication <1608> (5660), and <2532> going <0565> (5631) after <3694> strange <2087> flesh <4561>, are set forth for <4295> (5736) an example <1164>, suffering <5254> (5723) the vengeance <1349> of eternal <0166> fire <4442>.

themselves ^ 2Co_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) {themselves} <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

themselves ^ 1Ti_01_10 For whoremongers <4205>, for them that defile {themselves} with mankind <0733>, for menstealers <0405>, for liars <5583>, for perjured persons <1965>, and <2532> if there be any <1536> other thing <2087> that is contrary <0480> (5736) to sound <5198> (5723) doctrine <1319>;

themselves ^ Act_28_29 And <2532> when he <0846> had said <2036> (5631) these words <5023>, the Jews <2453> departed <0565> (5627), and had <2192> (5723) great <4183> reasoning <4803> among <1722> {themselves} <1438>.

themselves ^ Jde_01_12 These <3778> are <1526> (5748) spots <4694> in <1722> your <5216> feasts of charity <0026>, when they feast <4910> (5740) with you <5213>, feeding <4165> (5723) {themselves} <1438> without fear <0870>: clouds <3507> they are without water <0504>, carried about <4064> (5746) of <5259> winds <0417>; trees <1186> whose fruit withereth <5352>, without fruit <0175>, twice <1364> dead <0599> (5631), plucked up by the roots <1610> (5685);

themselves ^ Act_28_25 And <1161> when they agreed not <0800> <5607> (5752) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, they departed <0630> (5710), after that Paul <3972> had spoken <2036> (5631) one <1520> word <4487>, <3754> Well <2573> spake <2980> (5656) the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> by <1223> Esaias <2268> the prophet <4396> unto <4314> our <2257> fathers <3962>,

themselves ^ Mar_09_02 And <2532> after <3326> six <1803> days <2250> Jesus <2424> taketh <3880> (5719) with him Peter <4074>, and <2532> James <2385>, and <2532> John <2491>, and <2532> leadeth <0399> <0> them <0846> up <0399> (5719) into <1519> an high <5308> mountain <3735> apart <2596> <2398> by {themselves} <3441>: and <2532> he was transfigured <3339> (5681) before <1715> them <0846>.

themselves ^ Act_04_15 But <1161> when they had commanded <2753> (5660) them <0846> to go aside <0565> (5629) out of <1854> the council <4892>, they conferred <4820> (5627) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>,

themselves ^ Act_28_04 And <1161> when <5613> the barbarians <0915> saw <1492> (5627) the venomous beast <2342> hang <2910> (5734) on <1537> his <0846> hand <5495>, they said <3004> (5707) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, No doubt <3843> this <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) a murderer <5406>, whom <3739>, though he hath escaped <1295> (5685) <1537> the sea <2281>, yet vengeance <1349> suffereth <1439> (5656) not <3756> to live <2198> (5721).

themselves ^ Eph_04_19 Who <3748> being past feeling <0524> (5761) have given <3860> <0> {themselves} <1438> over <3860> (5656) unto lasciviousness <0766>, to <1519> work <2039> all <3956> uncleanness <0167> with <1722> greediness <4124>.

themselves ^ Joh_18_18 And <1161> the servants <1401> and <2532> officers <5257> stood there <2476> (5715), who had made <4160> (5761) a fire of coals <0439>; for <3754> it was <2258> (5713) cold <5592>: and <2532> they warmed {themselves} <2328> (5711): and <1161> Peter <4074> stood <2258> (5713) <2476> (5761) with <3326> them <0846>, and <2532> warmed himself <2328> (5734).

themselves ^ Joh_17_13 And <1161> now <3568> come I <2064> (5736) to <4314> thee <4571>; and <2532> these things <5023> I speak <2980> (5719) in <1722> the world <2889>, that <2443> they might have <2192> (5725) my <1699> joy <5479> fulfilled <4137> (5772) in <1722> {themselves} <0846>.

themselves ^ Mat_14_15 And <1161> when it was <1096> (5637) evening <3798>, his <0846> disciples <3101> came <4334> (5656) to him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), This is <2076> (5748) a desert <2048> place <5117>, and <2532> the time <5610> is now <2235> past <3928> (5627); send <0630> <0> the multitude <3793> away <0630> (5657), that <2443> they may go <0565> (5631) into <1519> the villages <2968>, and buy <0059> (5661) {themselves} <1438> victuals <1033>.

themselves ^ Mar_08_16 And <2532> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), It is because <3754> we have <2192> (5719) no <3756> bread <0740>.

themselves ^ Mar_09_08 And <2532> suddenly <1819>, when they had looked round about <4017> (5671), they saw <1492> (5627) no man <3762> any more <3765>, save <0235> Jesus <2424> only <3441> with <3326> {themselves} <1438>.

themselves ^ 2Ti_02_26 And <2532> that they may recover {themselves} <0366> (5661) out of <1537> the snare <3803> of the devil <1228>, who are taken captive <2221> (5772) by <5259> him <0846> at <1519> his <1565> will <2307>.

themselves ^ Act_05_36 For <1063> before <4253> these <5130> days <2250> rose up <0450> (5627) Theudas <2333>, boasting <3004> (5723) himself <1438> to be <1511> (5750) somebody <5100>; to whom <3739> a number <0706> of men <0435>, about <5616> four hundred <5071>, joined {themselves} <4347> (5681): who <3739> was slain <0337> (5681); and <2532> all <3956>, as many as <3745> obeyed <3982> (5712) him <0846>, were scattered <1262> (5681), and <2532> brought <1096> (5633) to <1519> nought <3762>.

themselves ^ Act_11_26 And <2532> when he had found <2147> (5631) him <0846>, he brought <0071> (5627) him <0846> unto <1519> Antioch <0490>. And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that a whole <3650> year <1763> they <0846> assembled {themselves} <4863> (5683) with <1722> the church <1577>, and <2532> taught <1321> (5658) much <2425> people <3793>. And <5037> the disciples <3101> were called <5537> (5658) Christians <5546> first <4412> in <1722> Antioch <0490>.

themselves ^ Act_24_15 And have <2192> (5723) hope <1680> toward <1519> God <2316>, which <3739> they <3778> {themselves} <0846> also <2532> allow <4327> (5736), that there shall be <3195> (5721) <1510> (5705) a resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498>, both <5037> of the just <1342> and <2532> unjust <0094>.

themselves ^ Act_27_40 And <2532> when they had taken up <4014> (5631) the anchors <0045>, they committed <1439> (5707) {themselves} unto <1519> the sea <2281>, and <0260> loosed <0447> (5631) the rudder <4079> bands <2202>, and <2532> hoised up <1869> (5660) the mainsail <0736> to the wind <4154> (5723), and made <2722> (5707) toward <1519> shore <0123>.

themselves ^ Joh_18_28 Then <3767> led they <0071> (5719) Jesus <2424> from <0575> Caiaphas <2533> unto <1519> the hall of judgment <4232>: and <1161> it was <2258> (5713) early <4405>; and <2532> they {themselves} <0846> went <1525> (5627) not <3756> into <1519> the judgment hall <4232>, lest <3363> they should be defiled <3392> (5686); but <0235> that <2443> they might eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957>.

themselves ^ Joh_19_24 They said <2036> (5627) therefore <3767> among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, Let us <4977> <0> not <3361> rend <4977> (5661) it <0846>, but <0235> cast lots <2975> (5632) for <4012> it <0846>, whose <5101> it shall be <2071> (5704): that <2443> the scripture <1124> might be fulfilled <4137> (5686), which <3588> saith <3004> (5723), They parted <1266> (5668) my <3450> raiment <2440> among them <1438>, and <2532> for <1909> my <3450> vesture <2441> they did cast <0906> (5627) lots <2819>. These things <5023> <3303> therefore <3767> the soldiers <4757> did <4160> (5656).

themselves ^ 2Pe_02_19 While they promise <1861> (5740) them <0846> liberty <1657>, they {themselves} <0846> are <5225> (5723) the servants <1401> of corruption <5356>: for <1063> of whom <3739> a man <5100> is overcome <2274> (5766), <2532> of the same <5129> is he brought in bondage <1402> (5769).

themselves ^ 2Ti_04_03 For <1063> the time <2540> will come <2071> (5704) when <3753> they will <0430> <0> not <3756> endure <0430> (5695) sound <5198> (5723) doctrine <1319>; but <0235> after <2596> their own <2398> lusts <1939> shall they heap <2002> (5692) to {themselves} <1438> teachers <1320>, having itching <2833> (5746) ears <0189>;

themselves ^ Mar_15_31 Likewise <1161> <3668> also <2532> the chief priests <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) said <3004> (5707) among <4314> {themselves} <0240> with <3326> the scribes <1122>, He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658).

themselves ^ Mar_14_04 And <1161> there were <2258> (5713) some <5100> that had indignation <0023> (5723) within <4314> {themselves} <1438>, and <2532> said <3004> (5723), Why <1519> <5101> was <1096> <0> this <3778> waste <0684> of the ointment <3464> made <1096> (5754)?

themselves ^ Mar_09_10 And <2532> they kept <2902> (5656) that saying <3056> with <4314> {themselves} <1438>, questioning one with another <4802> (5723) what <5101> the rising <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498> should mean <2076> (5748).

themselves ^ Act_27_43 But <1161> the centurion <1543>, willing <1014> (5740) to save <1295> (5658) Paul <3972>, kept <2967> (5656) them <0846> from their purpose <1013>; and <5037> commanded <2753> (5656) that they which could <1410> (5740) swim <2860> (5721) should cast <0641> (5660) {themselves} first <4413> into the sea, and get <1826> (5750) to <1909> land <1093>:

themselves ^ Mar_16_03 And <2532> they said <3004> (5707) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, Who <5101> shall roll <0617> <0> us <2254> away <0617> (5692) the stone <3037> from <1537> the door <2374> of the sepulchre <3419>?

themselves ^ 1Co_16_15 <1161> I beseech <3870> (5719) you <5209>, brethren <0080>, (ye know <1492> (5758) the house <3614> of Stephanas <4734>, that <3754> it is <2076> (5748) the firstfruits <0536> of Achaia <0882>, and <2532> that they have addicted <5021> (5656) {themselves} <1438> to <1519> the ministry <1248> of the saints <0040>,)

themselves ^ 1Ti_02_09 In like manner <5615> also <2532>, that women <1135> adorn <2885> (5721) {themselves} <1438> in <1722> modest <2887> apparel <2689>, with <3326> shamefacedness <0127> and <2532> sobriety <4997>; not <3361> with <1722> broided hair <4117>, or <2228> gold <5557>, or <2228> pearls <3135>, or <2228> costly <4185> array <2441>;

themselves ^ 1Ti_06_19 Laying up in store <0597> (5723) for {themselves} <1438> a good <2570> foundation <2310> against <1519> the time to come <3195> (5723), that <2443> they may lay hold on <1949> (5638) eternal <0166> life <2222>.

themselves ^ 2Ti_02_25 In <1722> meekness <4236> instructing <3811> (5723) those that oppose {themselves} <0475> (5734); if <3379> <0> God <2316> peradventure <3379> will give <1325> (5632) them <0846> repentance <3341> to <1519> the acknowledging <1922> of the truth <0225>;

themselves ^ Act_15_32 And Judas <2455> and <2532> Silas <4609>, being <5607> (5752) prophets <4396> also <2532> {themselves} <0846>, exhorted <3870> (5656) the brethren <0080> with <1223> many <4183> words <3056>, and <2532> confirmed <1991> (5656) them.

themselves ^ Act_16_37 But <1161> Paul <3972> said <5346> (5713) unto <4314> them <0846>, They have beaten <1194> (5660) us <2248> openly <1219> uncondemned <0178>, being <5225> (5723) Romans <4514> <0444>, and have cast <0906> (5627) us into <1519> prison <5438>; and <2532> now <3568> do they thrust <1544> <0> us <2248> out <1544> (5719) privily <2977>? nay <3756> verily <1063>; but <0235> let them come <2064> (5631) {themselves} <0846> and fetch <1806> <0> us <2248> out <1806> (5628).

themselves ^ Act_23_21 But <3767> do <3982> <0> not <3361> thou <4771> yield <3982> (5686) unto them <0846>: for <1063> there lie in wait for <1748> (5719) him <0846> of <1537> them <0846> more than <4119> forty <5062> men <0435>, which <3748> have bound <0332> <0> {themselves} <1438> with an oath <0332> (5656), that they will <5315> <0> neither <3383> eat <5315> (5629) nor <3383> drink <4095> (5629) till <2193> <3739> they have killed <0337> (5661) him <0846>: and <2532> now <3568> are they <1526> (5748) ready <2092>, looking for <4327> (5740) a promise <1860> from <0575> thee <4675>.

themselves ^ Joh_12_19 The Pharisees <5330> therefore <3767> said <2036> (5627) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, Perceive ye <2334> (5719) (5720) how <3754> ye prevail <5623> (5719) nothing <3756> <3762>? behold <2396>, the world <2889> is gone <0565> (5627) after <3694> him <0846>.

themselves ^ Luk_04_36 And <2532> they were <1096> (5633) all <1909> <3956> amazed <2285>, and <2532> spake <4814> (5707) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> a word <3056> is this <3778>! for <3754> with <1722> authority <1849> and <2532> power <1411> he commandeth <2004> (5719) the unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, and <2532> they come out <1831> (5736).

themselves ^ Luk_07_30 But <1161> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> lawyers <3544> rejected <0114> (5656) the counsel <1012> of God <2316> against <1519> {themselves} <1438>, being <0907> <0> not <3361> baptized <0907> (5685) of <5259> him <0846>.

themselves ^ Luk_07_49 And <2532> they that sat at meat with him <4873> (5740) began <0756> (5662) to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> {themselves} <1438>, Who <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <3778> that <3739> forgiveth <0863> (5719) sins <0266> also <2532>?

themselves ^ Mar_12_07 But <1161> those <1565> husbandmen <1092> said <2036> (5627) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, This <3754> <3778> is <2076> (5748) the heir <2818>; come <1205> (5773), let us kill <0615> (5725) him <0846>, and <2532> the inheritance <2817> shall be <2071> (5704) ours <2257>.

themselves ^ Mar_10_26 And <1161> they were astonished <1605> (5712) out of measure <4057>, saying <3004> (5723) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, <2532> Who <5101> then can <1410> (5736) be saved <4982> (5683)?

themselves ^ Mar_06_51 And <2532> he went up <0305> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846> into <1519> the ship <4143>; and <2532> the wind <0417> ceased <2869> (5656): and <2532> they were sore <3029> amazed <1839> (5710) in <1722> {themselves} <1438> beyond <1537> measure <4053>, and <2532> wondered <2296> (5707).

themselves ^ Mat_09_03 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), certain <5100> of the scribes <1122> said <2036> (5627) within <1722> {themselves} <1438>, This <3778> man blasphemeth <0987> (5719).

themselves ^ Mat_14_02 And <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto his <0846> servants <3816>, This <3778> is <2076> (5748) John <2491> the Baptist <0910>; he <0846> is risen <1453> (5681) from <0575> the dead <3498>; and <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> mighty works <1411> do shew forth {themselves} <1754> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>.

themselves ^ Luk_20_05 And <1161> they reasoned <4817> (5662) with <4314> {themselves} <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> If <1437> we shall say <2036> (5632), From <1537> heaven <3772>; he will say <2046> (5692), Why <1302> then <3767> believed ye <4100> (5656) him <0846> not <3756>?

themselves ^ Mar_09_34 But <1161> they held their peace <4623> (5707): for <1063> by <1722> the way <3598> they had disputed <1256> (5675) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, who <5101> should be the greatest <3187>.

themselves ^ Mat_19_12 For <1063> there are <1526> (5748) some eunuchs <2135>, which <3748> were so <3779> born <1080> (5681) from <1537> their mother's <3384> womb <2836>: and <2532> there are <1526> (5748) some eunuchs <2135>, which <3748> were made eunuchs <2134> (5656) of <5259> men <0444>: and <2532> there be <1526> (5748) eunuchs <2135>, which <3748> have made <2134> <0> {themselves} <1438> eunuchs <2134> (5656) for <1223> the kingdom <0932> of heaven's sake <3772>. He that is able <1410> (5740) to receive <5562> (5721) it, let him receive <5562> (5720) it.

themselves ^ Act_23_12 And <1161> when it was <1096> (5637) day <2250>, certain <5100> of the Jews <2453> banded together <4160> (5660) <4963>, and bound <0332> <0> {themselves} <1438> under a curse <0332> (5656), saying <3004> (5723) that they would <5315> <0> neither <3383> eat <5315> (5629) nor <3383> drink <4095> (5629) till <2193> <3739> they had killed <0615> (5725) Paul <3972>.

themselves ^ Heb_06_06 If <2532> they shall fall away <3895> (5631), to renew them <0340> (5721) again <3825> unto <1519> repentance <3341>; seeing they crucify <0388> <0> to {themselves} <1438> the Son <5207> of God <2316> afresh <0388> (5723), and <2532> put him to an open shame <3856> (5723).

themselves ^ Jde_01_19 These <3778> be <1526> (5748) they who separate <0592> (5723) {themselves} <1438>, sensual <5591>, having <2192> (5723) not <3361> the Spirit <4151>.

themselves ^ Mar_11_31 And <2532> they reasoned <3049> (5711) with <4314> {themselves} <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> we shall say <2036> (5632), From <1537> heaven <3772>; he will say <2046> (5692), Why <1302> then <3767> did ye <4100> <0> not <3756> believe <4100> (5656) him <0846>?

themselves ^ Mar_06_30 And <2532> the apostles <0652> gathered {themselves} together <4863> (5743) unto <4314> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> told <0518> (5656) him <0846> all things <3956>, both <2532> what <3745> they had done <4160> (5656), and <2532> what <3745> they had taught <1321> (5656).

themselves ^ Mat_21_25 The baptism <0908> of John <2491>, whence <4159> was it <2258> (5713)? from <1537> heaven <3772>, or <2228> of <1537> men <0444>? And <1161> they reasoned <1260> (5711) with <3844> {themselves} <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> we shall say <2036> (5632), From <1537> heaven <3772>; he will say <2046> (5692) unto us <2254>, Why <1302> did ye <4100> <0> not <3756> then <3767> believe <4100> (5656) him <0846>?

themselves ^ Mat_21_38 But <1161> when the husbandmen <1092> saw <1492> (5631) the son <5207>, they said <2036> (5627) among <1722> {themselves} <1438>, This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the heir <2818>; come <1205> (5773), let us kill <0615> (5725) him <0846>, and <2532> let us seize <2722> (5632) on his <0846> inheritance <2817>.

themselves ^ Act_26_31 And <2532> when they were gone aside <0402> (5660), they talked <2980> (5707) between <4314> {themselves} <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> This <3778> man <0444> doeth <4238> (5719) nothing <3762> worthy <0514> of death <2288> or <2228> of bonds <1199>.

themselves ^ Gal_06_13 For <1063> neither <3761> they {themselves} <0846> who are circumcised <4059> (5746) keep <5442> (5719) the law <3551>; but <0235> desire <2309> (5719) to have <4059> <0> you <5209> circumcised <4059> (5745), that <2443> they may glory <2744> (5667) in <1722> your <5212> flesh <4561>.

themselves ^ Heb_09_23 It was therefore <3767> necessary <0318> that the patterns <5262> of things <3303> in <1722> the heavens <3772> should be purified <2511> (5745) with these <5125>; but <1161> the heavenly things <2032> {themselves} <0846> with better <2909> sacrifices <2378> than <3844> these <5025>.

themselves ^ Joh_06_52 The Jews <2453> therefore <3767> strove <3164> (5711) among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), How <4459> can <1410> (5736) this man <3778> give <1325> (5629) us <2254> his flesh <4561> to eat <5315> (5629)?

themselves ^ Joh_11_55 And <1161> the Jews <2453> passover <3957> was <2258> (5713) nigh at hand <1451>: and <2532> many <4183> went <0305> (5627) out of <1537> the country <5561> up <1519> to Jerusalem <2414> before <4253> the passover <3957>, to <2443> purify <0048> (5661) {themselves} <1438>.

themselves ^ Joh_16_17 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) some of <1537> his <0846> disciples <3101> among <4314> {themselves} <0240>, What <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <5124> that <3739> he saith <3004> (5719) unto us <2254>, A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> again <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>: and <2532>, Because <3754> I <1473> go <5217> (5719) to <4314> the Father <3962>?

themselves ^ Luk_18_09 And <1161> he spake <2036> (5627) <2532> this <5026> parable <3850> unto <4314> certain <5100> which <3588> trusted <3982> (5756) in <1909> {themselves} <1438> that <3754> they were <1526> (5748) righteous <1342>, and <2532> despised <1848> (5723) others <3062>:

themselves ^ Mar_06_36 Send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5657), that <2443> they may go <0565> (5631) into <1519> the country <0068> round about <2945>, and <2532> into the villages <2968>, and buy <0059> (5661) {themselves} <1438> bread <0740>: for <1063> they have <2192> (5719) nothing <5101> <3756> to eat <5315> (5632).

themselves ^ Rom_02_14 For <1063> when <3752> the Gentiles <1484>, which <3588> have <2192> (5723) not <3361> the law <3551>, do <4160> (5725) by nature <5449> the things <3588> contained in the law <3551>, these <3778>, having <2192> (5723) not <3361> the law <3551>, are <1526> (5748) a law <3551> unto {themselves} <1438>:

themselves ^ Rom_01_27 And <5037> likewise <3668> also <2532> the men <0730>, leaving <0863> (5631) the natural <5446> use <5540> of the woman <2338>, burned <1572> (5681) in <1722> their <0846> lust <3715> one toward another <1519> <0240>; men <0730> with <1722> men <0730> working <2716> (5740) that which is unseemly <0808>, and <2532> receiving <0618> (5723) in <1722> {themselves} <1438> that recompence <0489> of their <0846> error <4106> which <3739> was meet <1163> (5713).

themselves ^ Tit_01_12 One <5100> of <1537> {themselves} <0846>, even a prophet <4396> of their <0846> own <2398>, said <2036> (5627), The Cretians <2912> are alway <0104> liars <5583>, evil <2556> beasts <2342>, slow <0692> bellies <1064>.

themselves ^ Luk_20_20 And <2532> they watched <3906> (5660) him, and sent forth <0649> (5656) spies <1455>, which should feign <5271> (5740) <1511> (5750) {themselves} <1438> just men <1342>, that <2443> they might take hold <1949> (5638) of his <0846> words <3056>, that so <1519> they might deliver <3860> (5629) him <0846> unto the power <0746> and <2532> authority <1849> of the governor <2232>.

themselves ^ Joh_07_35 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) the Jews <2453> among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, Whither <4226> will <3195> (5719) he <3778> go <4198> (5738), that <3754> we <2249> shall <2147> <0> not <3756> find <2147> (5692) him <0846>? will <3361> <3195> (5719) he go <4198> (5738) unto <1519> the dispersed <1290> among the Gentiles <1672>, and <2532> teach <1321> (5721) the Gentiles <1672>?

themselves ^ Joh_11_56 Then <3767> sought they for <2212> (5707) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> spake <3004> (5707) among <3326> {themselves} <0240>, as they stood <2476> (5761) in <1722> the temple <2411>, What <5101> think <1380> (5719) ye <5213>, that <3754> he will <2064> <0> not <3364> come <2064> (5632) to <1519> the feast <1859>?

themselves ^ Luk_22_23 And <2532> they <0846> began <0756> (5662) to enquire <4802> (5721) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, which <5101> <0686> of <1537> them <0846> it was <1498> (5751) that should <3195> (5723) do <4238> (5721) this thing <5124>.

themselves ^ Rev_06_15 And <2532> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> the great men <3175>, and <2532> the rich men <4145>, and <2532> the chief captains <5506>, and <2532> the mighty men <1415>, and <2532> every <3956> bondman <1401>, and <2532> every <3956> free man <1658>, hid <2928> (5656) {themselves} <1438> in <1519> the dens <4693> and <2532> in <1519> the rocks <4073> of the mountains <3735>;

themselves ^ Rom_01_22 Professing {themselves} <5335> (5723) to be <1511> (5750) wise <4680>, they became fools <3471> (5681),

themselves ^ Act_21_25 As <1161> touching <4012> the Gentiles <1484> which believe <4100> (5761), we <2249> have written <1989> (5656) and concluded <2919> (5660) that they <0846> observe <5083> (5721) no <3367> such thing <5108>, save only <1508> that they keep <5442> (5733) {themselves} <0846> from <5037> things offered to idols <1494>, and <2532> from blood <0129>, and <2532> from strangled <4156>, and <2532> from fornication <4202>.

themselves ^ Mar_06_14 And <2532> king <0935> Herod <2264> heard <0191> (5656) of him; (for <1063> his <0846> name <3686> was <1096> (5633) spread abroad <5318>:) and <2532> he said <3004> (5707), That <3754> John <2491> the Baptist <0907> (5723) was risen <1453> (5681) from <1537> the dead <3498>, and <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> mighty works <1411> do shew forth {themselves} <1754> (5719) in <1722> him <0846>.

themselves ^ Mat_23_04 For <1063> they bind <1195> (5719) heavy <0926> burdens <5413> and <2532> grievous to be borne <1419>, and <2532> lay <2007> (5719) them on <1909> men's <0444> shoulders <5606>; but <1161> they {themselves} will <2309> (5719) not <3756> move <2795> (5658) them <0846> with one of their <0846> fingers <1147>.

themselves ^ Rev_08_06 And <2532> the seven <2033> angels <0032> which <3588> had <2192> (5723) the seven <2033> trumpets <4536> prepared <2090> (5656) {themselves} <1438> to <2443> sound <4537> (5661).

themselves ^ Rom_01_24 Wherefore <1352> God <2316> also <2532> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) to <1519> uncleanness <0167> through <1722> the lusts <1939> of their own <0846> hearts <2588>, to dishonour <0818> (5729) their own <0846> bodies <4983> between <1722> {themselves} <1438>:

themselves ^ Luk_20_14 But <1161> when the husbandmen <1092> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846>, they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <4314> {themselves} <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the heir <2818>: come <1205> (5773), let us kill <0615> (5725) him <0846>, that <2443> the inheritance <2817> may be <1096> (5638) ours <2257>.

themselves ^ Luk_23_12 And <1161> <3739> the same <1722> <0846> day <2250> Pilate <4091> and <2532> Herod <2264> were made <1096> (5633) friends <5384> together <3326> <5037> <0240>: for <1063> before <4391> (5707) they were <5607> (5752) at <1722> enmity <2189> between <4314> {themselves} <1438>.

themselves ^ Act_18_06 And <1161> when they opposed <0498> (5734) {themselves} <0846>, and <2532> blasphemed <0987> (5723), he shook <1621> (5671) his raiment <2440>, and said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Your <5216> blood <0129> be upon <1909> your <5216> own heads <2776>; I <1473> am clean <2513>: from <0575> henceforth <3568> I will go <4198> (5695) unto <1519> the Gentiles <1484>.

themselves ^ Php_02_03 Let nothing <3367> be done through <2596> strife <2052> or <2228> vainglory <2754>; but <0235> in lowliness of mind <5012> let <2233> <0> each <0240> <0> esteem <2233> (5740) other <0240> better than <5242> (5723) {themselves} <1438>.

themselves ^ Mar_01_27 And <2532> they were <2284> <0> all <3956> amazed <2284> (5681), insomuch that <5620> they questioned <4802> (5721) among <4314> {themselves} <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), What thing <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <3778>? what <5101> new <2537> doctrine <1322> is this <5124>? for <3754> with <2596> authority <1849> commandeth <2004> (5719) he even <2532> the unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, and <2532> they do obey <5219> (5719) him <0846>.

themselves ^ Rom_10_03 For <1063> they being ignorant <0050> (5723) of God's <2316> righteousness <1343>, and <2532> going about <2212> (5723) to establish <2476> (5658) their own <2398> righteousness <1343>, have <5293> <0> not <3756> submitted {themselves} <5293> (5648) unto the righteousness <1343> of God <2316>.

themselves ^ Luk_24_12 Then <1161> arose <0450> (5631) Peter <4074>, and ran <5143> (5627) unto <1909> the sepulchre <3419>; and <2532> stooping down <3879> (5660), he beheld <0991> (5719) the linen clothes <3608> laid <2749> (5740) by {themselves} <3441>, and <2532> departed <0565> (5627), wondering <2296> (5723) in <4314> himself <1438> at that which was come to pass <1096> (5756).

themselves ^ Rom_13_02 Whosoever therefore <5620> resisteth <0498> (5734) the power <1849>, resisteth <0436> (5758) the ordinance <1296> of God <2316>: and <1161> they that resist <0436> (5761) shall receive <2983> (5695) to {themselves} <1438> damnation <2917>.

themselves ^ Mar_04_17 And <2532> have <2192> (5719) no <3756> root <4491> in <1722> {themselves} <1438>, and <0235> so endure <1526> (5748) but for a time <4340>: afterward <1534>, when affliction <2347> or <2228> persecution <1375> ariseth <1096> (5637) for <1223> the word's sake <3056>, immediately <2112> they are offended <4624> (5743).

themselves ^ Mar_02_08 And <2532> immediately <2112> when Jesus <2424> perceived <1921> (5631) in his <0846> spirit <4151> that <3754> they so <3779> reasoned <1260> (5736) within <1722> {themselves} <1438>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736) these things <5023> in <1722> your <5216> hearts <2588>?

yourselves ^ Rev_19_17 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) an <1520> angel <0032> standing <2476> (5761) in <1722> the sun <2246>; and <2532> he cried <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723) to all <3956> the fowls <3732> that fly <4072> (5740) in <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, Come <1205> (5773) and <2532> gather {yourselves} together <4863> (5744) unto <1519> the supper <1173> of the great <3173> God <2316>;

yourselves ^ 1Co_16_16 <2532> That <2443> ye <5210> submit {yourselves} <5293> (5747) unto such <5108>, and <2532> to every one <3956> that helpeth <4903> (5723) with us, and <2532> laboureth <2872> (5723).

yourselves ^ 1Co_07_05 Defraud ye <0650> (5720) not <3361> one the other <0240>, except <1509> <0302> it be <5100> with <1537> consent <4859> for <4314> a time <2540>, that <2443> ye may give {yourselves} <4980> (5725) to fasting <3521> and <2532> prayer <4335>; and <2532> come <4905> (5741) together <1909> <0846> again <3825>, that <3363> <0> Satan <4567> tempt <3985> (5725) you <5209> not <3363> for <1223> your <5216> incontinency <0192>.

yourselves ^ Rom_06_13 Neither <3366> yield ye <3936> (5720) your <5216> members <3196> as instruments <3696> of unrighteousness <0093> unto sin <0266>: but <0235> yield <3936> (5657) {yourselves} <1438> unto God <2316>, as <5613> those that are alive <2198> (5723) from <1537> the dead <3498>, and <2532> your <5216> members <3196> as instruments <3696> of righteousness <1343> unto God <2316>.

yourselves ^ Rom_06_16 Know ye <1492> (5758) not <3756>, that <3754> to whom <3739> ye yield <3936> (5719) {yourselves} <1438> servants <1401> to <1519> obey <5218>, his servants <1401> ye are <2075> (5748) to whom <3739> ye obey <5219> (5719); whether <2273> of sin <0266> unto <1519> death <2288>, or <2228> of obedience <5218> unto <1519> righteousness <1343>?

yourselves ^ Rom_12_19 Dearly beloved <0027>, avenge <1556> (5723) not <3361> {yourselves} <1438>, but <0235> rather give <1325> (5628) place <5117> unto wrath <3709>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), Vengeance <1557> is mine <1698>; I <1473> will repay <0467> (5692), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>.

yourselves ^ Luk_12_57 Yea <1161>, and why <5101> even <2532> of <0575> {yourselves} <1438> judge ye <2919> (5719) not <3756> what is right <1342>?

yourselves ^ 1Co_11_13 Judge <2919> (5657) in <1722> {yourselves} <5213> <0846>: is it <2076> (5748) comely <4241> (5723) that a woman <1135> pray <4336> (5738) unto God <2316> uncovered <0177>?

yourselves ^ Jam_04_10 Humble {yourselves} <5013> (5682) in the sight <1799> of the Lord <2962>, and <2532> he shall lift <5312> <0> you <5209> up <5312> (5692).

yourselves ^ Luk_11_52 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, lawyers <3544>! for <3754> ye have taken away <0142> (5656) the key <2807> of knowledge <1108>: ye entered <1525> <0> not <3756> in <1525> (5627) {yourselves} <0846>, and <2532> them that were entering in <1525> (5740) ye hindered <2967> (5656).

yourselves ^ Eph_05_22 Wives <1135>, submit {yourselves} <5293> (5732) unto your own <2398> husbands <0435>, as <5613> unto the Lord <2962>.

yourselves ^ Luk_12_36 And <2532> ye {yourselves} <5210> like <3664> unto men <0444> that wait <4327> (5740) for their <1438> lord <2962>, when <4219> he will return <0360> (5692) from <1537> the wedding <1062>; that <2443> when he cometh <2064> (5631) and <2532> knocketh <2925> (5660), they may open <0455> (5661) unto him <0846> immediately <2112>.

yourselves ^ 1Co_05_13 But <1161> them that are without <1854> God <2316> judgeth <2919> (5692). Therefore <2532> put away <1808> (5692) from <1537> among {yourselves} <5216> that <0846> wicked person <4190>.

yourselves ^ 1Co_06_07 Now <2235> therefore <3303> <3767> there is <2076> (5748) utterly <3654> a fault <2275> among <1722> you <5213>, because <3754> ye go <2192> (5719) to law <2917> one with <3326> another <1438>. Why <1302> do ye <0091> <0> not <3780> rather <3123> take wrong <0091> (5743)? why <1302> do ye <0650> <0> not <3780> rather <3123> suffer {yourselves} to be defrauded <0650> (5743)?

yourselves ^ 1Jo_05_21 Little children <5040>, keep <5442> (5657) {yourselves} <1438> from <0575> idols <1497>. Amen <0281>.

yourselves ^ 1Th_03_03 That no man <3367> should be moved <4525> (5745) by <1722> these <5025> afflictions <2347>: for <1063> {yourselves} <0846> know <1492> (5758) that <3754> we are appointed <2749> (5736) thereunto <1519> <5124>.

yourselves ^ Eph_05_21 Submitting {yourselves} <5293> (5746) one to another <0240> in <1722> the fear <5401> of God <2316>.

yourselves ^ Eph_02_08 For <1063> by grace <5485> are ye <2075> (5748) saved <4982> (5772) through <1223> faith <4102>; and <2532> that <5124> not <3756> of <1537> {yourselves} <5216>: it is the gift <1435> of God <2316>:

yourselves ^ Heb_10_34 For <2532> <1063> ye had compassion <4834> (5656) of me in my <3450> bonds <1199>, and <2532> took <4327> (5662) joyfully <3326> <5479> the spoiling <0724> of your <5216> goods <5224> (5723), knowing <1097> (5723) in <1722> {yourselves} <1438> that ye have <2192> (5721) in <1722> heaven <3772> a better <2909> and <2532> an enduring <3306> (5723) substance <5223>.

yourselves ^ Heb_13_03 Remember <3403> (5737) them that are in bonds <1198>, as <5613> bound with them <4887> (5772); and them which suffer adversity <2558> (5746), as <5613> being <5607> (5752) {yourselves} <0846> also <2532> in <1722> the body <4983>.

yourselves ^ Joh_16_19 Now <3767> Jesus <2424> knew <1097> (5627) that <3754> they were desirous <2309> (5707) to ask <2065> (5721) him <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Do ye enquire <2212> (5719) among <3326> {yourselves} <0240> of <4012> that <5127> <3754> I said <2036> (5627), A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> again <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>?

yourselves ^ Rom_06_11 Likewise <3779> reckon <3049> (5737) ye <5210> also <2532> {yourselves} <1438> to be <1511> (5750) dead <3498> indeed <3303> unto sin <0266>, but <1161> alive <2198> (5723) unto God <2316> through <1722> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> our <2257> Lord <2962>.

yourselves ^ Col_03_18 Wives <1135>, submit {yourselves} <5293> (5732) unto your own <2398> husbands <0435>, as <5613> it is fit <0433> (5707) in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

yourselves ^ Joh_03_28 Ye <5210> {yourselves} <0846> bear <3140> <0> me <3427> witness <3140> (5719), that <3754> I said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) not <3756> the Christ <5547>, but <0235> that <3754> I am <1510> (5748) sent <0649> (5772) before <1715> him <1565>.

yourselves ^ Luk_12_33 Sell <4453> (5657) that ye <5216> have <5224> (5723), and <2532> give <1325> (5628) alms <1654>; provide <4160> (5657) {yourselves} <1438> bags <0905> which wax <3822> <0> not <3361> old <3822> (5746), a treasure <2344> in <1722> the heavens <3772> that faileth not <0413>, where <3699> no <3756> thief <2812> approacheth <1448> (5719), neither <3761> moth <4597> corrupteth <1311> (5719).

yourselves ^ Mat_25_09 But <1161> the wise <5429> answered <0611> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Not so; lest <3379> there be <0714> <0> not <3756> enough <0714> (5661) for us <2254> and <2532> you <5213>: but <1161> go ye <4198> (5737) rather <3123> to them <4314> that sell <4453> (5723), and <2532> buy <0059> (5657) for {yourselves} <1438>.

yourselves ^ 1Th_04_09 But <1161> as touching <4012> brotherly love <5360> ye need <2192> (5719) <5532> not <3756> that I write <1125> (5721) unto you <5213>: for <1063> ye <5210> {yourselves} <0846> are <2075> (5748) taught of God <2312> to <1519> love <0025> (5721) one another <0240>.

yourselves ^ Act_20_34 Yea <1161>, ye {yourselves} <0846> know <1097> (5719), that <3754> these <3778> hands <5495> have ministered <5256> (5656) unto my <3450> necessities <5532>, and <2532> to them that were <5607> (5752) with <3326> me <1700>.

yourselves ^ Mat_23_15 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye compass <4013> (5719) sea <2281> and <2532> land <3584> to make <4160> (5658) one <1520> proselyte <4339>, and <2532> when <3752> he is made <1096> (5638), ye make <4160> (5719) him <0846> twofold more <1362> the child <5207> of hell <1067> than {yourselves} <5216>.

yourselves ^ Mat_23_31 Wherefore <5620> ye be witnesses <3140> (5719) unto {yourselves} <1438>, that <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) the children <5207> of them which killed <5407> (5660) the prophets <4396>.

yourselves ^ Mat_06_20 But <1161> lay up <2343> (5720) for {yourselves} <5213> treasures <2344> in <1722> heaven <3772>, where <3699> neither <3777> moth <4597> nor <3777> rust <1035> doth corrupt <0853> (5719), and <2532> where <3699> thieves <2812> do <1358> <0> not <3756> break through <1358> (5719) nor <3761> steal <2813> (5719):

yourselves ^ Mat_03_09 And <2532> think <1380> (5661) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> {yourselves} <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) Abraham <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto Abraham <0011>.

yourselves ^ Act_20_10 And <1161> Paul <3972> went down <2597> (5631), and fell on <1968> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> embracing <4843> (5631) him said <2036> (5627), Trouble <2350> <0> not <3361> {yourselves} <2350> (5744); for <1063> his <0846> life <5590> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> him <0846>.

yourselves ^ Eph_05_19 Speaking <2980> (5723) to {yourselves} <1438> in psalms <5568> and <2532> hymns <5215> and <2532> spiritual <4152> songs <5603>, singing <0103> (5723) and <2532> making melody <5567> (5723) in <1722> your <5216> heart <2588> to the Lord <2962>;

yourselves ^ Act_20_28 Take heed <4337> (5720) therefore <3767> unto {yourselves} <1438>, and <2532> to all <3956> the flock <4168>, over <1722> the which <3739> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> hath made <5087> (5639) you <5209> overseers <1985>, to feed <4165> (5721) the church <1577> of God <2316>, which <3739> he hath purchased <4046> (5668) with <1223> his own <2398> blood <0129>.

yourselves ^ Luk_17_14 And <2532> when he saw <1492> (5631) them, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Go <4198> (5679) shew <1925> (5657) {yourselves} <1438> unto the priests <2409>. And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, as they <0846> went <5217> (5721) <1722>, they were cleansed <2511> (5681).

yourselves ^ Luk_21_34 And <1161> take heed <4337> (5720) to {yourselves} <1438>, lest at any time <3379> your <5216> hearts <2588> be overcharged <0925> (5686) with <1722> surfeiting <2897>, and <2532> drunkenness <3178>, and <2532> cares <3308> of this life <0982>, and <2532> so that <1565> day <2250> come <2186> (5632) upon <1909> you <5209> unawares <0160>.

yourselves ^ Luk_23_28 But <1161> Jesus <2424> turning <4762> (5651) unto <4314> them <0846> said <2036> (5627), Daughters <2364> of Jerusalem <2419>, weep <2799> (5720) not <3361> for <1909> me <1691>, but <4133> weep <2799> (5720) for <1909> {yourselves} <1438>, and <2532> for <1909> your <5216> children <5043>.

yourselves ^ Mar_06_31 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Come <1205> (5773) ye <5210> {yourselves} <0846> apart <2596> <2398> into <1519> a desert <2048> place <5117>, and <2532> rest <0373> (5732) a while <3641>: for <1063> there were <2258> (5713) many <4183> coming <2064> (5740) and <2532> going <5217> (5723), and <2532> they had no <3761> <0> leisure <2119> (5707) so much as <3761> to eat <5315> (5629).

yourselves ^ Mar_09_33 And <2532> he came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>: and <2532> being <1096> (5637) in <1722> the house <3614> he asked <1905> (5707) them <0846>, What <5101> was it that ye disputed <1260> (5711) among <4314> {yourselves} <1438> by <1722> the way <3598>?

yourselves ^ Mat_16_08 Which when <1161> Jesus <2424> perceived <1097> (5631), he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, O ye of little faith <3640>, why <5101> reason ye <1260> (5736) among <1722> {yourselves} <1438>, because <3754> ye have brought <2983> (5627) no <3756> bread <0740>?

yourselves ^ Mat_23_13 But <1161> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye shut up <2808> (5719) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> against <1715> men <0444>: for <1063> ye <5210> neither <3761> go in <1525> (5736) {yourselves}, neither <3756> suffer ye <0863> (5719) them that are entering <1525> (5740) to go in <1525> (5629).

yourselves ^ Heb_13_17 Obey <3982> (5732) them that have the rule <2233> (5740) over you <5216>, and <2532> submit {yourselves} <5226> (5720): for <1063> they <0846> watch <0069> (5719) for <5228> your <5216> souls <5590>, as <5613> they that must give <0591> (5694) account <3056>, that <2443> they may do <4160> (5725) it <5124> with <3326> joy <5479>, and <2532> not <3361> with grief <4727> (5723): for <1063> that <5124> is unprofitable <0255> for you <5213>.

yourselves ^ Jam_02_04 Are ye <1252> <0> not <3756> then <2532> partial <1252> (5681) in <1722> {yourselves} <1438>, and <2532> are become <1096> (5633) judges <2923> of evil <4190> thoughts <1261>?

yourselves ^ 1Th_05_11 Wherefore <1352> comfort <3870> (5720) {yourselves} together <0240>, and <2532> edify <3618> (5720) one <1520> another <1520>, even <2531> as also <2532> ye do <4160> (5719).

yourselves ^ Act_13_46 Then <1161> Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921> waxed bold <3955> (5666), and said <2036> (5627), It was <2258> (5713) necessary <0316> that the word <3056> of God <2316> should <2980> <0> first <4412> have been spoken <2980> (5683) to you <5213>: but <1161> seeing <1894> ye put <0683> <0> it <0846> from you <0683> (5736), and <2532> judge <2919> (5719) {yourselves} <1438> unworthy <3756> <0514> of everlasting <0166> life <2222>, lo <2400> (5628), we turn <4762> (5743) to <1519> the Gentiles <1484>.

yourselves ^ Act_15_29 That ye abstain <0567> (5733) from meats offered to idols <1494>, and <2532> from blood <0129>, and <2532> from things strangled <4156>, and <2532> from fornication <4202>: from <1537> which <3739> if ye keep <1301> (5723) {yourselves} <1438>, ye shall do <4238> (5692) well <2095>. Fare ye well <4517> (5770).

yourselves ^ Mat_06_19 Lay <2343> <0> not <3361> up <2343> (5720) for {yourselves} <5213> treasures <2344> upon <1909> earth <1093>, where <3699> moth <4597> and <2532> rust <1035> doth corrupt <0853> (5719), and <2532> where <3699> thieves <2812> break through <1358> (5719) and <2532> steal <2813> (5719):

yourselves ^ Jam_04_07 Submit {yourselves} <5293> (5649) therefore <3767> to God <2316>. Resist <0436> (5628) the devil <1228>, and <2532> he will flee <5343> (5695) from <0575> you <5216>.

yourselves ^ Luk_11_46 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Woe <3759> unto you <5213> also <2532>, ye lawyers <3544>! for <3754> ye lade <5412> (5719) men <0444> with burdens <5413> grievous to be borne <1419>, and <2532> ye {yourselves} <0846> touch <4379> (5719) not <3756> the burdens <5413> with one <1520> of your <5216> fingers <1147>.

yourselves ^ Luk_16_15 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) they which justify <1344> (5723) {yourselves} <1438> before <1799> men <0444>; but <1161> God <2316> knoweth <1097> (5719) your <5216> hearts <2588>: for <3754> that which is highly esteemed <5308> among <1722> men <0444> is <2076> (5748) abomination <0946> in the sight <1799> of God <2316>.

yourselves ^ Luk_17_03 Take heed <4337> (5720) to {yourselves} <1438>: If <1161> <1437> thy <4675> brother <0080> trespass <0264> (5632) against <1519> thee <4571>, rebuke <2008> (5657) him <0846>; and <2532> if <1437> he repent <3340> (5661), forgive <0863> (5628) him <0846>.

yourselves ^ Act_02_22 Ye men <0435> of Israel <2475>, hear <0191> (5657) these <5128> words <3056>; Jesus <2424> of Nazareth <3480>, a man <0435> approved <0584> (5772) of <0575> God <2316> among <1519> you <5209> by miracles <1411> and <2532> wonders <5059> and <2532> signs <4592>, which <3739> God <2316> did <4160> (5656) by <1223> him <0846> in <1722> the midst <3319> of you <5216>, as <2531> ye {yourselves} <0846> also <2532> know <1492> (5758):

yourselves ^ Act_05_35 And <5037> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Ye men <0435> of Israel <2475>, take heed <4337> (5720) to {yourselves} <1438> what <5101> ye intend <3195> (5719) to do <4238> (5721) as touching <1909> these <5125> men <0444>.

yourselves ^ Luk_22_17 And <2532> he took <1209> (5666) the cup <4221>, and gave thanks <2168> (5660), and said <2036> (5627), Take <2983> (5628) this <5124>, and <2532> divide <1266> (5657) it among {yourselves} <1438>:

yourselves ^ Mar_13_09 But <1161> take heed <5210> <0991> (5720) to {yourselves} <1438>: for <1063> they shall deliver <3860> <0> you <5209> up <3860> (5692) to <1519> councils <4892>; and <2532> in <1519> the synagogues <4864> ye shall be beaten <1194> (5691): and <2532> ye shall be brought <2476> (5701) (5625) <0071> (5701) before <1909> rulers <2232> and <2532> kings <0935> for my <1700> sake <1752>, for <1519> a testimony <3142> against them <0846>.

yourselves ^ 2Th_03_06 Now <1161> we command <3853> (5719) you <5213>, brethren <0080>, in <1722> the name <3686> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, that ye withdraw <4724> (5733) {yourselves} <5209> from <0575> every <3956> brother <0080> that walketh <4043> (5723) disorderly <0814>, and <2532> not <3361> after <2596> the tradition <3862> which <3739> he received <3880> (5627) of <3844> us <2257>.

yourselves ^ Act_02_40 And <5037> with many <4119> other <2087> words <3056> did he testify <1263> (5711) and <2532> exhort <3870> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Save {yourselves} <4982> (5682) from <0575> this <5026> untoward <4646> generation <1074>.

yourselves ^ 2Co_11_19 For <1063> ye suffer <0430> (5736) fools <0878> gladly <2234>, seeing ye {yourselves} are <5607> (5752) wise <5429>.

yourselves ^ 2Jo_01_08 Look <0991> (5720) to {yourselves} <1438>, that we lose <0622> (5661) not <3363> those things which <3739> we have wrought <2038> (5662), but <0235> that we receive <0618> (5632) a full <4134> reward <3408>.

yourselves ^ Mar_09_50 Salt <0217> is good <2570>: but <1161> if <1437> the salt <0217> have lost <1096> (5638) his saltness <0358>, wherewith <1722> <5101> will ye season <0741> (5692) it <0846>? Have <2192> (5720) salt <0217> in <1722> {yourselves} <1438>, and <2532> have peace <1514> (5720) one <0240> <0> with <1722> another <0240>.

yourselves ^ 2Co_07_11 For <1063> behold <2400> (5628) this <5124> selfsame thing <0846>, that <5209> ye sorrowed <3076> (5683) after <2596> a godly sort <2316>, what <4214> carefulness <4710> it wrought <2716> (5662) in you <5213>, yea <0235>, what clearing of yourselves <0627>, yea <0235>, what indignation <0024>, yea <0235>, what fear <5401>, yea <0235>, what vehement desire <1972>, yea <0235>, what zeal <2205>, yea <0235>, what revenge <1557>! In <1722> all <3956> things ye have approved <4921> (5656) {yourselves} <1438> to be <1511> (5750) clear <0053> in <1722> this matter <4229>.

yourselves ^ 2Th_03_07 For <1063> {yourselves} <0846> know <1492> (5758) how <4459> ye ought <1163> (5748) to follow <3401> (5738) us <2248>: for <3754> we behaved <0812> <0> not <3756> ourselves disorderly <0812> (5656) among <1722> you <5213>;

yourselves ^ 2Co_07_11 For <1063> behold <2400> (5628) this <5124> selfsame thing <0846>, that <5209> ye sorrowed <3076> (5683) after <2596> a godly sort <2316>, what <4214> carefulness <4710> it wrought <2716> (5662) in you <5213>, yea <0235>, what clearing of {yourselves} <0627>, yea <0235>, what indignation <0024>, yea <0235>, what fear <5401>, yea <0235>, what vehement desire <1972>, yea <0235>, what zeal <2205>, yea <0235>, what revenge <1557>! In <1722> all <3956> things ye have approved <4921> (5656) yourselves <1438> to be <1511> (5750) clear <0053> in <1722> this matter <4229>.

yourselves ^ Jde_01_21 Keep <5083> (5657) {yourselves} <1438> in <1722> the love <0026> of God <2316>, looking for <4327> (5740) the mercy <1656> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> unto <1519> eternal <0166> life <2222>.

yourselves ^ Luk_03_08 Bring forth <4160> (5657) therefore <3767> fruits <2590> worthy <0514> of repentance <3341>, and <2532> begin <0756> (5672) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> {yourselves} <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) Abraham <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto Abraham <0011>.

yourselves ^ 2Co_13_05 Examine <3985> (5720) {yourselves} <1438>, whether <1487> ye be <2075> (5748) in <1722> the faith <4102>; prove <1381> (5720) your own selves <1438>. <2228> Know ye <1921> (5719) not <3756> your own selves <1438>, how that <3754> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> you <5213>, except <1509> ye be <2075> (5748) reprobates <5100> <0096>?

yourselves ^ Luk_16_09 And I <2504> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Make <4160> (5657) to {yourselves} <1438> friends <5384> of <1537> the mammon <3126> of unrighteousness <0093>; that <2443>, when <3752> ye fail <1587> (5632), they may receive <1209> (5667) you <5209> into <1519> everlasting <0166> habitations <4633>.

yourselves ^ Joh_06_43 Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Murmur <1111> (5720) not <3361> among <3326> {yourselves} <0240>.

yourselves ^ 1Pe_04_08 And <1161> above <4253> all things <3956> have <2192> (5723) fervent <1618> charity <0026> among <1519> {yourselves} <1438>: for <3754> charity <0026> shall cover <2572> (5692) the multitude <4128> of sins <0266>.

yourselves ^ Luk_13_28 There <1563> shall be <2071> (5704) weeping <2805> and <2532> gnashing <1030> of teeth <3599>, when <3752> ye shall see <3700> (5667) Abraham <0011>, and <2532> Isaac <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, and <2532> all <3956> the prophets <4396>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>, and <1161> you <5209> {yourselves} thrust <1544> (5746) out <1854>.

yourselves ^ 1Pe_01_14 As <5613> obedient <5218> children <5043>, not <3361> fashioning {yourselves} according to <4964> (5730) the former <4386> lusts <1939> in <1722> your <5216> ignorance <0052>:

yourselves ^ 1Th_05_02 For <1063> {yourselves} <0846> know <1492> (5758) perfectly <0199> that <3754> the day <2250> of the Lord <2962> so <3779> cometh <2064> (5736) as <5613> a thief <2812> in <1722> the night <3571>.

yourselves ^ 1Th_05_15 See <3708> (5720) that none <3361> <5100> render <0591> (5632) evil <2556> for <0473> evil <2556> unto any <5100> man; but <0235> ever <3842> follow <1377> (5720) that which <3588> is good <0018>, both <2532> among <1519> {yourselves} <0240>, and <2532> to <1519> all <3956> men.

yourselves ^ Jde_01_20 But <1161> ye <5210>, beloved <0027>, building up <2026> (5723) {yourselves} <1438> on your <5216> most holy <0040> faith <4102>, praying <4336> (5740) in <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>,

yourselves ^ 1Pe_02_13 <3767> Submit {yourselves} <5293> (5649) to every <3956> ordinance <2937> of man <0442> for <1223> the Lord's sake <2962>: whether it be <1535> to the king <0935>, as <5613> supreme <5242> (5723);

yourselves ^ 1Th_02_01 For <1063> {yourselves} <0846>, brethren <0080>, know <1492> (5758) our <2257> entrance in <1529> unto <4314> you <5209>, that <3754> it was <1096> (5754) not <3756> in vain <2756>:

yourselves ^ 1Pe_05_05 Likewise <3668>, ye younger <3501>, submit {yourselves} <5293> (5649) unto the elder <4245>. Yea <1161>, all <3956> of you be subject <5293> (5746) one to another <0240>, and be clothed <1463> (5663) with humility <5012>: for <3754> God <2316> resisteth <0498> (5731) the proud <5244>, and <1161> giveth <1325> (5719) grace <5485> to the humble <5011>.

yourselves ^ 1Pe_05_06 Humble {yourselves} <5013> (5682) therefore <3767> under <5259> the mighty <2900> hand <5495> of God <2316>, that <2443> he may exalt <5312> (5661) you <5209> in <1722> due time <2540>:

yourselves ^ 1Th_05_13 And <2532> to esteem <2233> (5738) them <0846> very <5228> highly <1537> <4053> in <1722> love <0026> for <1223> their <0846> work's sake <2041>. And be at peace <1514> (5720) among <1722> {yourselves} <1438>.

yourselves ^ 1Pe_04_01 Forasmuch then as <3767> Christ <5547> hath suffered <3958> (5631) for <5228> us <2257> in the flesh <4561>, arm <3695> (5669) {yourselves} <5210> likewise <2532> with the same <0846> mind <1771>: for <3754> he that hath suffered <3958> (5631) in <1722> the flesh <4561> hath ceased <3973> (5769) from sin <0266>;