happier , 1CO , 7:40






 happier  Interlinear Index Study

happier 1CO 007 040 But she is {happier} <3107 -makarios -> if

<1437 -ean -> she so <3779 -houto -> abide <3306 -meno -> ,

after <2596 -kata -> my judgment <1106 -gnome -> : and I think

<1380 -dokeo -> also <2504 -kago -> that I have <2192 -echo ->

the Spirit <4151 -pneuma -> of God <2316 -theos -> .



 but she is happier if she so abide      <1CO7  -:40 >

* happier , 3107 ,

* happier , 3107 makarios ,



 happier -3107 blessed, {happier}, happy,







 happier ......... But she is happier 3107 -makarios->







 happier 007 040 ICo                 /${happier /if she so abide

, after my judgment : and I think also that I have the Spirit of

God .





 happier <1CO7 -40> But she is {happier} if she so abide, after


judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

