~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ cheerfulness 2432 ** hilarotes ** {cheerfulness}. ~~~~~~ cheerfulness ......... with cheerfulness 2432 -hilarotes-> ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ cheerfulness 2432 # hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2431; alacrity: -- {cheerfulness}.[ql ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ cheerfulness 1 - ~~~~~~ cheerfulness , RO , 12:8 ~~~~~~ cheerfulness 2432 # hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace}; from 2431; alacrity: -- {cheerfulness}.[ql ~~~~~~ cheerfulness Interlinear Index Study cheerfulness ROM 012 008 Or <1535 -eite -> he that exhorteth <3870 -parakaleo -> , on <1722 -en -> exhortation <3874 - paraklesis -> : he that giveth <3330 -metadidomi -> , [ let him do it ] with simplicity <0572 -haplotes -> ; he that ruleth <4291 -proistemi -> , with diligence <4710 -spoude -> ; he that sheweth <1653 -eleeo -> mercy <1653 -eleeo -> , with {cheerfulness} <2432 -hilarotes -> . ~~~~~~ with cheerfulness