-antimisthia- ......... for a recompence 0489 -antimisthia- >

-antimisthia- ......... that recompence 0489 -antimisthia- >

-misthapodosia- ......... of reward 3405 -misthapodosia- >

-misthapodosia- ......... of the reward 3405 -misthapodosia- >

-misthapodosia- ......... recompence 3405 -misthapodosia- >

-misthapodosia- ......... unto the recompence 3405 -

misthapodosia- >

-misthapodotes- ......... that he is , and that he is a rewarder

3406 -misthapodotes- >

-misthios- ......... hired 3407 -misthios- >

-misthios- ......... of thy hired 3407 -misthios- >

-misthios- ......... servants 3407 -misthios- >

-misthoma- ......... hired 3410 -misthoma- >

-misthoo- ......... hath hired 3409 -misthoo- >

-misthoo- ......... in the morning to hire 3409 -misthoo- >

-misthos- ......... a reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... and my reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... for reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... his reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... is my reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... is the reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... of his hire 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... of his reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... the hire 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... the reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... the wages 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... their reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... them their hire 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... wages 3408 -misthos- >

-misthos- ......... with the reward 3408 -misthos- >

-misthotos- ......... But he that is an hireling 3411 -misthotos-


-misthotos- ......... he is an hireling 3411 -misthotos- >

-misthotos- ......... servants 3411 -misthotos- >

-misthotos- ......... The hireling 3411 -misthotos- >

-misthotos- ......... with the hired 3411 -misthotos- >

mist ......... him a mist 0887 -achlus->

mist ......... the mist 2217 -zophos->

misthos- ......... misthos- >

