hale  Interlinear Index Study

hale LUK 012 058 When 5613 -hos - thou goest 5217 -hupago - with

thine 4675 -sou - adversary LUK 0476 -antidikos - to the

magistrate LUK 0758 -archon - ,  [ as thou art ] in the way 3598

-hodos - , give 1325 -didomi - diligence 2039 -ergasia - that

thou mayest be delivered LUK 0525 -apallasso - from him ; lest

3379 -mepote - he {hale} 2694 -katasuro - thee to the judge 2923

-krites - , and the judge 2923 -krites - deliver 3860 -

paradidomi - thee to the officer 4233 -praktor - , and the

officer 4233 -praktor - cast LUK 0906 -ballo - thee into 1519 -

eis - prison 5438 -phulake - .

