
Six Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible.

~ ~ Six Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
allowed of God to be put ~ 1Th_02_04 # But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.

bestowed in the chariot cities and ~ 2Ch_09_25 # And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.

bestowed in the cities for chariots ~ 1Ki_10_26 # And Solomon gathered together chariots and horsemen: and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he bestowed in the cities for chariots, and with the king at Jerusalem.

bestowed much labour on us ~ Rom_16_06 # Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us.

bestowed no labour other men laboured ~ Joh_04_38 # I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.

bestowed on the churches of Macedonia ~ 2Co_08_01 # Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia;

bestowed on them according to his ~ Isa_63_07 # I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, [and] the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.

bestowed on us and the great ~ Isa_63_07 # I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, [and] the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.

bestowed on workmen for they dealt ~ 2Ki_12_15 # Moreover they reckoned not with the men, into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on workmen: for they dealt faithfully.

bestowed them in the house and ~ 2Ki_05_24 # And when he came to the tower, he took [them] from their hand, and bestowed [them] in the house: and he let the men go, and they departed.

bestowed upon him such royal majesty ~ 1Ch_29_25 # And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him [such] royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel.

bestowed upon me was not in ~ 1Co_15_10 # But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which [was bestowed] upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

bestowed upon us by the means ~ 2Co_01_11 # Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift [bestowed] upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.

bestowed upon us that we should ~ 1Jo_03_01 # Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

bestowed upon you labour in vain ~ Gal_04_11 # I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

borrowed money for the king's tribute ~ Neh_05_04 # There were also that said, We have borrowed money for the king's tribute, [and that upon] our lands and vineyards.

borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of ~ Exo_12_35 # And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:

borrowed ~ 2Ki_06_05 # But as one was felling a beam, the ax head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.

bowed and did obeisance unto the ~ 1Ki_01_16 # And Bathsheba bowed, and did obeisance unto the king. And the king said, What wouldest thou?

bowed and reverenced Haman for the ~ Est_03_02 # And all the king's servants, that [were] in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did [him] reverence.

bowed down and the haughtiness of ~ Isa_02_17 # And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

bowed down and the LORD alone ~ Isa_02_11 # The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

bowed down at the hearing of ~ Isa_21_03 # Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I was bowed down at the hearing [of it]; I was dismayed at the seeing [of it].

bowed down greatly I go mourning ~ Psa_38_06 # I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long.

bowed down heavily as one that ~ Psa_35_14 # I behaved myself as though [he had been] my friend [or] brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth [for his] mother.

bowed down himself before the people ~ Gen_23_12 # And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land.

bowed down himself before them and ~ 2Ch_25_14 # Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up [to be] his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense unto them.

bowed down his head and fell ~ Num_22_31 # Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.

bowed down his head and worshipped ~ Gen_24_26 # And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD.

bowed down my head and worshipped ~ Gen_24_48 # And I bowed down my head, and worshipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham, which had led me in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter unto his son.

bowed down the LORD loveth the ~ Psa_146_08 # The LORD openeth [the eyes of] the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:

bowed down their faces to the ~ Luk_24_05 # And as they were afraid, and bowed down [their] faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

bowed down their heads and made ~ Gen_43_28 # And they answered, Thy servant our father [is] in good health, he [is] yet alive. And they bowed down their heads, and made obeisance.

bowed down their heads and worshipped ~ 1Ch_29_20 # And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the congregation blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the LORD, and the king.

bowed down themselves before him with ~ Gen_42_06 # And Joseph [was] the governor over the land, [and] he [it was] that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him [with] their faces to the earth.

bowed down they have digged a ~ Psa_57_06 # They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen [themselves]. Selah.

bowed down to the dust our ~ Psa_44_25 # For our soul is bowed down to the dust: our belly cleaveth unto the earth.

bowed down to their gods ~ Num_25_02 # And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods.

bowed down upon their knees to ~ Jud_07_06 # And the number of them that lapped, [putting] their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water.

bowed down ~ Psa_145_14 # The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all [those that be] bowed down.

bowed he fell he lay down ~ Jud_05_27 # At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.

bowed he fell where he bowed ~ Jud_05_27 # At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.

bowed herself and travailed for her ~ 1Sa_04_19 # And his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, was with child, [near] to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father in law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed; for her pains came upon her.

bowed herself on her face to ~ 1Sa_25_41 # And she arose, and bowed herself on [her] face to the earth, and said, Behold, [let] thine handmaid [be] a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.

bowed herself to the ground and ~ 2Ki_04_37 # Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son, and went out.

bowed herself to the ground and ~ Rut_02_10 # Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I [am] a stranger?

bowed herself to the ground ~ 1Sa_25_23 # And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground,

bowed himself and said What is ~ 2Sa_09_08 # And he bowed himself, and said, What [is] thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I [am]?

bowed himself and thanked the king ~ 2Sa_14_22 # And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed himself, and thanked the king: and Joab said, To day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath fulfilled the request of his servant.

bowed himself before the king on ~ 2Sa_24_20 # And Araunah looked, and saw the king and his servants coming on toward him: and Araunah went out, and bowed himself before the king on his face upon the ground.

bowed himself before the king with ~ 1Ki_01_23 # And they told the king, saying, Behold Nathan the prophet. And when he was come in before the king, he bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground.

bowed himself on his face to ~ 2Sa_14_33 # So Joab came to the king, and told him: and when he had called for Absalom, he came to the king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king: and the king kissed Absalom.

bowed himself three times and they ~ 1Sa_20_41 # [And] as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of [a place] toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

bowed himself to David with his ~ 1Ch_21_21 # And as David came to Ornan, Ornan looked and saw David, and went out of the threshingfloor, and bowed himself to David with [his] face to the ground.

bowed himself to king Solomon and ~ 1Ki_01_53 # So king Solomon sent, and they brought him down from the altar. And he came and bowed himself to king Solomon: and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house.

bowed himself to the ground seven ~ Gen_33_03 # And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.

bowed himself to the people of ~ Gen_23_07 # And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the people of the land, [even] to the children of Heth.

bowed himself toward the ground ~ Gen_18_02 # And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw [them], he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

bowed himself unto her and sat ~ 1Ki_02_19 # Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself unto her, and sat down on his throne, and caused a seat to be set for the king's mother; and she sat on his right hand.

bowed himself unto Joab and ran ~ 2Sa_18_21 # Then said Joab to Cushi, Go tell the king what thou hast seen. And Cushi bowed himself unto Joab, and ran.

bowed himself upon the bed ~ 1Ki_01_47 # And moreover the king's servants came to bless our lord king David, saying, God make the name of Solomon better than thy name, and make his throne greater than thy throne. And the king bowed himself upon the bed.

bowed himself upon the bed's head ~ Gen_47_31 # And he said, Swear unto me. And he sware unto him. And Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head.

bowed himself with all his might ~ Jud_16_30 # And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life.

bowed himself with his face to ~ Gen_48_12 # And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.

bowed himself with his face toward ~ Gen_19_01 # And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing [them] rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

bowed himself ~ 1Sa_24_08 # David also arose afterward, and went out of the cave, and cried after Saul, saying, My lord the king. And when Saul looked behind him, David stooped with his face to the earth, and bowed himself.

bowed himself ~ 1Sa_28_14 # And he said unto her, What form [is] he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he [is] covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it [was] Samuel, and he stooped with [his] face to the ground, and bowed himself.

bowed his head and gave up ~ Joh_19_30 # When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

bowed his head toward the earth ~ Exo_34_08 # And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.

bowed his head with his face ~ 2Ch_20_18 # And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with [his] face to the ground: and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the LORD, worshipping the LORD.

bowed his shoulder to bear and ~ Gen_49_15 # And he saw that rest [was] good, and the land that [it was] pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.

bowed not nor did him reverence ~ Est_03_02 # And all the king's servants, that [were] in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did [him] reverence.

bowed not nor did him reverence ~ Est_03_05 # And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath.

bowed the head and worshipped ~ Exo_12_27 # That ye shall say, It [is] the sacrifice of the LORD'S passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped.

bowed the heart of all the ~ 2Sa_19_14 # And he bowed the heart of all the men of Judah, even as [the heart of] one man; so that they sent [this word] unto the king, Return thou, and all thy servants.

bowed the heavens also and came ~ 2Sa_22_10 # He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness [was] under his feet.

bowed the heavens also and came ~ Psa_18_09 # He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness [was] under his feet.

bowed the knee before him and ~ Mat_27_29 # And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put [it] upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!

bowed the knee to the image ~ Rom_11_04 # But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] Baal.

bowed their heads and worshipped the ~ Neh_08_06 # And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the LORD with [their] faces to the ground.

bowed their heads and worshipped ~ 2Ch_29_30 # Moreover Hezekiah the king and the princes commanded the Levites to sing praise unto the LORD with the words of David, and of Asaph the seer. And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed their heads and worshipped.

bowed their heads and worshipped ~ Exo_04_31 # And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped.

bowed themselves and after came Joseph ~ Gen_33_07 # And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves.

bowed themselves and worshipped ~ 2Ch_29_29 # And when they had made an end of offering, the king and all that were present with him bowed themselves, and worshipped.

bowed themselves to him to the ~ Gen_43_26 # And when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which [was] in their hand into the house, and bowed themselves to him to the earth.

bowed themselves to the ground before ~ 2Ki_02_15 # And when the sons of the prophets which [were] to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

bowed themselves unto them and provoked ~ Jud_02_12 # And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that [were] round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

bowed themselves unto them they turned ~ Jud_02_17 # And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; [but] they did not so.

bowed themselves with their faces to ~ 2Ch_07_03 # And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the LORD, [saying], For [he is] good; for his mercy [endureth] for ever.

bowed themselves ~ Gen_33_06 # Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves.

bowed themselves ~ Gen_33_07 # And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves.

bowed there he fell down dead ~ Jud_05_27 # At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.

bowed together and could in no ~ Luk_13_11 # And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up [herself].

bowed unto Baal and every mouth ~ 1Ki_19_18 # Yet I have left [me] seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

bowed with her face to the ~ 1Ki_01_31 # Then Bathsheba bowed with [her] face to the earth, and did reverence to the king, and said, Let my lord king David live for ever.

bowed yourselves to them then shall ~ Jos_23_16 # When ye have transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given unto you.

disallowed her not then all her ~ Num_30_11 # And her husband heard [it], and held his peace at her, [and] disallowed her not: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand.

disallowed her on the day that ~ Num_30_08 # But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard [it]; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive her.

disallowed her ~ Num_30_05 # But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

disallowed indeed of men but chosen ~ 1Pe_02_04 # To whom coming, [as unto] a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, [and] precious,

disallowed the same is made the ~ 1Pe_02_07 # Unto you therefore which believe [he is] precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

flowed down at thy presence ~ Isa_64_03 # When thou didst terrible things [which] we looked not for, thou camest down, the mountains flowed down at thy presence.

flowed over all his banks as ~ Jos_04_18 # And it came to pass, when the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD were come up out of the midst of Jordan, [and] the soles of the priests' feet were lifted up unto the dry land, that the waters of Jordan returned unto their place, and flowed over all his banks, as [they did] before.

flowed over mine head then I ~ Lam_03_54 # Waters flowed over mine head; [then] I said, I am cut off.

followed Abimelech and put them to ~ Jud_09_49 # And all the people likewise cut down every man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put [them] to the hold, and set the hold on fire upon them; so that all the men of the tower of Shechem died also, about a thousand men and women.

followed afar off ~ Luk_22_54 # Then took they him, and led [him], and brought him into the high priest's house. And Peter followed afar off.

followed after among them were the ~ Psa_68_25 # The singers went before, the players on instruments [followed] after; among [them were] the damsels playing with timbrels.

followed after and beheld the sepulchre ~ Luk_23_55 # And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid.

followed after crying Away with him ~ Act_21_36 # For the multitude of the people followed after, crying, Away with him.

followed after him and said Smite ~ 2Ki_09_27 # But when Ahaziah the king of Judah saw [this], he fled by the way of the garden house. And Jehu followed after him, and said, Smite him also in the chariot. [And they did so] at the going up to Gur, which [is] by Ibleam. And he fled to Megiddo, and died there.

followed after him ~ Mar_01_36 # And Simon and they that were with him followed after him.

followed after Naaman And when Naaman ~ 2Ki_05_21 # So Gehazi followed after Naaman. And when Naaman saw [him] running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, [Is] all well?

followed after the law of righteousness ~ Rom_09_31 # But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.

followed another angel saying Babylon is ~ Rev_14_08 # And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

followed Baalim ~ 1Ki_18_18 # And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim.

followed Baalpeor the LORD thy God ~ Deu_04_03 # Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.

followed cried saying Hosanna Blessed is ~ Mar_11_09 # And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord:

followed cried saying Hosanna to the ~ Mat_21_09 # And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

followed cunningly devised fables when we ~ 2Pe_01_16 # For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

followed David ~ 2Sa_02_10 # Ishbosheth Saul's son [was] forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and reigned two years. But the house of Judah followed David.

followed every good work ~ 1Ti_05_10 # Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.

followed hail and fire mingled with ~ Rev_08_07 # The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

followed hard after him ~ 2Sa_01_06 # And the young man that told him said, As I happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, Saul leaned upon his spear; and, lo, the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him.

followed hard after Saul and after ~ 1Ch_10_02 # And the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.

followed hard after them in the ~ 1Sa_14_22 # Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, [when] they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.

followed hard upon Saul and upon ~ 1Sa_31_02 # And the Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Melchishua, Saul's sons.

followed he saddled his ass and ~ 2Sa_17_23 # And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled [his] ass, and arose, and gat him home to his house, to his city, and put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.

followed her saying She goeth unto ~ Joh_11_31 # The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.

followed her ~ 2Ki_04_30 # And the mother of the child said, [As] the LORD liveth, and [as] thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he arose, and followed her.

followed him a certain young man ~ Mar_14_51 # And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about [his] naked [body]; and the young men laid hold on him:

followed him a great company of ~ Luk_23_27 # And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

followed him a mess of meat ~ 2Sa_11_08 # And David said to Uriah, Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess [of meat] from the king.

followed him afar off even into ~ Mar_14_54 # And Peter followed him afar off, even into the palace of the high priest: and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire.

followed him afar off unto the ~ Mat_26_58 # But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end.

followed him and from Judaea ~ Mar_03_07 # But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

followed him and he healed them ~ Mat_12_15 # But when Jesus knew [it], he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;

followed him and he healed them ~ Mat_19_02 # And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there.

followed him and he received them ~ Luk_09_11 # And the people, when they knew [it], followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.

followed him and ministered unto him ~ Mar_15_41 # [Who also, when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him;] and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem.

followed him and so did his ~ Mat_09_19 # And Jesus arose, and followed him, and [so did] his disciples.

followed him and thronged him ~ Mar_05_24 # And [Jesus] went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.

followed him and wist not that ~ Act_12_09 # And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision.

followed him because they saw his ~ Joh_06_02 # And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.

followed him crying and saying Thou ~ Mat_09_27 # And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, [Thou] son of David, have mercy on us.

followed him from Galilee stood afar ~ Luk_23_49 # And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things.

followed him glorifying God and all ~ Luk_18_43 # And immediately he received his sight, and followed him, glorifying God: and all the people, when they saw [it], gave praise unto God.

followed him great multitudes of people ~ Mat_04_25 # And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and [from] Decapolis, and [from] Jerusalem, and [from] Judaea, and [from] beyond Jordan.

followed him I say unto you ~ Luk_07_09 # When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

followed him on foot out of ~ Mat_14_13 # When Jesus heard [of it], he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard [thereof], they followed him on foot out of the cities.

followed him trembling ~ 1Sa_13_07 # And [some of] the Hebrews went over Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead. As for Saul, he [was] yet in Gilgal, and all the people followed him trembling.

followed him upon white horses clothed ~ Rev_19_14 # And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

followed him was Andrew Simon Peter's ~ Joh_01_40 # One of the two which heard John [speak], and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

followed him ~ Jud_09_04 # And they gave him threescore and ten [pieces] of silver out of the house of Baalberith, wherewith Abimelech hired vain and light persons, which followed him.

followed him ~ Luk_05_11 # And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.

followed him ~ Luk_05_28 # And he left all, rose up, and followed him.

followed him ~ Luk_22_39 # And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him.

followed him ~ Mar_01_18 # And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.

followed him ~ Mar_02_14 # And as he passed by, he saw Levi the [son] of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him.

followed him ~ Mar_02_15 # And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_04_20 # And they straightway left [their] nets, and followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_04_22 # And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_08_01 # When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_08_23 # And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_09_09 # And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_20_29 # And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.

followed him ~ Mat_20_34 # So Jesus had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

followed him ~ Num_16_25 # And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him.

followed it they turned not as ~ Eze_10_11 # When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as they went, but to the place whither the head looked they followed it; they turned not as they went.

followed Jesus and so did another ~ Joh_18_15 # And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and [so did] another disciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest.

followed Jesus from Galilee ministering unto ~ Mat_27_55 # And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him:

followed Jesus in the way ~ Mar_10_52 # And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

followed Jesus ~ Joh_01_37 # And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.

followed me fully him will I ~ Num_14_24 # But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.

followed me in the regeneration when ~ Mat_19_28 # And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

followed me none of us put ~ Neh_04_23 # So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, [saving that] every one put them off for washing.

followed me with all his heart ~ 1Ki_14_08 # And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it thee: and [yet] thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and who followed me with all his heart, to do [that] only [which was] right in mine eyes;

followed me ~ Num_32_11 # Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me:

followed not after righteousness have attained ~ Rom_09_30 # What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.

followed Omri prevailed against the people ~ 1Ki_16_22 # But the people that followed Omri prevailed against the people that followed Tibni the son of Ginath: so Tibni died, and Omri reigned.

followed Omri ~ 1Ki_16_21 # Then were the people of Israel divided into two parts: half of the people followed Tibni the son of Ginath, to make him king; and half followed Omri.

followed other gods of the gods ~ Jud_02_12 # And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that [were] round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

followed Paul and Barnabas who speaking ~ Act_13_43 # Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.

followed Paul and us and cried ~ Act_16_17 # The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.

followed Saul to the battle and ~ 1Sa_17_13 # And the three eldest sons of Jesse went [and] followed Saul to the battle: and the names of his three sons that went to the battle [were] Eliab the firstborn, and next unto him Abinadab, and the third Shammah.

followed Saul ~ 1Sa_17_14 # And David [was] the youngest: and the three eldest followed Saul.

followed Sheba the son of Bichri ~ 2Sa_20_02 # So every man of Israel went up from after David, [and] followed Sheba the son of Bichri: but the men of Judah clave unto their king, from Jordan even to Jerusalem.

followed the bier ~ 2Sa_03_31 # And David said to Joab, and to all the people that [were] with him, Rend your clothes, and gird you with sackcloth, and mourn before Abner. And king David [himself] followed the bier.

followed the day of the preparation ~ Mat_27_62 # Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,

followed the droves saying On this ~ Gen_32_19 # And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find him.

followed the flock and the LORD ~ Amo_07_15 # And the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.

followed the house of David but ~ 1Ki_12_20 # And it came to pass, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was come again, that they sent and called him unto the congregation, and made him king over all Israel: there was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.

followed the LORD God of Israel ~ Jos_14_14 # Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.

followed the LORD my God ~ Jos_14_08 # Nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt: but I wholly followed the LORD my God.

followed the LORD my God ~ Jos_14_09 # And Moses sware on that day, saying, Surely the land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children's for ever, because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God.

followed the LORD ~ Deu_01_36 # Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath wholly followed the LORD.

followed the LORD ~ Num_32_12 # Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son of Nun: for they have wholly followed the LORD.

followed the man and the servant ~ Gen_24_61 # And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels, and followed the man: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his way.

followed the sins of Jeroboam the ~ 2Ki_13_02 # And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made Israel to sin; he departed not therefrom.

followed thee what shall we have ~ Mat_19_27 # Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?

followed thee ~ Luk_18_28 # Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.

followed thee ~ Mar_10_28 # Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

followed them and that Rock was ~ 1Co_10_04 # And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

followed them saying with a loud ~ Rev_14_09 # And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

followed them ~ 1Ki_20_19 # So these young men of the princes of the provinces came out of the city, and the army which followed them.

followed them ~ 2Ki_03_09 # So the king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom: and they fetched a compass of seven days' journey: and there was no water for the host, and for the cattle that followed them.

followed them ~ Jos_06_08 # And it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken unto the people, that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns passed on before the LORD, and blew with the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.

followed they were afraid And he ~ Mar_10_32 # And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid. And he took again the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him,

followed Tibni the son of Ginath ~ 1Ki_16_21 # Then were the people of Israel divided into two parts: half of the people followed Tibni the son of Ginath, to make him king; and half followed Omri.

followed Tibni the son of Ginath ~ 1Ki_16_22 # But the people that followed Omri prevailed against the people that followed Tibni the son of Ginath: so Tibni died, and Omri reigned.

followed vanity and became vain and ~ 2Ki_17_15 # And they rejected his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he testified against them; and they followed vanity, and became vain, and went after the heathen that [were] round about them, [concerning] whom the LORD had charged them, that they should not do like them.

followed Verily I say unto you ~ Mat_08_10 # When Jesus heard [it], he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

followed with him And power was ~ Rev_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

followedst not young men whether poor ~ Rut_03_10 # And he said, Blessed [be] thou of the LORD, my daughter: [for] thou hast showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.

hallowed among the children of Israel ~ Lev_22_32 # Neither shall ye profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel: I [am] the LORD which hallow you,

hallowed and his garments and his ~ Exo_29_21 # And thou shalt take of the blood that [is] upon the altar, and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle [it] upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon his sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him: and he shall be hallowed, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with him.

hallowed and they shall be a ~ Num_16_38 # The censers of these sinners against their own souls, let them make them broad plates [for] a covering of the altar: for they offered them before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall be a sign unto the children of Israel.

Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom ~ Luk_11_02 # And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

Hallowed be thy name ~ Mat_06_09 # After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

hallowed bread for there was no ~ 1Sa_21_06 # So the priest gave him hallowed [bread]: for there was no bread there but the showbread, that was taken from before the LORD, to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away.

hallowed bread if the young men ~ 1Sa_21_04 # And the priest answered David, and said, [There is] no common bread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women.

hallowed for my name will I ~ 1Ki_09_07 # Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people:

hallowed in Jerusalem ~ 2Ch_36_14 # Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.

hallowed it ~ Exo_20_11 # For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

hallowed part thereof out of it ~ Num_18_29 # Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the LORD, of all the best thereof, [even] the hallowed part thereof out of it.

hallowed the middle of the court ~ 2Ch_07_07 # Moreover Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that [was] before the house of the LORD: for there he offered burnt offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings, because the brazen altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings, and the meat offerings, and the fat.

hallowed thing nor come into the ~ Lev_12_04 # And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.

hallowed thing of the LORD and ~ Lev_19_08 # Therefore [every one] that eateth it shall bear his iniquity, because he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the LORD: and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

hallowed things and all the gold ~ 2Ki_12_18 # And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own hallowed things, and all the gold [that was] found in the treasures of the house of the LORD, and in the king's house, and sent [it] to Hazael king of Syria: and he went away from Jerusalem.

hallowed things of the children of ~ Num_18_08 # And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I also have given thee the charge of mine heave offerings of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever.

hallowed things out of mine house ~ Deu_26_13 # Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of [mine] house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten [them]:

hallowed things shall be his whatsoever ~ Num_05_10 # And every man's hallowed things shall be his: whatsoever any man giveth the priest, it shall be his.

hallowed things that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram ~ 2Ki_12_18 # And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own hallowed things, and all the gold [that was] found in the treasures of the house of the LORD, and in the king's house, and sent [it] to Hazael king of Syria: and he went away from Jerusalem.

hallowed this house which thou hast ~ 1Ki_09_03 # And the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.

hallowed unto me all the firstborn ~ Num_03_13 # Because all the firstborn [are] mine; [for] on the day that I smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I hallowed unto me all the firstborn in Israel, both man and beast: mine shall they be: I [am] the LORD.

hallowed ~ Num_16_37 # Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the censers out of the burning, and scatter thou the fire yonder; for they are hallowed.

narrowed rests round about that the ~ 1Ki_06_06 # The nethermost chamber [was] five cubits broad, and the middle [was] six cubits broad, and the third [was] seven cubits broad: for without [in the wall] of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that [the beams] should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

overflowed can he give bread also ~ Psa_78_20 # Behold, he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give bread also? can he provide flesh for his people?

overflowed with water perished ~ 2Pe_03_06 # Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

overshadowed them and a voice came ~ Mar_09_07 # And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

overshadowed them and behold a voice ~ Mat_17_05 # While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

overshadowed them and they feared as ~ Luk_09_34 # While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

owed five hundred pence and the ~ Luk_07_41 # There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.

owed him an hundred pence and ~ Mat_18_28 # But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took [him] by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.

owed him ten thousand talents ~ Mat_18_24 # And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.

plowed as a field and Jerusalem ~ Mic_03_12 # Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed [as] a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest.

plowed like a field and Jerusalem ~ Jer_26_18 # Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spake to all the people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Zion shall be plowed [like] a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest.

plowed upon my back they made ~ Psa_129_03 # The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.

plowed wickedness ye have reaped iniquity ~ Hos_10_13 # Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.

plowed with my heifer ye had ~ Jud_14_18 # And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What [is] sweeter than honey? and what [is] stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.

rowed about five and twenty or ~ Joh_06_19 # So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.

rowed hard to bring it to ~ Jon_01_13 # Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring [it] to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them.

showed among them ~ Num_14_11 # And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have showed among them?

showed and how he warred are ~ 1Ki_22_45 # Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he showed, and how he warred, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

showed are they not written in ~ 1Ki_16_27 # Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and his might that he showed, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?

showed at the bush when he ~ Luk_20_37 # Now that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

showed before him my trouble ~ Psa_142_02 # I poured out my complaint before him; I showed before him my trouble.

showed before of the coming of ~ Act_07_52 # Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:

showed before the whole congregation ~ Pro_26_26 # [Whose] hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be showed before the [whole] congregation.

showed by the mouth of all ~ Act_03_18 # But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

showed David all that Joab had ~ 2Sa_11_22 # So the messenger went, and came and showed David all that Joab had sent him for.

showed David that Saul had slain ~ 1Sa_22_21 # And Abiathar showed David that Saul had slain the LORD'S priests.

showed difference between the unclean and ~ Eze_22_26 # Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed [difference] between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

showed first unto them of Damascus ~ Act_26_20 # But showed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and [then] to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

showed from his friend but he ~ Job_06_14 # To him that is afflicted pity [should be showed] from his friend; but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty.

showed from the LORD our God ~ Ezr_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

showed great mercy unto David my ~ 2Ch_01_08 # And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast showed great mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.

showed great mercy upon her and ~ Luk_01_58 # And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had showed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her.

showed he himself ~ Joh_21_01 # After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise showed he [himself].

showed her husband and said unto ~ Jud_13_10 # And the woman made haste, and ran, and showed her husband, and said unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me, that came unto me the [other] day.

showed her kindred nor her people ~ Est_02_20 # Esther had not [yet] showed her kindred nor her people; as Mordecai had charged her: for Esther did the commandment of Mordecai, like as when she was brought up with him.

showed her mother in law with ~ Rut_02_19 # And her mother in law said unto her, Where hast thou gleaned to day? and where wroughtest thou? blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee. And she showed her mother in law with whom she had wrought, and said, The man's name with whom I wrought to day [is] Boaz.

showed her people nor her kindred ~ Est_02_10 # Esther had not showed her people nor her kindred: for Mordecai had charged her that she should not show [it].

showed him a tree which when ~ Exo_15_25 # And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD showed him a tree, [which] when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,

showed him all the land of ~ Deu_34_01 # And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that [is] over against Jericho. And the LORD showed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,

showed him all those things And ~ 1Sa_19_07 # And Jonathan called David, and Jonathan showed him all those things. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as in times past.

showed him mercy and gave him ~ Gen_39_21 # But the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

showed him of all these things ~ Luk_07_18 # And the disciples of John showed him of all these things.

showed him openly ~ Act_10_40 # Him God raised up the third day, and showed him openly;

showed him the people of Mordecai ~ Est_03_06 # And he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had showed him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that [were] throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, [even] the people of Mordecai.

showed him the place And he ~ 2Ki_06_06 # And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he showed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast [it] in thither; and the iron did swim.

showed himself again to the disciples ~ Joh_21_01 # After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise showed he [himself].

showed himself alive after his passion ~ Act_01_03 # To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

showed himself to his disciples after ~ Joh_21_14 # This is now the third time that Jesus showed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.

showed himself unto them as they ~ Act_07_26 # And the next day he showed himself unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another?

showed his lord these things Then ~ Luk_14_21 # So that servant came, and showed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

showed his people the power of ~ Psa_111_06 # He hath showed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen.

showed his signs among them and ~ Psa_105_27 # They showed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.

showed in the sight of all ~ Deu_34_12 # And in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses showed in the sight of all Israel.

showed in the sight of the ~ Psa_98_02 # The LORD hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly showed in the sight of the heathen.

showed it and for conscience sake ~ 1Co_10_28 # But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that showed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth [is] the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:

showed it thee lest thou shouldest ~ Isa_48_05 # I have even from the beginning declared [it] to thee; before it came to pass I showed [it] thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

showed it to the men of ~ 1Sa_11_09 # And they said unto the messengers that came, Thus shall ye say unto the men of Jabeshgilead, To morrow, by [that time] the sun be hot, ye shall have help. And the messengers came and showed [it] to the men of Jabesh; and they were glad.

showed it unto them ~ Rom_01_19 # Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed [it] unto them.

showed it unto thy servant who ~ 1Ki_01_27 # Is this thing done by my lord the king, and thou hast not showed [it] unto thy servant, who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?

showed kindness to all the children ~ 1Sa_15_06 # And Saul said unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them: for ye showed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.

showed kindness to me And David ~ 1Ch_19_02 # And David said, I will show kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, because his father showed kindness to me. And David sent messengers to comfort him concerning his father. So the servants of David came into the land of the children of Ammon to Hanun, to comfort him.

showed kindness unto me And David ~ 2Sa_10_02 # Then said David, I will show kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness unto me. And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father. And David's servants came into the land of the children of Ammon.

showed kindness unto my master ~ Gen_24_14 # And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: [let the same be] she [that] thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast showed kindness unto my master.

showed me a pure river of ~ Rev_22_01 # And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

showed me all his heart Then ~ Jud_16_18 # And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up this once, for he hath showed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought money in their hand.

showed me all that thou hast ~ Rut_02_11 # And Boaz answered and said unto her, It hath fully been showed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and [how] thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore.

showed me also thy seed ~ Gen_48_11 # And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath showed me also thy seed.

showed me and behold the Lord ~ Amo_07_07 # Thus he showed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall [made] by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand.

showed me and behold two baskets ~ Jer_24_01 # The LORD showed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs [were] set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.

showed me four carpenters ~ Zec_01_20 # And the LORD showed me four carpenters.

showed me great and sore troubles ~ Psa_71_20 # [Thou], which hast showed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

showed me his marvellous kindness in ~ Psa_31_21 # Blessed [be] the LORD: for he hath showed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.

showed me Joshua the high priest ~ Zec_03_01 # And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

showed me that great city the ~ Rev_21_10 # And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

showed me that he shall surely ~ 2Ki_08_10 # And Elisha said unto him, Go, say unto him, Thou mayest certainly recover: howbeit the LORD hath showed me that he shall surely die.

showed me that I should not ~ Act_10_28 # And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

showed me that thou shalt be ~ 2Ki_08_13 # And Hazael said, But what, [is] thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing? And Elisha answered, The LORD hath showed me that thou [shalt be] king over Syria.

showed me these things ~ Rev_22_08 # And I John saw these things, and heard [them]. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things.

showed me ~ 2Pe_01_14 # Knowing that shortly I must put off [this] my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me.

showed me ~ Eze_11_25 # Then I spake unto them of the captivity all the things that the LORD had showed me.

showed me ~ Jer_38_21 # But if thou refuse to go forth, this [is] the word that the LORD hath showed me:

showed mercy on him Then said ~ Luk_10_37 # And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

showed more kindness in the latter ~ Rut_03_10 # And he said, Blessed [be] thou of the LORD, my daughter: [for] thou hast showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.

showed Moses so he made the ~ Num_08_04 # And this work of the candlestick [was of] beaten gold, unto the shaft thereof, unto the flowers thereof, [was] beaten work: according unto the pattern which the LORD had showed Moses, so he made the candlestick.

showed myself wise under the sun ~ Ecc_02_19 # And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise [man] or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured, and wherein I have showed myself wise under the sun. This [is] also vanity.

showed no mercy and mercy rejoiceth ~ Jam_02_13 # For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath showed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

showed or spake any harm of ~ Act_28_21 # And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came showed or spake any harm of thee.

showed Pharaoh what he is about ~ Gen_41_25 # And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh [is] one: God hath showed Pharaoh what he [is] about to do.

showed signs and wonders great and ~ Deu_06_22 # And the LORD showed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes:

showed Sisera that Barak the son ~ Jud_04_12 # And they showed Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor.

showed strength with his arm he ~ Luk_01_51 # He hath showed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

showed that thou mightest know that ~ Deu_04_35 # Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he [is] God; [there is] none else beside him.

showed the king saying Hilkiah the ~ 2Ki_22_10 # And Shaphan the scribe showed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king.

showed the riches of his glorious ~ Est_01_04 # When he showed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honour of his excellent majesty many days, [even] and hundred and fourscore days.

showed thee all this there is ~ Gen_41_39 # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath showed thee all this, [there is] none so discreet and wise as thou [art]:

showed thee his great fire and ~ Deu_04_36 # Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee: and upon earth he showed thee his great fire; and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire.

showed thee in the mount so ~ Exo_27_08 # Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: as it was showed thee in the mount, so shall they make [it].

showed thee in the mount ~ Exo_25_40 # And look that thou make [them] after their pattern, which was showed thee in the mount.

showed thee in the mount ~ Exo_26_30 # And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee in the mount.

showed thee new things from this ~ Isa_48_06 # Thou hast heard, see all this; and will not ye declare [it]? I have showed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them.

showed thee O man what is ~ Mic_06_08 # He hath showed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

showed their deeds ~ Act_19_18 # And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds.

showed them all the house of ~ 2Ki_20_13 # And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and showed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and [all] the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.

showed them his hands and his ~ Luk_24_40 # And when he had thus spoken, he showed them [his] hands and [his] feet.

showed them I did them suddenly ~ Isa_48_03 # I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them; I did [them] suddenly, and they came to pass.

showed them my judgments which if ~ Eze_20_11 # And I gave them my statutes, and showed them my judgments, which [if] a man do, he shall even live in them.

showed them not ~ 2Ki_20_13 # And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and showed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and [all] the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.

showed them not ~ Isa_39_02 # And Hezekiah was glad of them, and showed them the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.

showed them the entrance into the ~ Jud_01_25 # And when he showed them the entrance into the city, they smote the city with the edge of the sword; but they let go the man and all his family.

showed them the fruit of the ~ Num_13_26 # And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land.

showed them the house of his ~ Isa_39_02 # And Hezekiah was glad of them, and showed them the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.

showed them the king's son ~ 2Ki_11_04 # And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and showed them the king's son.

showed them ~ 2Ki_20_15 # And he said, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All [the things] that [are] in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

showed them ~ Isa_39_04 # Then said he, What have they seen in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that [is] in mine house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not showed them.

showed them ~ Lev_24_12 # And they put him in ward, that the mind of the LORD might be showed them.

showed them ~ Psa_78_11 # And forgat his works, and his wonders that he had showed them.

showed these things to me ~ Act_23_22 # So the chief captain [then] let the young man depart, and charged [him, See thou] tell no man that thou hast showed these things to me.

showed they kindness to the house ~ Jud_08_35 # Neither showed they kindness to the house of Jerubbaal, [namely], Gideon, according to all the goodness which he had showed unto Israel.

showed this day how that thou ~ 1Sa_24_18 # And thou hast showed this day how that thou hast dealt well with me: forasmuch as when the LORD had delivered me into thine hand, thou killedst me not.

showed this kindness unto your lord ~ 2Sa_02_05 # And David sent messengers unto the men of Jabeshgilead, and said unto them, Blessed [be] ye of the LORD, that ye have showed this kindness unto your lord, [even] unto Saul, and have buried him.

showed thy people hard things thou ~ Psa_60_03 # Thou hast showed thy people hard things: thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment.

showed thy strength unto this generation ~ Psa_71_18 # Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed thy strength unto [this] generation, [and] thy power to every one [that] is to come.

showed to him the way of ~ Isa_40_14 # With whom took he counsel, and [who] instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and showed to him the way of understanding?

showed to the priest ~ Lev_13_19 # And in the place of the boil there be a white rising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be showed to the priest;

showed to the wicked yet will ~ Isa_26_10 # Let favour be showed to the wicked, [yet] will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.

showed to thee in the mount ~ Heb_08_05 # Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, [that] thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount.

showed toward his name in that ~ Heb_06_10 # For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

showed unto David and to Solomon ~ 2Ch_07_10 # And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness that the LORD had showed unto David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.

showed unto him all the kingdoms ~ Luk_04_05 # And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

showed unto Israel ~ Jud_08_35 # Neither showed they kindness to the house of Jerubbaal, [namely], Gideon, according to all the goodness which he had showed unto Israel.

showed unto me and behold a ~ Amo_08_01 # Thus hath the Lord GOD showed unto me: and behold a basket of summer fruit.

showed unto me and behold he ~ Amo_07_01 # Thus hath the Lord GOD showed unto me; and, behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth; and, lo, [it was] the latter growth after the king's mowings.

showed unto me and behold the ~ Amo_07_04 # Thus hath the Lord GOD showed unto me: and, behold, the Lord GOD called to contend by fire, and it devoured the great deep, and did eat up a part.

showed unto me in saving my ~ Gen_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die:

showed unto the chief priests all ~ Mat_28_11 # Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.

showed unto the priest ~ Lev_13_49 # And if the plague be greenish or reddish in the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; it [is] a plague of leprosy, and shall be showed unto the priest:

showed unto them his hands and ~ Joh_20_20 # And when he had so said, he showed unto them [his] hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

showed unto thy servant David my ~ 1Ki_03_06 # And Solomon said, Thou hast showed unto thy servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne, as [it is] this day.

showed unto thy servant for with ~ Gen_32_10 # I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

showed us all these things nor ~ Jud_13_23 # But his wife said unto him, If the LORD were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands, neither would he have showed us all these [things], nor would as at this time have told us [such things] as these.

showed us his glory and his ~ Deu_05_24 # And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath showed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth.

showed us how he had seen ~ Act_11_13 # And he showed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;

showed us light bind the sacrifice ~ Psa_118_27 # God [is] the LORD, which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, [even] unto the horns of the altar.

showed us no little kindness for ~ Act_28_02 # And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.

showed when there was no strange ~ Isa_43_12 # I have declared, and have saved, and I have showed, when [there was] no strange [god] among you: therefore ye [are] my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I [am] God.

showed wonders and signs in the ~ Act_07_36 # He brought them out, after that he had showed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.

showed you all things how that ~ Act_20_35 # I have showed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

showed you and have taught you ~ Act_20_20 # [And] how I kept back nothing that was profitable [unto you], but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house,

showed you from my Father for ~ Joh_10_32 # Jesus answered them, Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

showed you kindness that ye will ~ Jos_02_12 # Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have showed you kindness, that ye will also show kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:

showed ~ Act_04_22 # For the man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was showed.

showedst me their doings ~ Jer_11_18 # And the LORD hath given me knowledge [of it], and I know [it]: then thou showedst me their doings.

showedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh ~ Neh_09_10 # And showedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a name, as [it is] this day.

sorrowed after a godly sort what ~ 2Co_07_11 # For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, [what] clearing of yourselves, yea, [what] indignation, yea, [what] fear, yea, [what] vehement desire, yea, [what] zeal, yea, [what] revenge! In all [things] ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

sorrowed to repentance for ye were ~ 2Co_07_09 # Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.

sowed good seed in his field ~ Mat_13_24 # Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

sowed in his field ~ Mat_13_31 # Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

sowed in that land and received ~ Gen_26_12 # Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.

sowed it with salt ~ Jud_09_45 # And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and slew the people that [was] therein, and beat down the city, and sowed it with salt.

sowed not and gather where I ~ Mat_25_26 # His lord answered and said unto him, [Thou] wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strowed:

sowed some fell by the way ~ Luk_08_05 # A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.

sowed some fell by the way ~ Mar_04_04 # And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.

sowed some seeds fell by the ~ Mat_13_04 # And when he sowed, some [seeds] fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

sowed tares among the wheat and ~ Mat_13_25 # But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

sowed them is the devil the ~ Mat_13_39 # The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

sowedst thy seed and wateredst it ~ Deu_11_10 # For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, [is] not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst [it] with thy foot, as a garden of herbs:

strowed it upon the graves of ~ 2Ch_34_04 # And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that [were] on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust [of them], and strowed [it] upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

strowed it upon the water and ~ Exo_32_20 # And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt [it] in the fire, and ground [it] to powder, and strowed [it] upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink [of it].

strowed them in the way ~ Mar_11_08 # And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strowed [them] in the way.

strowed them in the way ~ Mat_21_08 # And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strowed [them] in the way.

strowed ~ Mat_25_24 # Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strowed:

strowed ~ Mat_25_26 # His lord answered and said unto him, [Thou] wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strowed:

swallowed down riches and he shall ~ Job_20_15 # He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly.

swallowed her up certainly this is ~ Lam_02_16 # All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee: they hiss and gnash the teeth: they say, We have swallowed [her] up: certainly this [is] the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen [it].

swallowed him up ~ Psa_35_25 # Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

swallowed me up like a dragon ~ Jer_51_34 # Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he hath made me an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath filled his belly with my delicates, he hath cast me out.

swallowed thee up shall be far ~ Isa_49_19 # For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.

swallowed them up and their households ~ Deu_11_06 # And what he did unto Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the son of Reuben: how the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their households, and their tents, and all the substance that [was] in their possession, in the midst of all Israel:

swallowed them up and their houses ~ Num_16_32 # And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that [appertained] unto Korah, and all [their] goods.

swallowed them up together with Korah ~ Num_26_10 # And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign.

swallowed them ~ Exo_15_12 # Thou stretchedst out thy right hand, the earth swallowed them.

swallowed up all her palaces he ~ Lam_02_05 # The Lord was as an enemy: he hath swallowed up Israel, he hath swallowed up all her palaces: he hath destroyed his strong holds, and hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation.

swallowed up all the habitations of ~ Lam_02_02 # The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob, and hath not pitied: he hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah; he hath brought [them] down to the ground: he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes thereof.

swallowed up and all the people ~ 2Sa_17_16 # Now therefore send quickly, and tell David, saying, Lodge not this night in the plains of the wilderness, but speedily pass over; lest the king be swallowed up, and all the people that [are] with him.

swallowed up and the nations shall ~ Jer_51_44 # And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.

swallowed up Dathan and covered the ~ Psa_106_17 # The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram.

swallowed up in victory ~ 1Co_15_54 # So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

swallowed up Israel he hath swallowed ~ Lam_02_05 # The Lord was as an enemy: he hath swallowed up Israel, he hath swallowed up all her palaces: he hath destroyed his strong holds, and hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation.

swallowed up now shall they be ~ Hos_08_08 # Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein [is] no pleasure.

swallowed up of life ~ 2Co_05_04 # For we that are in [this] tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

swallowed up of wine they are ~ Isa_28_07 # But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble [in] judgment.

swallowed up the flood which the ~ Rev_12_16 # And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

swallowed up their rods ~ Exo_07_12 # For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.

swallowed up with overmuch sorrow ~ 2Co_02_07 # So that contrariwise ye [ought] rather to forgive [him], and comfort [him], lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

swallowed up ~ Job_06_03 # For now it would be heavier than the sand of the sea: therefore my words are swallowed up.

swallowed up ~ Job_37_20 # Shall it be told him that I speak? if a man speak, surely he shall be swallowed up.

swallowed us up quick when their ~ Psa_124_03 # Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:

swallowed you up on every side ~ Eze_36_03 # Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made [you] desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and [are] an infamy of the people:

vowed a vow and said O ~ 1Sa_01_11 # And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

vowed a vow saying If God ~ Gen_28_20 # And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

vowed a vow unto the LORD ~ Jud_11_30 # And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,

vowed a vow unto the LORD ~ Num_21_02 # And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities.

vowed a vow while I abode ~ 2Sa_15_08 # For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, If the LORD shall bring me again indeed to Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.

vowed and of his offering unto ~ Num_06_21 # This [is] the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, [and of] his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside [that] that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

vowed and she knew no man ~ Jud_11_39 # And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her [according] to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,

vowed and that which she uttered ~ Num_30_08 # But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard [it]; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive her.

vowed in her husband's house or ~ Num_30_10 # And if she vowed in her husband's house, or bound her soul by a bond with an oath;

vowed or uttered ought out of ~ Num_30_06 # And if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul;

vowed Salvation is of the LORD ~ Jon_02_09 # But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay [that] that I have vowed. Salvation [is] of the LORD.

vowed shall the priest value him ~ Lev_27_08 # But if he be poorer than thy estimation, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him.

vowed so he must do after ~ Num_06_21 # This [is] the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, [and of] his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside [that] that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

vowed to burn incense to the ~ Jer_44_25 # Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows.

vowed unto the LORD in Hebron ~ 2Sa_15_07 # And it came to pass after forty years, that Absalom said unto the king, I pray thee, let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed unto the LORD, in Hebron.

vowed unto the LORD thy God ~ Deu_23_23 # That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform; [even] a freewill offering, according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth.

vowed unto the mighty God of ~ Psa_132_02 # How he sware unto the LORD, [and] vowed unto the mighty [God] of Jacob;

vowed ~ Ecc_05_04 # When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for [he hath] no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.

vowedst a vow unto me now ~ Gen_31_13 # I [am] the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, [and] where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.

wallowed foaming ~ Mar_09_20 # And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.

wallowed in blood in the midst ~ 2Sa_20_12 # And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway. And when the man saw that all the people stood still, he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field, and cast a cloth upon him, when he saw that every one that came by him stood still.

winnowed with the shovel and with ~ Isa_30_24 # The oxen likewise and the young asses that ear the ground shall eat clean provender, which hath been winnowed with the shovel and with the fan.