heapeth , HAB , 2:5

heapeth , PS , 39:6






 heapeth  Interlinear Index Study

heapeth PSA 039 006 Surely <00389 +>ak > every man <00376 +>iysh

> walketh <01980 +halak > in a vain shew <06754 +tselem > :

surely <00389 +>ak > they are disquieted <01993 +hamah > in vain

<01892 +hebel > : he {heapeth} <06651 +tsabar > up [ riches ] ,

and knoweth <03045 +yada< > not who <04310 +miy > shall gather

<00622 +>acaph > them .

heapeth HAB 002 005 . Yea <00637 +>aph > also <00637 +>aph > ,

because <03588 +kiy > he transgresseth <00898 +bagad > by wine

<03196 +yayin > ,  [ he is ] a proud <03093 +yahiyr > man <01397

+geber > , neither <03808 +lo> > keepeth at home <05115 +navah >

, who <00834 +>aher > enlargeth <07337 +rachab > his desire

<05315 +nephesh > as hell <07585 +sh@>owl > , and [ is ] as

death <04194 +maveth > , and cannot <03808 +lo> > be satisfied

<07646 +saba< > , but gathereth <00622 +>acaph > unto him all

<03605 +kol > nations <01471 +gowy > , and {heapeth} <06908

+qabats > unto him all <03605 +kol > people <05971 +<am > :



 he heapeth up                                <PSA39  -:6 >

heapeth unto him all people                <HAB2  -:5 >

- heapeth , 6651 , 6908 ,





 heapeth -6651 gathered , heap , heaped , {heapeth} , lay ,  

heapeth -6908 assemble , assembled , brought , gather , gathered

, gathereth , {heapeth} , resort , taketh ,  











 heapeth 002 005 Hab                 /^{heapeth /unto him all

people :

heapeth 039 006 Psa                 /^{heapeth /up riches, and

knoweth not who shall gather them.



 heapeth 2 -



 heapeth <PSA39 -6> Surely every man walketh in a vain show:


they are disquieted in vain: he {heapeth} up [riches], and


not who shall gather them.

heapeth <HAB2 -5> Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, [he

is] a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his


as hell, and [is] as death, and cannot be satisfied, but


unto him all nations, and {heapeth} unto him all people


