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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number


Language Tranliteration of original language words

temper Eze_46_14 And thou shalt prepare (03559 +kuwn ) a meat offering (04503 +minchah ) for it every morning (01242 +boqer ) , the sixth (08345 +shishshiy ) part of an ephah (00374 +)eyphah ) , and the third (07992 +sh@liyshiy ) part of an hin (01969 +hiyn ) of oil (08081 +shemen ) , to {temper} (07450 +racac ) with the fine flour (05560 +coleth ) ; a meat offering (04503 +minchah ) continually (08548 +tamiyd ) by a perpetual (05769 +(owlam ) ordinance (02708 +chuqqah ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

temperance 2Pe_01_06 And to knowledge (1108 -gnosis -) temperance (1466 -egkrateia -) ; and to {temperance} (1466 -egkrateia -) patience (5281 -hupomone -) ; and to patience (5281 -hupomone -) godliness (2150 -eusebeia -) ;

temperance 2Pe_01_06 And to knowledge (1108 -gnosis -) {temperance} (1466 -egkrateia -) ; and to temperance (1466 -egkrateia -) patience (5281 -hupomone -) ; and to patience (5281 -hupomone -) godliness (2150 -eusebeia -) ;

temperance Act_24_25 And as he reasoned (1256 -dialegomai -) of righteousness (1343 -dikaiosune -) , {temperance} (1466 -egkrateia -) , and judgment (2917 -krima -) to come (1511 -einai -) , Felix (5344 -Phelix -) trembled (1096 -ginomai -) , and answered (0611 -apokrinomai -) , Go (4198 -poreuomai -) thy way for this (3568 -nun -) time (3568 -nun -) ; when I have (3335 -metalambano -) a convenient (2540 -kairos -) season (2540 -kairos -) , I will call (3333 -metakaleo -) for thee .

temperance Gal_05_23 Meekness (4236 -praiotes -) , {temperance} (1466 -egkrateia -):against (2596 -kata -) such (5108 -toioutos -) there is no (3756 -ou -) law (3551 -nomos -) .

temperate 1Co_09_25 And every (3956 -pas -) man that striveth (0075 -agonizomai -) for the mastery is {temperate} (1467 -egkrateuomai -) in all (3956 -pas -) things . Now (3767 -oun -) they [ do it ] to obtain (2983 -lambano -) a corruptible (5349 -phthartos -) crown (4735 -stephanos -) ; but we an incorruptible (0862 -aphthartos -) .

temperate Tit_01_08 But a lover (5382 -philoxenos -) of hospitality (5382 -philoxenos -) , a lover (5358 -philagathos -) of good (5358 -philagathos -) men , sober (4998 -sophron -) , just (1342 -dikaios -) , holy (3741 -hosios -) , {temperate} (1468 -egkrates -) ;

temperate Tit_02_02 That the aged (4246 -presbutes -) men be sober (3524 -nephaleos -) , grave (4586 -semnos -) , {temperate} (4998 -sophron -) , sound (5198 -hugiaino -) in faith (4102 -pistis -) , in charity (0026 -agape -) , in patience (5281 -hupomone -) .

tempered 1Co_12_24 For our comely (2158 -euschemon -) [ parts ] have (2192 -echo -) no (3756 -ou -) need (5532 -chreia -):but God (2316 -theos -) hath {tempered} (4786 -sugkerannumi -) the body (4983 -soma -) together (4786 -sugkerannumi -) , having given (1325 -didomi -) more (4055 -perissoteros -) abundant (4055 -perissoteros -) honour (5092 -time -) to that [ part ] which lacked (5302 -hustereo -) :

tempered Exo_29_02 And unleavened (04682 +matstsah ) bread (03899 +lechem ) , and cakes (02471 +challah ) unleavened (04682 +matstsah ) {tempered} (01101 +balal ) with oil (08081 +shemen ) , and wafers (07550 +raqiyq ) unleavened (04682 +matstsah ) anointed (04886 +mashach ) with oil (08081 +shemen ):[ of ] wheaten (02406 +chittah ) flour (05560 +coleth ) shalt thou make (06213 +(asah ) them .

tempered Exo_30_35 And thou shalt make (06213 +(asah ) it a perfume (07004 +q@toreth ) , a confection (07545 +roqach ) after the art (04640 +Ma(say ) of the apothecary (07543 +raqach ) , {tempered} (04414 +malach ) together , pure (02889 +tahowr ) [ and ] holy (06944 +qodesh ) :

untempered Eze_13_10 . Because (03282 +ya(an ) , even because (03282 +ya(an ) they have seduced (02937 +ta(ah ) my people (05971 +(am ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Peace (07965 +shalowm ) ; and [ there was ] no (00369 +)ayin ) peace (07965 +shalowm ) ; and one built (01129 +banah ) up a wall (02434 +chayits ) , and , lo (02009 +hinneh ) , others daubed (02902 +tuwach ) it with {untempered} (08602 +taphel ) [ morter ] :

untempered Eze_13_11 Say (00559 +)amar ) unto them which daub (02902 +tuwach ) [ it ] with {untempered} (08602 +taphel ) [ morter ] , that it shall fall (05307 +naphal ):there shall be an overflowing (07857 +shataph ) shower (01653 +geshem ) ; and ye , O great (00417 +)elgabiysh ) hailstones , shall fall (05307 +naphal ) ; and a stormy (05591 +ca(ar ) wind (07307 +ruwach ) shall rend (01234 +baqa( ) [ it ] .

untempered Eze_13_14 So will I break (02040 +harac ) down (02040 +harac ) the wall (07023 +qiyr ) that ye have daubed (02902 +tuwach ) with {untempered} (08602 +taphel ) [ morter ] , and bring (05060 +naga( ) it down to the ground (00776 +)erets ) , so that the foundation (03247 +y@cowd ) thereof shall be discovered (01540 +galah ) , and it shall fall (05307 +naphal ) , and ye shall be consumed (03615 +kalah ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) thereof:and ye shall know (03045 +yada( ) that I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

untempered Eze_13_15 Thus will I accomplish (03615 +kalah ) my wrath (02534 +chemah ) upon the wall (07023 +qiyr ) , and upon them that have daubed (02902 +tuwach ) it with {untempered} (08602 +taphel ) [ morter ] , and will say (00559 +)amar ) unto you , The wall (07023 +qiyr ) [ is ] no (00369 +)ayin ) [ more ] , neither (00369 +)ayin ) they that daubed (02902 +tuwach ) it ;

untempered Eze_22_28 And her prophets (05030 +nabiy) ) have daubed (02902 +tuwach ) them with {untempered} (08602 +taphel ) [ morter ] , seeing vanity (07723 +shav) ) , and divining (07080 +qacam ) lies (03576 +kazab ) unto them , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) , when the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath not spoken (01696 +dabar ) .

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