heels  GEN 049 017 Dan <01835  +Dan > shall be a serpent <05175  

+nachash > by the way <01870  +derek > ,  an adder <08207  

+sh@phiyphon > in the path <00734  +>orach > ,  that biteth

<05391  +nashak > the horse <05483  +cuwc > {heels} <06119  

+<aqeb > ,  so that his rider <07392  +rakab > shall fall <05307

 +naphal > backward <00268  +>achowr > .

wheels  EXO 014 025 And took <05493  +cuwr > off their chariot

<04818  +merkabah > {wheels} <00212  +>owphan > ,  that they

drave <05090  +nahag > them heavily <03517  +k@beduth > : so

that the Egyptians <04714  +Mitsrayim > said <00559  +>amar > ,  

Let us flee <05127  +nuwc > from the face <06440  +paniym > of

Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > ;  for the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah >

fighteth <03898  +lacham > for them against the Egyptians <04714

 +Mitsrayim > .
