spindle , PR , 31:19






 spindle  Interlinear Index Study

spindle PRO 031 019 She layeth <07971 +shalach > her hands

<03027 +yad > to the {spindle} <03601 +kiyshowr > , and her

hands <03709 +kaph > hold <08551 +tamak > the distaff <06418

+pelek > .



 - spindle , 3601 ,





 spindle -3601 refrained , {spindle} ,  



 spindle 3601 -- kiyshowr -- {spindle}.







 spindle 3601 ## kiyshowr {kee-shore'}; from 3787; literally, a

director, i.e . the spindle or shank of a distaff (6418), by

which it is twirled: -- {spindle}. [ql



 spindle 031 019 Pro                 /^{spindle /and her hands

hold the distaff .





 spindle <PRO31 -19> She layeth her hands to the {spindle}, and


hands hold the distaff.

