sluggard  Interlinear Index Study

sluggard PRO 006 006 . Go <03212 +yalak > to the ant <05244

+n@malah > , thou {sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > ; consider <07200

+ra>ah > her ways <01870 +derek > , and be wise <02449 +chakam >


sluggard PRO 006 009 How <05704 +<ad > long <05704 +<ad > wilt

thou sleep <07901 +shakab > , O {sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > ?

when <04970 +mathay > wilt thou arise <06965 +quwm > out of thy

sleep <08142 +shehah > ?

sluggard PRO 010 026 . As vinegar <02558 +chomets > to the teeth

<08127 +shen > , and as smoke <06227 +<ashan > to the eyes

<05869 +<ayin > , so [ is ] the {sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > to

them that send <07971 +shalach > him .

sluggard PRO 013 004 . The soul <05315 +nephesh > of the

{sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > desireth <00183 +>avah > , and [

hath ] nothing <00369 +>ayin > : but the soul <05315 +nephesh >

of the diligent <02742 +charuwts > shall be made fat <01878

+dashen > .

sluggard PRO 020 004 . The {sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > will not

plow <02790 +charash > by reason of the cold <02779 +choreph > ;

[ therefore ] shall he beg <07592 +sha>al > in harvest <07105

+qatsiyr > , and [ have ] nothing <00369 +>ayin > .

sluggard PRO 026 016 . The {sluggard} <06102 +<atsel > [ is ]

wiser <02450 +chakam > in his own conceit <05869 +<ayin > than

seven <07651 +sheba< > men that can render <07725 +shuwb > a

reason <02940 +ta<am > .

