attend 0995 -- biyn -- {attend}, consider, be cunning,

diligently, direct, discern,eloquent, feel, inform, instruct,

have intelligence, know, look well to,mark, perceive, be prudent,

 regard, (can) skill(-full), teach, think,(cause, make to, get,

give, have) understand(-ing), view, (deal) wise(-ly,man).

attend 7181 qashab -- -- {attend}, (cause to) hear(-ken), give

heed, incline, mark(well), regard.

attend 2145 ** euprosedros ** X {attend} upon.

attend 4337 ** prosecho ** (give) {attend}(-ance, -ance at, -

ance to, unto), beware, begiven to, give (take) heed (to unto);

have regard.

attend 4342 ** proskartereo ** {attend} (give self) continually

(upon), continue (in,instant in, with), wait on (continually).

attendance 4612 -- ma\amad -- {attendance}, office, place, state.

