
Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.


Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

~ ~ Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

sudden 06342 ## pachad {paw-kkad'} ; a primitive root ; to be startled (by a {sudden} alarm) ; hence , to fear in general : -- be afraid , stand in awe , (be in) fear , make to shake .

sudden 06343 ## pachad {pakh'- ad} ; from 06342 ; a ({sudden}) alarm (properly , the object feared , by implication , the feeling) : -- dread (- ful) , fear , (thing) great [fear ,-ly feared ] , terror .

sudden 06597 ## pith'owm {pith-ome'} ; or pith'om {pith-ome'} ; from 06621 ; instantly : -- straightway , {sudden} (- ly) .

sudden 0160 - aiphnidios {aheef-nid'-ee-os}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5316 [compare 1810] (meaning non-apparent); unexpected, i.e. (adverbially) suddenly: -- {sudden}, unawares.

sudden 1810 - exaiphnes {ex-ah'-eef-nace}; from 1537 and the base of 0160; of a {sudden} (unexpectedly): -- suddenly. Compare 1819.

sudden 1819 - exapina {ex-ap'-ee-nah}; from 1537 and a derivative of the same as 0160; of a {sudden}, i.e. unexpectedly: -- suddenly. Compare 1810.

sudden 4496 - rhipto {hrip'-to}; a primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of {sudden} motion); to fling (properly, with a quick toss, thus differing from 0906, which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from teino [see in 1614], which indicates an extended projection); by qualification, to deposit (as if a load); by extension, to disperse: -- cast (down, out), scatter abroad, throw.

suddenly 00926 ## bahal {baw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; to tremble inwardly (or palpitate) , i . e . (figuratively) be (causative , make) ({suddenly}) alarmed or agitated ; by implication to hasten anxiously : -- be (make) affrighted (afraid , amazed , dismayed , rash) , (be , get , make) haste (- n ,-y ,-ily) , (give) speedy (- ily) , thrust out , trouble , vex .

suddenly 01272 ## barach {baw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to bolt , i . e . figuratively , to flee {suddenly} : -- chase (away) ; drive away , fain , flee (away) , put to flight , make haste , reach , run away , shoot .

suddenly 02648 ## chaphaz {khaw-faz'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to start up {suddenly} , i . e . (by implication) to hasten away , to fear : -- (make) haste (away) , tremble .

suddenly 02727 ## charag {khaw-rag'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to leap {suddenly} , i . e . (by implication) to be dismayed : -- be afraid .

suddenly 04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to hurry (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly : -- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X {suddenly} , swift .

suddenly 04118 ## maher {mah-hare'} ; from 04116 ; properly , hurrying ; hence (adverbially) in a hurry : -- hasteth , hastily , at once , quickly , soon , speedily , {suddenly} .

suddenly 04191 ## muwth {mooth} ; a primitive root : to die (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to kill : -- X at all , X crying , (be) dead (body , man , one) , (put to , worthy of) death , destroy (- er) , (cause to , be like to , must) die , kill , necro [-mancer ] , X must needs , slay , X surely , X very {suddenly} , X in [no ] wise .

suddenly 06621 ## petha` {peh'- thah} ; from an unused root meaning to open (the eyes) ; a wink , i . e . moment [compare 06597 ] (used only [with or without preposition ] adverbially , quickly or unexpectedly) : -- at an instant , {suddenly} , X very .

suddenly 07280 ## raga` {raw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss violently and suddenly (the sea with waves , the skin with boils) ; figuratively (in a favorable manner) to settle , i . e . quiet ; specifically , to wink (from the motion of the eye-lids) : -- break , divide , find ease , be a moment , (cause , give , make to) rest , make {suddenly} .

suddenly 07281 ## rega` {reh'- gah} ; from 07280 . a wink (of the eyes) , i . e . a very short space of time : -- instant , moment , space , {suddenly} .

suddenly 0160 - aiphnidios {aheef-nid'-ee-os}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5316 [compare 1810] (meaning non-apparent); unexpected, i.e. (adverbially) {suddenly}: -- sudden, unawares.

suddenly 0869 - aphno {af'-no}; adverb from 0852 (contraction); unawares, i.e. unexpectedly: -- {suddenly}.

suddenly 1810 - exaiphnes {ex-ah'-eef-nace}; from 1537 and the base of 0160; of a sudden (unexpectedly): -- {suddenly}. Compare 1819.

suddenly 1819 - exapina {ex-ap'-ee-nah}; from 1537 and a derivative of the same as 0160; of a sudden, i.e. unexpectedly: -- {suddenly}. Compare 1810.

suddenly 5030 - tacheos {takh-eh'-oce}; adverb from 5036; briefly, i.e. (in time) speedily, or (in manner) rapidly: -- hastily, quickly, shortly, soon, {suddenly}.

suddenly 5035 - tachu {takh-oo'}; neuter singular of 5036 (as adverb); shortly, i.e. without delay, soon, or (by surprise) {suddenly}, or (by implication, of ease) readily: -- lightly, quickly.