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02940 1SA 021 013 And he changed <08138 +shanah > his behaviour

<{02940} +ta<am > before <05869 +<ayin > them , and feigned
himself mad <01984 +halal > in their hands <03027 +yad > , and
scrabbled <08427 +tavah > on <05921 +<al > the doors <01817
+deleth > of the gate <08179 +sha<ar > , and let his spittle
<07388 +riyr > fall <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > upon
his beard <02206 +zaqan > .

02940 1SA 025 033 And blessed <01288 +barak > [ be ] thy advice
<{02940} +ta<am > , and blessed <01288 +barak > [ be ] thou ,
which <00834 +>aher > hast kept <03607 +kala> > me this <02088
+zeh > day <03117 +yowm > from coming <00935 +bow> > to [ shed ]
blood <01818 +dam > , and from avenging <03467 +yasha< > myself
with mine own hand <03027 +yad > .

02940 EXO 016 031 And the house <01004 +bayith > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > called <07121 +qara> > the name <08034 +shem
> thereof Manna <04478 +man > : and it [ was ] like coriander
<01407 +gad > seed <02233 +zera< > , white < 03836 +laban > ; and
the taste <{02940} +ta<am > of it [ was ] like wafers <06838
+tsappiychith > [ made ] with honey <01706 +d@bash > .

02940 JER 048 011 Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > hath been at ease <07599
+sha>an > from his youth <05271 +na<uwr > , and he hath settled
<08252 +shaqat > on <00413 +>el > his lees < 08105 +shemer > ,
and hath not been <01961 +hayah > emptied <07324 +ruwq > from
vessel <03627 +k@liy > to vessel <03627 +k@liy > , neither
<03808 +lo> > hath he gone <01980 +halak > into captivity <01473
+gowlah > : therefore his taste <{02940} +ta<am > remained
<05975 +<amad > in him , and his scent <07381 +reyach > is not
changed <04171 +muwr > .

02940 JOB 006 006 Can that which is unsavoury <08602 +taphel >
be eaten <00398 +>akal > without <01097 +b@liy > salt <04417
+melach > ? or is there <08033 +sham > [ any ] taste < {02940}
+ta<am > in the white <07388 +riyr > of an egg < 02495
+challamuwth > ?

02940 JOB 012 020 He removeth <05493 +cuwr > away the speech
<08193 +saphah > of the trusty <00539 +>aman > , and taketh
<03947 +laqach > away the understanding <{02940} +ta< am > of the
aged <02205 +zaqen > .

02940 JON 003 007 And he caused [ it ] to be proclaimed <02199
+za<aq > and published <00559 +>amar > through Nineveh <05210
+Niyn@veh > by the decree <{02940} +ta<am > of the king <04428
+melek > and his nobles <01419 +gadowl > , saying < 00559 +>amar
> , Let neither <00369 +>ayin > man <00120 +> adam > nor beast
<00929 +b@hemah > , herd <01241 +baqar > nor flock <06629 +tso>n
> , taste <02938 +ta<am > any <03792 +k@thab > thing : let them
not feed <07462 +ra<ah > , nor <00408 +>al > drink <08354
+shathah > water <04325 +mayim > :

02940 NUM 011 008 [ And ] the people <05971 +<am > went <07751
+shuwt > about <07751 +shuwt > , and gathered <03950 +laqat > [
it ] , and ground <02912 +tachan > [ it ] in mills < 07347
+recheh > , or <00176 +>ow > beat <01743 +duwk > [ it ] in a
mortar <04085 +m@dokah > , and baked <01310 +bashal > [ it ] in
pans <06517 +paruwr > , and made <06213 +<asah > cakes <05692
+<uggah > of it : and the taste <02940 +ta<am > of it was as the
taste <{02940} +ta<am > of fresh <03955 +l@shad > oil <08081
+shemen > .

02940 NUM 011 008 [ And ] the people <05971 +<am > went <07751
+shuwt > about <07751 +shuwt > , and gathered <03950 +laqat > [
it ] , and ground <02912 +tachan > [ it ] in mills < 07347
+recheh > , or <00176 +>ow > beat <01743 +duwk > [ it ] in a
mortar <04085 +m@dokah > , and baked <01310 +bashal > [ it ] in
pans <06517 +paruwr > , and made <06213 +<asah > cakes <05692
+<uggah > of it : and the taste <{02940} +ta<am > of it was as
the taste <02940 +ta<am > of fresh <03955 +l@shad > oil <08081
+shemen > .

02940 PRO 011 022 [ As ] a jewel <05141 +nexem > of gold <02091
+zahab > in a swine s <02386 +chaziyr > snout <00639 +>aph > , [
so is ] a fair <03303 +yapheh > woman <00802 +> ishshah > which
is without <05493 +cuwr > discretion <{02940} +ta<am > .

02940 PRO 026 016 The sluggard <06102 +<atsel > [ is ] wiser
<02450 +chakam > in his own conceit <05869 +<ayin > than seven
<07651 +sheba< > men that can render <07725 +shuwb > a reason
<{02940} +ta<am > .

02940 PSA 034 001 [ A Psalm ] of David <01732 +David > , when he
changed <08138 +shanah > his behaviour <{02940} +ta< am > before
<06440 +paniym > Abimelech <40> ; who drove him away <01644
+garash > , and he departed <03212 +yalak > . I will bless
<01288 +barak > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > at all < 03605 +kol >
times <06256 +<eth > : his praise <08416 +t@hillah > [ shall ]
continually <08548 +tamiyd > [ be ] in my mouth <06310 +peh > .

02940 PSA 119 066 Teach <03925 +lamad > me good <02898 +tuwb >
judgment <{02940} +ta<am > andknowledge <01847 +da< ath > : for I
have believed <00539 +>aman > thy commandments <04687 +mitsvah >