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00519 >amah EXO-23:12 handmaid

00519 >amah JUD-19:19 handmaid
00519 >amah RUT-3:9 handmaid
00519 >amah RUT-3:9 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-1:11 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-1:11 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-1:11 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-1:16 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:24 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:24 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:25 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:28 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:31 handmaid
00519 >amah 1SA-25:41 handmaid
00519 >amah 2SA-14:15 handmaid
00519 >amah 2SA-14:16 handmaid
00519 >amah 2SA-20:17 handmaid
00519 >amah 1KI-1:13 handmaid
00519 >amah 1KI-1:17 handmaid
00519 >amah 1KI-3:20 handmaid
00519 >amah PSA-86:16 handmaid
00519 >amah PSA-116:16 handmaid
00519 >amah 2SA-6:20 handmaids
00519 >amah GEN-30:3 maid
00519 >amah EXO-2:5 maid
00519 >amah EXO-21:20 maid
00519 >amah EXO-21:26 maid
00519 >amah LEV-25:6 maid
00519 >amah EZR-2:65 maids
00519 >amah JOB-19:15 maids
00519 >amah NAH-2:7 maids
00519 >amah EXO-20:10 maidservant
00519 >amah EXO-20:17 maidservant
00519 >amah EXO-21:7 maidservant
00519 >amah EXO-21:32 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-5:14 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-5:14 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-5:21 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-12:18 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-15:17 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-16:11 maidservant
00519 >amah DEU-16:14 maidservant
00519 >amah JUD-9:18 maidservant
00519 >amah JOB-31:13 maidservant
00519 >amah EXO-21:27 maidservant's
00519 >amah GEN-20:17 maidservants
00519 >amah GEN-31:33 maidservants
00519 >amah DEU-12:12 maidservants
00519 >amah 2SA-6:22 maidservants
00519 >amah NEH-7:67 maidservants
00519 >amah LEV-25:44 bondmaids
00519 >amah LEV-25:44 bondmaids
00519 >amah GEN-21:10 bondwoman
00519 >amah GEN-21:10 bondwoman
00519 >amah GEN-21:12 bondwoman
00519 >amah GEN-21:13 bondwoman

00519 1KI 001 013 Go <03212 +yalak > and get <00935 +bow> > thee in unto king <04428 +melek > David <01732 +David > , and say <00559 +>amar > unto him , Didst not thou , my lord <00113 +>adown > , O king <04428 +melek > , swear <07650 +shaba< > unto thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Assuredly <03588 +kiy > Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > thy son <01121 +ben > shall reign <04427 +malak > after <00310 +>achar > me , and he shall sit < 03427 +yashab > upon my throne <03678 +kicce> > ? why < 04069 +madduwa< > then doth Adonijah <00138 +>Adoniyah > reign <04427 +malak > ?
00519 1KI 001 017 And she said <00559 +>amar > unto him , My lord <00113 +>adown > , thou swarest <07650 +shaba< > by the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > unto thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , [ saying ] , Assuredly <03588 +kiy > Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > thy son <01121 +ben > shall reign <04427 +malak > after <00310 +>achar > me , and he shall sit <03427 +yashab > upon my throne <03678 +kicce> > .
00519 1KI 003 020 And she arose <06965 +quwm > at midnight , and took <03947 +laqach > my son <01121 +ben > from beside <00681 +>etsel > me , while thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > slept <03463 +yashen > , and laid <07901 +shakab > it in her bosom <02436 +cheyq > , and laid <07901 +shakab > her dead <04191 +muwth > child <01121 +ben > in my bosom <02436 +cheyq > .
00519 1SA 001 011 And she vowed <05087 +nadar > a vow < 05088 +neder > , and said <00559 +>amar > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , if <00518 +>im > thou wilt indeed look <07200 +ra>ah > on the affliction < 06040 +<oniy > of thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > , and remember <02142 +zakar > me , and not forget <07911 +shakach > thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > , but wilt give <05414 +nathan > unto thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > a man <00582 +> enowsh > child <02233 +zera< > , then I will give <05414 +nathan > him unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > all <03605 +kol > the days <03117 +yowm > of his life <02416 +chay > , and there shall no <03808 +lo> > razor <04177 +mowrah > come <05927 +<alah > upon his head <07218 +ro>sh > .
00519 1SA 001 011 And she vowed <05087 +nadar > a vow < 05088 +neder > , and said <00559 +>amar > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , if <00518 +>im > thou wilt indeed look <07200 +ra>ah > on the affliction < 06040 +<oniy > of thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > , and remember <02142 +zakar > me , and not forget <07911 +shakach > thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , but wilt give <05414 +nathan > unto thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > a man <00582 +>enowsh > child <02233 +zera< > , then I will give < 05414 +nathan > him unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > all <03605 +kol > the days <03117 +yowm > of his life <02416 +chay > , and there shall no <03808 +lo> > razor <04177 +mowrah > come <05927 +<alah > upon his head <07218 +ro>sh > .
00519 1SA 001 011 And she vowed <05087 +nadar > a vow < 05088 +neder > , and said <00559 +>amar > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , if <00518 +>im > thou wilt indeed look <07200 +ra>ah > on the affliction < 06040 +<oniy > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , and remember <02142 +zakar > me , and not forget <07911 +shakach > thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > , but wilt give <05414 +nathan > unto thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > a man <00582 +> enowsh > child <02233 +zera< > , then I will give <05414 +nathan > him unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > all <03605 +kol > the days <03117 +yowm > of his life <02416 +chay > , and there shall no <03808 +lo> > razor <04177 +mowrah > come <05927 +<alah > upon his head <07218 +ro>sh > .
00519 1SA 001 016 Count <05414 +nathan > not thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > for a daughter <01323 +bath > of Belial <01100 +b@liya<al > : for out of the abundance <07230 +rob > of my complaint <07878 +siyach > and grief <03708 +ka<ac > have I spoken <01696 +dabar > hitherto .
00519 1SA 025 024 And fell <05307 +naphal > at <05921 +<al > his feet <07272 +regel > , and said <00559 +>amar > , Upon me , my lord <00113 +>adown > , [ upon ] me [ let this ] iniquity <05771 +<avon > [ be ] : and let thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , speak < 01696 +dabar > in thine audience <00241 +>ozen > , and hear <08085 +shama< > the words <01697 +dabar > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > .
00519 1SA 025 024 And fell <05307 +naphal > at <05921 +<al > his feet <07272 +regel > , and said <00559 +>amar > , Upon me , my lord <00113 +>adown > , [ upon ] me [ let this ] iniquity <05771 +<avon > [ be ] : and let thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , speak <01696 +dabar > in thine audience <00241 +>ozen > , and hear <08085 +shama< > the words <01697 +dabar > of thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > .
00519 1SA 025 025 Let not my lord <00113 +>adown > , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , regard <03820 +leb > this < 02088 +zeh > man <00376 +>iysh > of Belial <01100 +b@liya<al > , [ even ] Nabal <05037 +Nabal > : for as his name <08034 +shem > [ is ] , so <03651 +ken > [ is ] he ; Nabal <05037 +Nabal > [ is ] his name <08034 +shem > , and folly <05039 +n@balah > [ is ] with him : but I thine handmaid < {00519} +>amah > saw <07200 +ra>ah > not the young < 05288 +na<ar > men of my lord <00113 +>adown > , whom < 00834 +>aher > thou didst send <07971 +shalach > .
00519 1SA 025 028 I pray <04994 +na> > thee , forgive <05375 +nasa> > the trespass <08588 +ta<anuwg > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > : for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > will certainly make <06213 +<asah > my lord <00113 +>adown > a sure <00539 +>aman > house <01004 +bayith > ; because <03588 +kiy > my lord <00113 +>adown > fighteth < 03898 +lacham > the battles <04421 +milchamah > of the LORD < 03068 +Y@hovah > , and evil <07451 +ra< > hath not been found <04672 +matsa> > in thee [ all ] thy days <03117 +yowm > .
00519 1SA 025 031 That this <02063 +zo>th > shall be no <03808 +lo> > grief <06330 +puwqah > unto thee , nor offence <04383 +mikshowl > of heart <03820 +leb > unto my lord <00136 +>Adonay > , either that thou hast shed <08210 +shaphak > blood <01818 +dam > causeless <02600 +chinnam > , or that my lord <00136 +>Adonay > hath avenged <03467 +yasha< > himself : but when the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall have dealt well <03190 +yatab > with my lord <00113 +>adown > , then remember <02142 +zakar > thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > .
00519 1SA 025 041 And she arose <06965 +quwm > , and bowed <07812 +shachah > herself on [ her ] face <00639 +>aph > to the earth <00776 +>erets > , and said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > , [ let ] thine handmaid <{00519} +> amah > [ be ] a servant <05650 +<ebed > to wash <07364 +rachats > the feet <07272 +regel > of the servants <05650 +<ebed > of my lord <00113 +>adown > .
00519 2SA 006 020 Then David <01732 +David > returned < 07725 +shuwb > to bless <01288 +barak > his household <01004 +bayith > . And Michal <04324 +Miykal > the daughter <01323 +bath > of Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > came <03318 +yatsa> > out to meet <07125 +qir>ah > David <01732 +David > , and said <00559 +>amar > , How <04100 +mah > glorious < 03513 +kabad > was the king <04428 +melek > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > to day , who <00834 +>aher > uncovered < 01540 +galah > himself to day <03117 +yowm > in the eyes < 05869 +<ayin > of the handmaids <{00519} +>amah > of his servants <05650 +<ebed > , as one <00259 +>echad > of the vain <07386 +reyq > fellows shamelessly <01540 +galah > uncovereth <01540 +galah > himself !
00519 2SA 006 022 And I will yet <05750 +<owd > be more vile <07043 +qalal > than thus <02063 +zo>th > , and will be base <08217 +shaphal > in mine own sight <05869 +<ayin > : and of the maidservants <{00519} +>amah > which <00834 +> aher > thou hast spoken <00559 +>amar > of , of them shall I be had in honour <03513 +kabad > .
00519 2SA 014 015 Now <06258 +<attah > therefore that I am come <00935 +bow> > to speak <01696 +dabar > of this < 02088 +zeh > thing <01697 +dabar > unto my lord <00113 +> adown > the king <04428 +melek > , [ it is ] because <03588 +kiy > the people <05971 +<am > have made me afraid <03372 +yare> > : and thy handmaid <08198 +shiphchah > said <00559 +>amar > , I will now <04994 +na> > speak <01696 +dabar > unto the king <04428 +melek > ; it may be that the king < 04428 +melek > will perform <06213 +<asah > the request < 01697 +dabar > of his handmaid <{00519} +>amah > .
00519 2SA 014 016 For the king <04428 +melek > will hear <08085 +shama< > , to deliver <05337 +natsal > his handmaid <{00519} +>amah > out of the hand <03709 +kaph > of the man <00376 +>iysh > [ that would ] destroy <08045 +shamad > me and my son <01121 +ben > together <03162 +yachad > out of the inheritance <05159 +nachalah > of God <00430 +>elohiym > .
00519 2SA 020 017 And when he was come <07126 +qarab > near <07126 +qarab > unto her , the woman <00802 +>ishshah > said <00559 +>amar > , [ Art ] thou Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > ? And he answered <00559 +>amar > , I [ am he ] . Then she said <00559 +>amar > unto him , Hear <08085 +shama< > the words <01697 +dabar > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > . And he answered <00559 +>amar > , I do hear <08085 +shama< > .
00519 DEU 005 014 But the seventh <07637 +sh@biy<iy > day <03117 +yowm > [ is ] the sabbath <07676 +shabbath > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > : [ in it ] thou shalt not do <06213 +<asah > any <03605 +kol > work <04399 +m@la>kah > , thou , nor thy son <01121 +ben > , nor thy daughter <01323 +bath > , nor thy manservant <05650 +< ebed > , nor thy maidservant <{00519} +>amah > , nor thine ox <07794 +showr > , nor thine ass <02543 +chamowr > , nor any <03605 +kol > of thy cattle <00929 +b@hemah > , nor thy stranger <01616 +ger > that [ is ] within thy gates <08179 +sha<ar > ; that thy manservant <05650 +<ebed > and thy maidservant <00519 +>amah > may rest <05117 +nuwach > as well as thou .
00519 DEU 005 014 But the seventh <07637 +sh@biy<iy > day <03117 +yowm > [ is ] the sabbath <07676 +shabbath > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > : [ in it ] thou shalt not do <06213 +<asah > any <03605 +kol > work <04399 +m@la>kah > , thou , nor thy son <01121 +ben > , nor thy daughter <01323 +bath > , nor thy manservant <05650 +< ebed > , nor thy maidservant <00519 +>amah > , nor thine ox <07794 +showr > , nor thine ass <02543 +chamowr > , nor any <03605 +kol > of thy cattle <00929 +b@hemah > , nor thy stranger <01616 +ger > that [ is ] within thy gates <08179 +sha<ar > ; that thy manservant <05650 +<ebed > and thy maidservant <{00519} +>amah > may rest <05117 +nuwach > as well as thou .
00519 DEU 005 021 Neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou desire <02530 +chamad > thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > wife <00802 +>ishshah > , neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou covet <00185 +>avvah > thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > house <01004 +bayith > , his field <07704 +sadeh > , or his manservant <05650 +<ebed > , or his maidservant <{00519} +> amah > , his ox <07794 +showr > , or his ass <02543 +chamowr > , or any <03605 +kol > [ thing ] that [ is ] thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > .
00519 DEU 012 012 And ye shall rejoice <08055 +samach > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > , ye , and your sons <01121 +ben > , and your daughters <01121 +ben > , and your menservants <05650 +< ebed > , and your maidservants <{00519} +>amah > , and the Levite <03881 +Leviyiy > that [ is ] within your gates <08179 +sha<ar > ; forasmuch <03588 +kiy > as he hath no <00369 +>ayin > part <02506 +cheleq > nor inheritance <05159 +nachalah > with you .
00519 DEU 012 018 But thou must eat <00398 +>akal > them before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God < 00430 +>elohiym > in the place <04725 +maqowm > which < 00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > shall choose <00977 +bachar > , thou , and thy son <01121 +ben > , and thy daughter <01323 +bath > , and thy manservant <05650 +<ebed > , and thy maidservant <{00519} +> amah > , and the Levite <03881 +Leviyiy > that [ is ] within thy gates <08179 +sha<ar > : and thou shalt rejoice <08055 +samach > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > in all <03605 +kol > that thou puttest <04916 +mishlowach > thine hands <03027 +yad > unto .
00519 DEU 015 017 Then thou shalt take <03947 +laqach > an aul <04836 +martsea< > , and thrust <05414 +nathan > [ it ] through his ear <00241 +>ozen > unto the door <01817 +deleth > , and he shall be thy servant <05650 +<ebed > for ever < 05769 +<owlam > . And also <00637 +>aph > unto thy maidservant <{00519} +>amah > thou shalt do <06213 +<asah > likewise <03651 +ken > .
00519 DEU 016 011 And thou shalt rejoice <08055 +samach > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God < 00430 +>elohiym > , thou , and thy son <01121 +ben > , and thy daughter <01323 +bath > , and thy manservant <05650 +<ebed > , and thy maidservant <{00519} +>amah > , and the Levite < 03881 +Leviyiy > that [ is ] within thy gates <08179 +sha<ar > , and the stranger <01616 +ger > , and the fatherless <03490 +yathowm > , and the widow <00490 +>almanah > , that [ are ] among <07130 +qereb > you , in the place <04725 +maqowm > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath chosen <00977 +bachar > to place <07931 +shakan > his name <08034 +shem > there <08033 +sham > .
00519 DEU 016 014 And thou shalt rejoice <08055 +samach > in thy feast <02282 +chag > , thou , and thy son <01121 +ben > , and thy daughter <01323 +bath > , and thy manservant <05650 +<ebed > , and thy maidservant <{00519} +>amah > , and the Levite <03881 +Leviyiy > , the stranger <01616 +ger > , and the fatherless <03490 +yathowm > , and the widow <00490 +> almanah > , that [ are ] within thy gates <08179 +sha<ar > .
00519 EXO 002 005 And the daughter <01323 +bath > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par<oh > came <03381 +yarad > down < 03381 +yarad > to wash <07364 +rachats > [ herself ] at <05921 +<al > the river <02975 +y@<or > ; and her maidens < 05291 +na<arah > walked <01980 +halak > along by the river s <02975 +y@<or > side <03027 +yad > ; and when she saw < 07200 +ra>ah > the ark <08392 +tebah > among <08432 +tavek > the flags <05488 +cuwph > , she sent <07971 +shalach > her maid <{00519} +>amah > to fetch <03947 +laqach > it .
00519 EXO 023 012 Six <08337 +shesh > days <03117 +yowm > thou shalt do <06213 +<asah > thy work <04639 +ma<aseh > , and on the seventh <07637 +sh@biy<iy > day <03117 +yowm > thou shalt rest <07673 +shabath > : that thine ox <07794 +showr > and thine ass <02543 +chamowr > may rest <05117 +nuwach > , and the son <01121 +ben > of thy handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , and the stranger <01616 +ger > , may be refreshed <05314 +naphash > .
00519 EZR 002 065 Beside <00905 +bad > their servants < 05650 +<ebed > and their maids <{00519} +>amah > , of whom <00428 +>el - leh > [ there were ] seven <07651 +sheba< > thousand <00505 +>eleph > three <07969 +shalowsh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > thirty <07970 +sh@lowshiym > and seven < 07651 +sheba< > : and [ there were ] among them two hundred < 03967 +me>ah > singing <07891 +shiyr > men <00582 +> enowsh > and singing <07891 +shiyr > women .
00519 GEN 020 017 So Abraham <85> prayed <06419 +palal > unto God <00430 +>elohiym > : and God <00430 +>elohiym > healed <07495 +rapha> > Abimelech <40> , and his wife <00802 +>ishshah > , and his maidservants <{00519} +>amah > ; and they bare <03205 +yalad > [ children ] .
00519 GEN 021 010 Wherefore she said <00559 +>amar > unto Abraham <85> , Cast <01644 +garash > out this <02063 +zo>th > bondwoman <00519 +>amah > and her son <01121 +ben > : for the son <01121 +ben > of this <02063 +zo>th > bondwoman <{00519} +>amah > shall not be heir <03423 +yarash > with my son , [ even ] with Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > .
00519 GEN 021 010 Wherefore she said <00559 +>amar > unto Abraham <85> , Cast <01644 +garash > out this <02063 +zo>th > bondwoman <{00519} +>amah > and her son <01121 +ben > : for the son <01121 +ben > of this <02063 +zo>th > bondwoman <00519 +>amah > shall not be heir <03423 +yarash > with my son , [ even ] with Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > .
00519 GEN 021 012 And God <00430 +>elohiym > said < 00559 +>amar > unto Abraham <85> , Let it not be grievous < 07489 +ra<a< > in thy sight <05869 +<ayin > because < 05921 +<al > of the lad <05288 +na<ar > , and because < 05921 +<al > of thy bondwoman <{00519} +>amah > ; in all <03605 +kol > that Sarah <08283 +Sarah > hath said <00559 +>amar > unto thee , hearken <08085 +shama< > unto her voice <06963 +qowl > ; for in Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > shall thy seed <02233 +zera< > be called <07121 +qara> > .
00519 GEN 021 013 And also of the son <01121 +ben > of the bondwoman <{00519} +>amah > will I make <07760 +suwm > a nation <01471 +gowy > , because <03588 +kiy > he [ is ] thy seed <02233 +zera< > .
00519 GEN 030 003 And she said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > my maid <{00519} +>amah > Bilhah <01090 +Bilhah > , go <00935 +bow> > in unto her ; and she shall bear <03205 +yalad > upon my knees <01290 +berek > , that I may also <01571 +gam > have children <01129 +banah > by her .
00519 GEN 031 033 And Laban <03837 +Laban > went <00935 +bow> > into Jacob s <03290 +Ya<aqob > tent <00168 +> ohel > , and into Leah s <03812 +Le>ah > tent <00168 +> ohel > , and into the two <08147 +sh@nayim > maidservants < {00519} +>amah > tents <00168 +>ohel > ; but he found < 04672 +matsa> > [ them ] not . Then went <03318 +yatsa> > he out of Leah s <03812 +Le>ah > tent <00168 +>ohel > , and entered <00935 +bow> > into Rachel s <07354 +Rachel > tent <00168 +>ohel > .
00519 JOB 019 015 They that dwell <01481 +guwr > in mine house <01004 +bayith > , and my maids <{00519} +>amah > , count <02803 +chashab > me for a stranger <02114 +zuwr > : I am an alien <05237 +nokriy > in their sight <05869 +<ayin > .
00519 JOB 031 013 If <00518 +>im > I did despise < 03988 +ma>ac > the cause <04941 +mishpat > of my manservant <05650 +<ebed > or of my maidservant <{00519} +>amah > , when they contended <07378 +riyb > with me ;
00519 JUD 009 018 And ye are risen <06965 +quwm > up against <05921 +<al > my father s <1> house <01004 +bayith > this day <03117 +yowm > , and have slain <02026 +harag > his sons <01121 +ben > , threescore <07657 +shib< iym . > and ten persons <00376 +>iysh > , upon one <00259 +>echad > stone <68> , and have made Abimelech <40> , the son <01121 +ben > of his maidservant <{00519} +>amah > , king <04427 +malak > over <05921 +<al > the men <01167 +ba<al > of Shechem <07927 +Sh@kem > , because <03588 +kiy > he [ is ] your brother <00251 +>ach > ; )
00519 JUD 019 019 Yet <01571 +gam > there is both <01571 +gam > straw <08401 +teben > and provender <04554 +micpow> > for our asses <02543 +chamowr > ; and there is bread <03899 +lechem > and wine <03196 +yayin > also <01571 +gam > for me , and for thy handmaid <{00519} +>amah > , and for the young <05288 +na<ar > man [ which is ] with thy servants <05650 +< ebed > : [ there is ] no <00369 +>ayin > want <04270 +machcowr > of any <03605 +kol > thing <01697 +dabar > .
00519 LEV 025 006 And the sabbath <07676 +shabbath > of the land <00776 +>erets > shall be meat <00402 +>oklah > for you ; for thee , and for thy servant <05650 +<ebed > , and for thy maid <{00519} +>amah > , and for thy hired <07916 +sakiyr > servant <07916 +sakiyr > , and for thy stranger <08453 +towshab > that sojourneth <01481 +guwr > with thee ,
00519 LEV 025 044 Both thy bondmen <05650 +<ebed > , and thy bondmaids <00519 +>amah > , which <00834 +>aher > thou shalt have <01961 +hayah > , [ shall be ] of the heathen < 01471 +gowy > that are round <05439 +cabiyb > about you ; of them shall ye buy <07069 +qanah > bondmen <05650 +<ebed > and bondmaids <{00519} +>amah > .
00519 LEV 025 044 Both thy bondmen <05650 +<ebed > , and thy bondmaids <{00519} +>amah > , which <00834 +>aher > thou shalt have <01961 +hayah > , [ shall be ] of the heathen < 01471 +gowy > that are round <05439 +cabiyb > about you ; of them shall ye buy <07069 +qanah > bondmen <05650 +<ebed > and bondmaids <00519 +>amah > .
00519 NAH 002 007 And Huzzab <05324 +natsab > shall be led away <01540 +galah > captive <01540 +galah > , she shall be brought <05927 +<alah > up , and her maids <{00519} +>amah > shall lead <05090 +nahag > [ her ] as with the voice <06963 +qowl > of doves <03123 +yownah > , tabering <08608 +taphaph > upon their breasts <03824 +lebab > .
00519 NEH 007 067 Beside <00905 +bad > their manservants <05650 +<ebed > and their maidservants <{00519} +>amah > , of whom <00428 +>el - leh > [ there were ] seven <07651 +sheba< > thousand <00505 +>eleph > three <07969 +shalowsh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > thirty <07970 +sh@lowshiym > and seven <07651 +sheba< > : and they had two hundred <03967 +me>ah > forty <00705 +>arba<iym > and five <02568 +chamesh > singing <07891 +shiyr > men and singing <07891 +shiyr > women .
00519 PSA 086 016 O turn <06437 +panah > unto me , and have mercy <02603 +chanan > upon me ; give <05414 +nathan > thy strength <05797 +<oz > unto thy servant <05650 +<ebed > , and save <03467 +yasha< > the son <01121 +ben > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > .
00519 PSA 116 016 O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , truly < 00577 +>anna> > I [ am ] thy servant <05650 +<ebed > ; I [ am ] thy servant <05650 +<ebed > , [ and ] the son <01121 +ben > of thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > : thou hast loosed <06605 +pathach > my bonds <04147 +mowcer > .
00519 RUT 003 009 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Who < 04310 +miy > [ art ] thou ? And she answered <00559 +>amar > , I [ am ] Ruth <07327 +Ruwth > thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > : spread <06566 +paras > therefore thy skirt <03671 +kanaph > over <05921 +<al > thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > ; for thou [ art ] a near kinsman <01350 +ga>al > .
00519 RUT 003 009 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Who < 04310 +miy > [ art ] thou ? And she answered <00559 +>amar > , I [ am ] Ruth <07327 +Ruwth > thine handmaid <00519 +>amah > : spread <06566 +paras > therefore thy skirt <03671 +kanaph > over <05921 +<al > thine handmaid <{00519} +>amah > ; for thou [ art ] a near kinsman <01350 +ga>al > .