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00184 >avah NUM-34:10 point

00184 >avah PSA-115:7 handle

00184 NUM 034 010 And ye shall point <{00184} +>avah > out your east <06924 +qedem > border <01366 +g@buwl > from Hazarenan <02704 +Chatsar <Eynan > to Shepham <08221 +Sh@pham > :
00184 PSA 115 007 They have hands <03027 +yad > , but they handle <{00184} +>avah > not : feet <07272 +regel > have they , but they walk <01980 +halak > not : neither <03808 +lo> > speak <01897 +hagah > they through their throat <01627 +garown > .