the voice of , 01_GEN_03_08 , the voice of , 01_GEN_03_17 , the voice of , 01_GEN_16_02 , the voice of , 01_GEN_21_17 , the voice of , 02_EXO_04_08 , the voice of , 02_EXO_15_26 , the voice of , 02_EXO_18_24 , the voice of , 02_EXO_19_16 , the voice of , 02_EXO_19_19 , the voice of , 02_EXO_32_18 , the voice of , 03_LEV_05_01 , the voice of , 04_NUM_07_89 , the voice of , 04_NUM_21_03 , the voice of , 05_DEU_01_34 , the voice of , 05_DEU_04_12 , the voice of , 05_DEU_04_33 , the voice of , 05_DEU_05_25 , the voice of , 05_DEU_05_26 , the voice of , 05_DEU_05_28 , the voice of , 05_DEU_08_20 , the voice of , 05_DEU_13_18 , the voice of , 05_DEU_15_05 , the voice of , 05_DEU_18_16 , the voice of , 05_DEU_21_18 , the voice of , 05_DEU_26_14 , the voice of , 05_DEU_27_10 , the voice of , 05_DEU_27_10 , the voice of , 05_DEU_28_02 , the voice of , 05_DEU_28_15 , the voice of , 05_DEU_28_45 , the voice of , 05_DEU_28_62 , the voice of , 05_DEU_30_08 , the voice of , 05_DEU_30_10 , the voice of , 05_DEU_33_07 , the voice of , 06_JOS_05_06 , the voice of , 06_JOS_10_14 , the voice of , 07_JUD_13_09 , the voice of , 07_JUD_18_03 , the voice of , 07_JUD_20_13 , the voice of , 09_1SA_02_25 , the voice of , 09_1SA_08_07 , the voice of , 09_1SA_08_19 , the voice of , 09_1SA_12_15 , the voice of , 09_1SA_15_01 , the voice of , 09_1SA_15_19 , the voice of , 09_1SA_15_20 , the voice of , 09_1SA_15_22 , the voice of , 09_1SA_19_06 , the voice of , 09_1SA_28_18 , the voice of , 09_1SA_28_22 , the voice of , 10_2SA_19_35 , the voice of , 11_1KI_17_22 , the voice of , 11_1KI_20_36 , the voice of , 12_2KI_18_12 , the voice of , 18_JOB_03_18 , the voice of , 18_JOB_04_10 , the voice of , 18_JOB_30_31 , the voice of , 18_JOB_33_08 , the voice of , 18_JOB_34_16 , the voice of , 18_JOB_37_04 , the voice of , 19_PSA_005_002 , the voice of , 19_PSA_006_008 , the voice of , 19_PSA_026_007 , the voice of , 19_PSA_028_002 , the voice of , 19_PSA_028_006 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_003 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_004 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_005 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_007 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_008 , the voice of , 19_PSA_029_009 , the voice of , 19_PSA_031_022 , the voice of , 19_PSA_042_004 , the voice of , 19_PSA_044_016 , the voice of , 19_PSA_047_001 , the voice of , 19_PSA_055_003 , the voice of , 19_PSA_058_005 , the voice of , 19_PSA_066_008 , the voice of , 19_PSA_066_019 , the voice of , 19_PSA_074_023 , the voice of , 19_PSA_077_018 , the voice of , 19_PSA_086_006 , the voice of , 19_PSA_098_005 , the voice of , 19_PSA_102_005 , the voice of , 19_PSA_103_020 , the voice of , 19_PSA_104_007 , the voice of , 19_PSA_106_025 , the voice of , 19_PSA_118_015 , the voice of , 19_PSA_130_002 , the voice of , 19_PSA_140_006 , the voice of , 20_PRO_05_13 , the voice of , 21_ECC_12_04 , the voice of , 22_SON_02_08 , the voice of , 22_SON_02_12 , the voice of , 22_SON_05_02 , the voice of , 23_ISA_06_04 , the voice of , 23_ISA_06_08 , the voice of , 23_ISA_30_19 , the voice of , 23_ISA_30_31 , the voice of , 23_ISA_40_03 , the voice of , 23_ISA_50_10 , the voice of , 23_ISA_51_03 , the voice of , 23_ISA_65_19 , the voice of , 24_JER_03_25 , the voice of , 24_JER_04_31 , the voice of , 24_JER_07_28 , the voice of , 24_JER_07_34 , the voice of , 24_JER_08_19 , the voice of , 24_JER_09_10 , the voice of , 24_JER_16_09 , the voice of , 24_JER_18_19 , the voice of , 24_JER_25_10 , the voice of , 24_JER_26_13 , the voice of , 24_JER_30_19 , the voice of , 24_JER_33_11 , the voice of , 24_JER_33_11 , the voice of , 24_JER_35_08 , the voice of , 24_JER_38_20 , the voice of , 24_JER_42_06 , the voice of , 24_JER_42_13 , the voice of , 24_JER_42_21 , the voice of , 24_JER_43_04 , the voice of , 24_JER_43_07 , the voice of , 24_JER_44_23 , the voice of , 24_JER_50_28 , the voice of , 26_EZE_01_24 , the voice of , 26_EZE_10_05 , the voice of , 27_DAN_07_11 , the voice of , 27_DAN_09_10 , the voice of , 27_DAN_10_06 , the voice of , 27_DAN_10_09 , the voice of , 32_JON_02_09 , the voice of , 34_NAH_02_07 , the voice of , 34_NAH_02_13 , the voice of , 36_ZEP_01_14 , the voice of , 37_HAG_01_12 , the voice of , 38_ZEC_06_15 , the voice of , 40_MAT_03_03 , the voice of , 41_MAR_01_03 , the voice of , 42_LUK_01_44 , the voice of , 42_LUK_03_04 , the voice of , 43_JOH_01_23 , the voice of , 43_JOH_05_25 , the voice of , 43_JOH_10_05 , the voice of , 44_ACT_07_31 , the voice of , 44_ACT_12_22 , the voice of , 44_ACT_22_09 , the voice of , 44_ACT_22_14 , the voice of , 52_1TH_04_16 , the voice of , 58_HEB_12_19 , the voice of , 66_REV_05_11 , the voice of , 66_REV_06_07 , the voice of , 66_REV_10_07 , the voice of , 66_REV_14_02 , the voice of , 66_REV_18_22 , the voice of , 66_REV_18_23 , the voice of , 66_REV_19_06 , , , unto the voice , 01_GEN_03_17 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_08_20 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_28_01 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_28_02 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_28_15 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_28_45 , unto the voice , 05_DEU_30_10 , unto the voice , 06_JOS_10_14 , unto the voice , 09_1SA_02_25 , unto the voice , 09_1SA_08_07 , unto the voice , 09_1SA_15_01 , unto the voice , 09_1SA_19_06 , unto the voice , 09_1SA_28_22 , unto the voice , 19_PSA_005_002 , unto the voice , 19_PSA_103_020 , unto the voice , 19_PSA_106_025 , unto the voice of , 01_GEN_03_17 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_08_20 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_28_01 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_28_02 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_28_15 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_28_45 , unto the voice of , 05_DEU_30_10 , unto the voice of , 06_JOS_10_14 , unto the voice of , 09_1SA_02_25 , unto the voice of , 09_1SA_08_07 , unto the voice of , 09_1SA_15_01 , unto the voice of , 09_1SA_19_06 , unto the voice of , 09_1SA_28_22 , unto the voice of , 19_PSA_005_002 , unto the voice of , 19_PSA_103_020 , unto the voice of , 19_PSA_106_025 , the voice of his , 02_EXO_18_24 , the voice of his , 05_DEU_21_18 , the voice of his , 18_JOB_37_04 , the voice of his , 19_PSA_066_008 , the voice of his , 19_PSA_103_020 , the voice of his , 23_ISA_50_10 , the voice of his , 27_DAN_10_06 , the voice of his , 27_DAN_10_09 , the voice of his , 27_DAN_10_09 , the voice of his , 44_ACT_22_14 ,, voice of his , 02_EXO_18_24 , voice of his , 05_DEU_21_18 , voice of his , 19_PSA_066_008 , voice of his , 19_PSA_103_020 , voice of his , 23_ISA_50_10 , voice of his , 27_DAN_10_06 , voice of his , 27_DAN_10_09 , voice of his , 44_ACT_22_14 , the LORD ye , 03_LEV_01_02 , the LORD ye , 03_LEV_19_05 , the LORD ye , 12_2KI_03_17 , the LORD ye , 13_1CH_16_28 , the LORD ye , 14_2CH_11_04 , the LORD ye , 14_2CH_12_05 , the LORD ye , 19_PSA_034_009 , the LORD ye , 19_PSA_097_012 , the LORD ye , 19_PSA_103_020 , the LORD ye , 23_ISA_01_10 , the LORD ye , 23_ISA_28_14 , the LORD ye , 23_ISA_52_03 , the LORD ye , 23_ISA_66_05 , the LORD ye , 24_JER_17_20 , the LORD ye , 24_JER_34_17 , the LORD ye , 24_JER_42_15 , the LORD ye , 28_HOS_04_01 , the LORD ye , 51_COL_03_24 , bless the LORD , 05_DEU_08_10 , bless the LORD , 13_1CH_29_20 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_016_007 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_026_012 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_034_001 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_103_001 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_103_002 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_103_020 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_103_022 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_103_022 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_104_001 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_115_018 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_134_002 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_135_019 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_135_019 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_135_020 , bless the LORD , 19_PSA_135_020 , do his commandments , 05_DEU_27_10 , do his commandments , 19_PSA_103_020 , do his commandments , 66_REV_22_14 , ,, of his word , 12_2KI_01_16 , of his word , 19_PSA_103_020 , LORD ye his , 19_PSA_034_009 , LORD ye his , 19_PSA_103_020 , the LORD ye his , 19_PSA_034_009 , the LORD ye his , 19_PSA_103_020 , that do his , 19_PSA_103_020 , that do his , 19_PSA_103_021 , that do his , 66_REV_22_14 , ,, that do his commandments , 19_PSA_103_020 , that do his commandments , 19_PSA_111_010 ,