answers  Interlinear Index Study

answers JOB 021 034 How <00349 +>eyk > then comfort <05162

+nacham > ye me in vain <01892 +hebel > , seeing in your

{answers} <08666 +t@shuwbah > there remaineth <07604 +sha>ar >

falsehood <04604 +ma<al > ?

answers JOB 034 036 My desire <15> [ is that ] Job <00347

+>Iyowb > may be tried <00974 +bachan > unto the end <05331

+netsach > because <05921 +<al > of [ his ] {answers} <08666

+t@shuwbah > for wicked <00205 +>aven > men <00582 +>enowsh > .

answers LUK 002 047 And all 3956 -pas - that heard LUK 0191 -

akouo - him were astonished 1839 -existemi - at 1909 -epi - his

understanding 4907 -sunesis - and {answers} LUK 0612 -apokrisis -


