bashemath , GE , 26:34 ,  GE , 36:3 ,  GE , 36:4 ,  GE , 36:10 ,

 GE , 36:13 ,  GE , 36:17

hemath , 1CH , 2:55 ,  1CH , 13:5

hemath , AM , 6:14






 Hemath  Interlinear Index Study

Hemath 1CH 002 055 And the families <04940 +mishpachah > of the

scribes <05608 +caphar > which dwelt <03427 +yashab > at Jabez

<03258 +Ya<bets > ; the Tirathites <08654 +Tir<athiy > , the

Shimeathites <08101 +Shim<athiy > ,  [ and ] Suchathites <07756

+Suwkathiy > . These <01992 +hem > [ are ] the Kenites <07017

+Qeyniy > that came <00935 +bow> > of {Hemath} <02574 +Chamath >

, the father <1> of the house <01004 +bayith > of Rechab <07394

+Rekab > .

Hemath 1CH 013 005 So David <01732 +David > gathered <06950

+qahal > all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > together ,

from Shihor <07883 +Shiychowr > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim >

even unto the entering <00935 +bow> > of {Hemath} <02574

+Chamath > , to bring <00935 +bow> > the ark <00727 +>arown > of

God <00430 +>elohiym > from Kirjathjearim <07157 +Qiryath

Y@<ariym > .

Hemath AMO 006 014 But , behold <02005 +hen > , I will raise

<06965 +quwm > up against <05921 +<al > you a nation <01471

+gowy > , O house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,

 saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > the God <00430

+>elohiym > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > ; and they shall afflict

<03905 +lachats > you from the entering <00935 +bow> > in of

{Hemath} <02574 +Chamath > unto the river <05158 +nachal > of

the wilderness <06166 +<Arad > .



 bashemath bare reuel                    <GEN36  -:4 >

bashemath esau's wife                   <GEN36  -:17 >

bashemath esau's wife                   <GEN36  -:13 >

bashemath ishmael's daughter            <GEN36  -:3 >

hemath unto                                <AMO6  -:14 >

- bashemath , 1315 ,

- hemath , 2574 ,

Bashemath  GEN 026 034 .  And Esau <06215  +<Esav > was forty

<00705  +>arba<iym > years <08141  +shaneh > old <01121  +ben >

when <03588  +kiy > he took <03947  +laqach > to wife <00802  

+>ishshah > Judith <03067  +Y@huwdiyth > the daughter <01323  

+bath > of Beeri <00882  +B@>eriy > the Hittite <02850  +Chittiy

> ,  and {Bashemath} <01315  +Bosmath > the daughter <01323  

+bath > of Elon <00356  +>Eylown > the Hittite <02850  +Chittiy

> :

Bashemath  GEN 036 003 And {Bashemath} <01315  +Bosmath >

Ishmael s <03458  +Yishma<e>l > daughter <01323  +bath > ,  

sister <00269  +>achowth > of Nebajoth <05032  +N@bayowth > .

Bashemath  GEN 036 004 And Adah <05711  +<Adah > bare <03205  

+yalad > to Esau <06215  +<Esav > Eliphaz <00464  +>Eliyphaz > ;

 and {Bashemath} <01315  +Bosmath > bare <03205  +yalad > Reuel

<07467  +R@<uw>el > ;

Bashemath  GEN 036 010 These <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  the

names <08034  +shem > of Esau s <06215  +<Esav > sons <01121  

+ben > ;  Eliphaz <00464  +>Eliyphaz > the son <01121  +ben > of

Adah <05711  +<Adah > the wife <00802  +>ishshah > of Esau

<06215  +<Esav > ,  Reuel <07467  +R@<uw>el > the son <01121  

+ben > of {Bashemath} <01315  +Bosmath > the wife <00802  

+>ishshah > of Esau <06215  +<Esav > .

Bashemath  GEN 036 013 And these <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  

the sons <01121  +ben > of Reuel <07467  +R@<uw>el > ;  Nahath

<05184  +Nachath > ,  and Zerah <02226  +Zerach > ,  Shammah

<08048  +Shammah > ,  and Mizzah <04199  +Mizzah > : these

<00428  +>el - leh > were the sons <01121  +ben > of {Bashemath}

<01315  +Bosmath > Esau s <06215  +<Esav > wife <00802  

+>ishshah > .

Bashemath  GEN 036 017 And these <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  

the sons <01121  +ben > of Reuel <07467  +R@<uw>el > Esau s

<06215  +<Esav > son <01121  +ben > ;  duke <00441  +>alluwph >

Nahath <05184  +Nachath > ,  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Zerah

<02226  +Zerach > ,  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Shammah <08048  

+Shammah > ,  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Mizzah <04199  +Mizzah > :

 these <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  the dukes <00441  

+>alluwph >  [ that came ]  of Reuel <07467  +R@<uw>el > in the

land <00776  +>erets > of Edom <00123  +>Edom > ;  these <00428  

+>el - leh >  [ are ]  the sons <01121  +ben > of {Bashemath}

<01315  +Bosmath > Esau s <06215  +<Esav > wife <00802  

+>ishshah > .





 bashemath -1315 {bashemath} , basmath ,  

hemath -2574 hamath , {hemath} ,  



 Bashemath 1315 -- Bosmath -- {Bashemath}, Basmath.

Hemath 2574 -- Chamath -- Hamath, {Hemath}.







 Bashemath 1315 ## Bosmath {bos-math'}; feminine of 1314 (the

second form); fragrance; Bosmath, the name of a wife of Esau,

and of a daughter of Solomon: -- {Bashemath}, Basmath. [ql

Hemath 2574 ## Chamath {kham-awth'}; from the same as 2346;

walled; Chamath, a place in Syria: -- Hamath, {Hemath}. [ql



 Bashemath 036 004 Gen               /^{Bashemath /bare Reuel ;

Bashemath 036 013 Gen               /^{Bashemath /Esau's wife .

Bashemath 036 017 Gen               /^{Bashemath /Esau's wife .

Bashemath 036 003 Gen               /^{Bashemath /Ishmael's

daughter , sister of Nebajoth .

Bashemath 026 034 Gen               /^{Bashemath /the daughter

of Elon the Hittite :

Bashemath 036 010 Gen               /^{Bashemath /the wife of

Esau .

Hemath 002 055 ICh                  /^{Hemath /the father of the

house of Rechab .

Hemath 013 005 ICh                  /^{Hemath /to bring the ark

of God from Kirjathjearim .

Hemath 006 014 Amo                  /^{Hemath /unto the river of

the wilderness .





 hemath <1CH2 -55> And the families of the scribes which dwelt

at Jabez; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, [and] Suchathites.

These [are] the Kenites that came of {Hemath}, the father of the

house of Rechab.

hemath <1CH13 -5> So David gathered all Israel together, from

Shihor of Egypt even unto the entering of {Hemath}, to bring the

ark of God from Kirjathjearim.

hemath <AMO6 -14> But, behold, I will raise up against you a

nation, O house of Israel, saith the LORD the God of hosts; and

they shall afflict you from the entering in of {Hemath} unto the

river of the wilderness.

