Ahohite 1Ch_11_29 Sibbecai <05444 Cibb@kay> the Hushathite <02843 Chushathiy>, Ilai <05866 <Iylay> the {Ahohite} <00266 >Achowchiy>,

Ahohite 1Ch_11_12 And after <00310 >achar> him was Eleazar <00499 >El<azar> the son <01121 ben> of Dodo <01734 Dowdow>, the {Ahohite} <00266 >Achowchiy>, who was one of the three <07969 shalowsh> mighties <01368 gibbowr>.

Ahohite 1Ch_27_04 And over the course <04256 machaloqeth> of the second <08145 sheniy> month <02320 chodesh> was Dodai <01737 Dowday> an {Ahohite} <00266 >Achowchiy>, and of his course <04256 machaloqeth> was Mikloth <04732 Miqlowth> also the ruler <05057 nagiyd>: in his course <04256 machaloqeth> likewise were twenty <06242 <esriym> and four <00702 >arba<> thousand <00505 >eleph>.

Ahohite 2Sa_23_28 Zalmon <06756 Tsalmown> the {Ahohite} <00266 >Achowchiy>, Maharai <04121 Maharay> the Netophathite <05200 N@tophathiy>,

Ahohite 2Sa_23_09 And after <00310 >achar> him was Eleazar <00499 >El<azar> the son <01121 ben> of Dodo <01734 Dowdow> the {Ahohite} <00266 >Achowchiy>, one of the three <07969 shalowsh> mighty men <01368 gibbowr> with David <01732 David>, when they defied <02778 charaph> (8763) the Philistines <06430 P@lishtiy> that were there gathered together <00622 >acaph> (8738) to battle <04421 milchamah>, and the men <00376 >iysh> of Israel <03478 Yisra>el> were gone away <05927 <alah> (8799):