helah , 1CH , 4:5 ,  1CH , 4:7

shelah , 1CH , 1:18 ,  1CH , 1:18 ,  1CH , 1:24 ,  1CH , 2:3 ,  

1CH , 4:21

shelah , GE , 38:5 ,  GE , 38:11 ,  GE , 38:14 ,  GE , 38:26 ,  

GE , 46:12

shelah , NU , 26:20

shuthelah , 1CH , 7:20 ,  1CH , 7:21

shuthelah , NU , 26:35 ,  NU , 26:36






 Helah  Interlinear Index Study

Helah 1CH 004 005 And Ashur <00804 +>Ashshuwr > the father <1>

of Tekoa <08620 +T@qowa< > had <01961 +hayah > two <08147

+sh@nayim > wives <00802 +>ishshah > , {Helah} <02458 +Chel>ah >

and Naarah <05292 +Na<arah > .



 shelah begat eber                       <1CH1  -:18 >

shelah my son                           <GEN38  -:26 >

shelah was grown                        <GEN38  -:14 >

shuthelah his son                       <1CH7  -:21 >

till shelah my son be grown             <GEN38  -:11 >

- helah , 2458 ,

- shelah , 7956 , 7974 ,

- shuthelah , 7803 ,

Shelah  GEN 038 005 And she yet <05750  +<owd > again <05750  

+<owd > conceived <03254  +yacaph > ,  and bare <03205  +yalad >

a son <01121  +ben > ;  and called <07121  +qara> > his name

<08034  +shem > {Shelah} <07956  +Shelah > : and he was at

Chezib <03580  +K@ziyb > ,  when she bare <03205  +yalad > him .

Shelah  GEN 038 011 Then said <00559  +>amar > Judah <03063  

+Y@huwdah > to Tamar <08559  +Tamar > his daughter <03618  

+kallah > in law <03618  +kallah > ,  Remain <03427  +yashab > a

widow <00490  +>almanah > at thy father s <1> house <01004  

+bayith > ,  till <05704  +<ad > {Shelah} <07956  +Shelah > my

son <01121  +ben > be grown <01431  +gadal > : for he said

<00559  +>amar > ,  Lest <06435  +pen > peradventure he die

<04191  +muwth > also <01571  +gam > ,  as his brethren <00251  

+>ach >  [ did ]  .  And Tamar <08559  +Tamar > went <03212  

+yalak > and dwelt <03427  +yashab > in her father s <1> house

<01004  +bayith > .

Shelah  GEN 038 014 And she put <05493  +cuwr > her widow s

<00491  +>almanuwth > garments <00899  +beged > off <05921  +<al

> from her ,  and covered <03680  +kacah > her with a vail

<06809  +tsa<iyph > ,  and wrapped <05968  +<alaph > herself ,  

and sat <03427  +yashab > in an open <05869  +<ayin > place

<06607  +pethach > ,  which <00834  +>aher >  [ is ]  by the way

<01870  +derek > to Timnath <08553  +Timnah > ;  for she saw

<07200  +ra>ah > that {Shelah} <07956  +Shelah > was grown

<01431  +gadal > ,  and she was not given <05414  +nathan > unto

him to wife <00802  +>ishshah > .

Shelah  GEN 038 026 And Judah <03063  +Y@huwdah > acknowledged

<05234  +nakar >  [ them ]  ,  and said <00559  +>amar > ,  She

hath been more righteous <06663  +tsadaq > than I ;  because

<03588  +kiy > that I gave <05414  +nathan > her not to {Shelah}

<07956  +Shelah > my son <01121  +ben > .  And he knew <03045  

+yada< > her again <03254  +yacaph > no <03808  +lo> > more

<05750  +<owd > .

Shelah  GEN 046 012 And the sons <01121  +ben > of Judah <03063  

+Y@huwdah > ;  Er <06147  +<Er > ,  and Onan <00209  +>Ownan > ,

 and {Shelah} <07956  +Shelah > ,  and Pharez <06557  +Perets > ,

  and Zerah <02226  +Zerach > : but Er <06147  +<Er > and Onan

<00209  +>Ownan > died <04191  +muwth > in the land <00776  

+>erets > of Canaan <03667  +K@na<an > .  And the sons <01121  

+ben > of Pharez <06557  +Perets > were Hezron <02696  

+Chetsrown > and Hamul <02538  +Chamuwl > .

Shelah  NUM 026 020 And the sons <01121  +ben > of Judah <03063  

+Y@huwdah > after their families <04940  +mishpachah > were ;  

of {Shelah} <07956  +Shelah > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah

> of the Shelanites <08024  +Shelaniy > : of Pharez <06557  

+Perets > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah > of the Pharzites

<06558  +Partsiy > : of Zerah <02226  +Zerach > ,  the family

<04940  +mishpachah > of the Zarhites <02227  +Zarchiy > .

Shuthelah  NUM 026 035 These <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  the

sons <01121  +ben > of Ephraim <00669  +>Ephrayim > after their

families <04940  +mishpachah > : of {Shuthelah} <07803  

+Shuwthelach > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah > of the

Shuthalhites <08364  +Shuthalchiy > : of Becher <01071  +Beker >

,  the family <04940  +mishpachah > of the Bachrites <01076  

+Bakriy > : of Tahan <08465  +Tachan > ,  the family <04940  

+mishpachah > of the Tahanites <08470  +Tachaniy > .

Shuthelah  NUM 026 036 And these <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  

the sons <01121  +ben > of {Shuthelah} <07803  +Shuwthelach > :

of Eran <06197  +<Eran > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah > of

the Eranites <06198  +<Eraniy > .





 helah -2458 {helah} ,  

shelah -7956 {shelah} ,  

shelah -7974 salah , {shelah} ,  

shuthelah -7803 {shuthelah} ,  



 Helah 2458 -- Chel/ah -- {Helah}.

Shelah 7956 Shelah -- -- {Shelah}.

Shelah 7974 Shelach -- -- Salah, {Shelah}.

Shuthelah 7803 Shuwthelach -- -- {Shuthelah}.







 Helah 2458 ## Chel>ah {khel-aw'}; the same as 2457; Chelah, an

Israelitess: -- {Helah}. [ql

Shelah 7956 ## Shelah {shay-law'}; the same as 7596 (shortened);

request; Shelah, the name of a postdiluvian patriarch and of an

Israelite: -- {Shelah}.[ql

Shelah 7974 ## Shelach {sheh'-lakh}; the same as 7973; Shelach,

a postdiluvian patriarch: -- Salah, {Shelah}. Compare 7975.[ql

Shuthelah 7803 ## Shuwthelach {shoo-theh'-lakh}; probably from

7582 and the same as 8520; crash of breakage; Shuthelach, the

name of two Israelites: -- {Shuthelah}.[ql



 Helah 004 005 ICh                   /^{Helah /and Naarah .

Helah 004 007 ICh                   /^{Helah /were, Zereth , and

Jezoar , and Ethnan .

Shelah 038 005 Gen                  /^{Shelah /and he was at

Chezib , when she bare him.

Shelah 046 012 Gen                  /^{Shelah /and Pharez , and

Zerah : but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan . And the

sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul .

Shelah 001 018 ICh                  /^{Shelah /and Shelah begat

Eber .

Shelah 001 018 ICh                  /^{Shelah /begat Eber .

Shelah 038 026 Gen                  /^{Shelah /my son . And he

knew her again no more.

Shelah 038 011 Gen                  /^{Shelah /my son be grown :

for he said , Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did.

 And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house .

Shelah 026 020 Num                  /^{Shelah /the family of the

Shelanites : of Pharez , the family of the Pharzites : of Zerah ,

 the family of the Zarhites .

Shelah 004 021 ICh                  /^{Shelah /the son of Judah

were, Er the father of Lecah , and Laadah the father of Mareshah

, and the families of the house of them that wrought fine linen ,

 of the house of Ashbea ,

Shelah 038 014 Gen                  /^{Shelah /was grown , and

she was not given unto him to wife .

Shelah 002 003 ICh                  /^{Shelah /which three were

born unto him of the daughter of Shua the Canaanitess . And Er ,

the firstborn of Judah , was evil in the sight of the LORD ; and

he slew him.

Shuthelah 007 020 ICh               /^{Shuthelah /and Bered his

son , and Tahath his son , and Eladah his son , and Tahath his

son ,

Shuthelah 007 021 ICh               /^{Shuthelah /his son , and

Ezer , and Elead , whom the men of Gath that were born in that

land slew , because they came down to take away their cattle .

Shuthelah 026 036 Num               /^{Shuthelah /of Eran , the

family of the Eranites .

Shuthelah 026 035 Num               /^{Shuthelah /the family of

the Shuthalhites : of Becher , the family of the Bachrites : of

Tahan , the family of the Tahanites .





 helah <1CH4 -5> And Ashur the father of Tekoa had two wives,

{Helah} and Naarah.

helah <1CH4 -7> And the sons of {Helah} [were], Zereth, and

Jezoar, and Ethnan.

