
Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

~ ~ Bible Translation Phrase lists ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-Amphipolis- ......... Amphipolis 0295 -Amphipolis -

-aporrhipto- ......... should cast 0641 -aporrhipto -

-archipoimen- ......... And when the chief 0750 -archipoimen -

-archipoimen- ......... Shepherd 0750 -archipoimen -

-Archippos- ......... and Archippus 0751 -Archippos -

-Archippos- ......... to Archippus 0751 -Archippos -

-epirrhipto- ......... and they cast 1977 -epirrhipto -

-epirrhipto- ......... Casting 1977 -epirrhipto -

-hipeiko- ......... over you , and submit 5226 -hipeiko -

-hippeus- ......... and horsemen 2460 -hippeus -

-hippeus- ......... the horsemen 2460 -hippeus -

-hippikon- ......... of the horsemen 2461 -hippikon -

-hippos- ......... and horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... even unto the horse 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... horse 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... in the horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... of horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... of the horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... the horse 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... the horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... unto horses 2462 -hippos -

-hippos- ......... upon the horse 2462 -hippos -

-rhipe- ......... broken pieces of the ship 4493 -rhipe -

-rhipe- ......... in a ship 4493 -rhipe -

-rhipe- ......... in the twinkling 4493 -rhipe -

-rhipizo- ......... and tossed 4494 -rhipizo -

-rhipto- ......... abroad 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... and cast 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... And he cast 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... and he cast 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... and were scattered 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... day we cast 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... down 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... had thrown 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... off 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... out , and cast 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... them down 4496 -rhipto -

-rhipto- ......... they cast 4496 -rhipto -

Amphipolis ......... Amphipolis 0295 -Amphipolis -

apostleship ......... and apostleship 0651 -apostole -

apostleship ......... apostleship 0651 -apostole -

apostleship ......... to the apostleship 0651 -apostole -

Archippus ......... and Archippus 0751 -Archippos -

Archippus ......... to Archippus 0751 -Archippos -

fellowship ......... and fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... and take upon us the fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... and the fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... fellowship 3352 -metoche -

fellowship ......... fellowship 4790 -sugkoinoneo -

fellowship ......... hands of fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... is the fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... not that ye should have fellowship 2844 -koinonos -

fellowship ......... our fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

fellowship ......... unto the fellowship 2842 -koinonia -

foreship ......... anchors out of the foreship 4408 -prora -

friendship ......... ye not that the friendship 5373 -philia -

lordship ......... lordship 2634 -katakurieuo -

lordship ......... lordship 2961 -kurieuo -

ship ......... a ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... and ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... And when the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... broken pieces of the ship 4493 -rhipe -

ship ......... But the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... by ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... him even as he was in the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... him unto the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... in a ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... in a ship 4493 -rhipe -

ship ......... in the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... into a ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... of the ship 3490 -naukleros -

ship ......... of the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... out of the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... part of the ship , asleep 2518 -katheudo -

ship ......... ship 4142 -ploiarion -

ship ......... ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... that the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... the ship 3491 -naus -

ship ......... the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... the ship ;

ship ......... they in the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... they that were in the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... to ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... unto the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... were in the ship 4143 -ploion -

ship ......... you , but of the ship 4143 -ploion -

shipmaster ......... shipmaster 2942 -kubernetes -

shipmen ......... And as the shipmen 3492 -nautes -

shipmen ......... the shipmen 3492 -nautes -

shipping ......... shipping 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... in ships 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... of the ships 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... part of the ships 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... ships 4142 -ploiarion -

ships ......... ships 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... the ships 4143 -ploion -

ships ......... their ships 4143 -ploion -

shipwreck ......... I suffered shipwreck 3489 -nauageo -

shipwreck ......... shipwreck 3489 -nauageo -

stewardship ......... from me the stewardship 3622 -oikonomia -

stewardship ......... of thy stewardship 3622 -oikonomia -

stewardship ......... out of the stewardship 3622 -oikonomia -

workmanship ......... For we are his workmanship 4161 -poiema -

worship ......... and them that worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... and they that worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... and worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... as would not worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... do they worship 4576 -sebomai -

worship ......... down to worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... for to worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... he will worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... man worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... shall worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... that they should not worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... them up to worship 3000 -latreuo -

worship ......... they do worship 4576 -sebomai -

worship ......... Thou shalt worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... to worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... to worship 4576 -sebomai -

worship ......... up to worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... we worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... wilt worship 1799 -enopion -

worship ......... worship 1391 -doxa -

worship ......... worship 1479 -ethelothreskeia -

worship ......... worship 2151 -eusebeo -

worship ......... worship 3000 -latreuo -

worship ......... worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worship ......... Ye worship 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... And he worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... and them that worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... And they worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... and they worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... and upon them which worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... and worshipped 4573 -sebazomai -

worshipped ......... down , and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... down and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... had not worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... him , they worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... is worshipped 2323 -therapeuo -

worshipped ......... one that worshipped 4576 -sebomai -

worshipped ......... she and worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipped ......... that is worshipped 4574 -sebasma -

worshipped ......... which worshipped 4576 -sebomai -

worshipped ......... worshipped 4352 -proskuneo -

worshipper ......... is a worshipper 3511 -neokoros -

worshipper ......... man be a worshipper 2318 -theosebes -

worshippers ......... that the worshippers 3000 -latreuo -

worshippers ......... worshippers 4353 -proskunetes -

worshippeth ......... worshippeth 4576 -sebomai -

worshipping ......... and worshipping 2356 -threskeia -

worshipping ......... worshipping 4352 -proskuneo -