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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number


Language Tranliteration of original language words

+Charosheth Jud_04_02 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) sold (04376 +makar ) them into the hand (03027 +yad ) of Jabin (02985 +Yabiyn ) king (04428 +melek ) of Canaan (03667 +K@na(an ) , that reigned (04427 +malak ) in Hazor (02674 +Chatsowr ) ; the captain (08269 +sar ) of whose host (06635 +tsaba) ) [ was ] Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) , which dwelt (03427 +yashab ) in Harosheth (02800 {+Charosheth} ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) .

+Charosheth Jud_04_13 And Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) gathered (02199 +za(aq ) together all (03605 +kol ) his chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , [ even ] nine (08672 +tesha( ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) chariots (07393 +rekeb ) of iron (01270 +barzel ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) that [ were ] with him , from Harosheth (02800 {+Charosheth} ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) unto the river (05158 +nachal ) of Kishon (07028 +Qiyshown ) .

+Charosheth Jud_04_16 But Barak (01301 +Baraq ) pursued (07291 +radaph ) after (00310 +)achar ) the chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , and after (00310 +)achar ) the host (04264 +machaneh ) , unto Harosheth (02800 {+Charosheth} ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ):and all (03605 +kol ) the host (04264 +machaneh ) of Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) fell (05307 +naphal ) upon the edge (06310 +peh ) of the sword (02719 +chereb ) ; [ and ] there was not a man left (07604 +sha)ar ) .

+charosheth Exo_31_05 And in cutting (02799 +charosheth ) of stones (68) , to set (04390 +male) ) [ them ] , and in carving (02799 {+charosheth} ) of timber (06086 +(ets ) , to work (06213 +(asah ) in all (03605 +kol ) manner of workmanship (04399 +m@la)kah ) .

+charosheth Exo_31_05 And in cutting (02799 {+charosheth} ) of stones (68) , to set (04390 +male) ) [ them ] , and in carving (02799 +charosheth ) of timber (06086 +(ets ) , to work (06213 +(asah ) in all (03605 +kol ) manner of workmanship (04399 +m@la)kah ) .

+charosheth Exo_35_33 And in the cutting (02799 +charosheth ) of stones (68) , to set (04390 +male) ) [ them ] , and in carving (02799 {+charosheth} ) of wood (06086 +(ets ) , to make (06213 +(asah ) any (03605 +kol ) manner of cunning (04284 +machashabah ) work (04399 +m@la)kah ) .

+charosheth Exo_35_33 And in the cutting (02799 {+charosheth} ) of stones (68) , to set (04390 +male) ) [ them ] , and in carving (02799 +charosheth ) of wood (06086 +(ets ) , to make (06213 +(asah ) any (03605 +kol ) manner of cunning (04284 +machashabah ) work (04399 +m@la)kah ) .

Harosheth Jud_04_02 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) sold (04376 +makar ) them into the hand (03027 +yad ) of Jabin (02985 +Yabiyn ) king (04428 +melek ) of Canaan (03667 +K@na(an ) , that reigned (04427 +malak ) in Hazor (02674 +Chatsowr ) ; the captain (08269 +sar ) of whose host (06635 +tsaba) ) [ was ] Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) , which dwelt (03427 +yashab ) in {Harosheth} (02800 +Charosheth ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) .

Harosheth Jud_04_13 And Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) gathered (02199 +za(aq ) together all (03605 +kol ) his chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , [ even ] nine (08672 +tesha( ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) chariots (07393 +rekeb ) of iron (01270 +barzel ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) that [ were ] with him , from {Harosheth} (02800 +Charosheth ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) unto the river (05158 +nachal ) of Kishon (07028 +Qiyshown ) .

Harosheth Jud_04_16 But Barak (01301 +Baraq ) pursued (07291 +radaph ) after (00310 +)achar ) the chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , and after (00310 +)achar ) the host (04264 +machaneh ) , unto {Harosheth} (02800 +Charosheth ) of the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ):and all (03605 +kol ) the host (04264 +machaneh ) of Sisera (05516 +Ciyc@ra) ) fell (05307 +naphal ) upon the edge (06310 +peh ) of the sword (02719 +chereb ) ; [ and ] there was not a man left (07604 +sha)ar ) .

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