cuttest  DEU 024 019 When <03588  +kiy > thou {cuttest} <07114  +qatsar > down thine harvest <07105  +qatsiyr > in thy field <07704  +sadeh > ,  and hast forgot <07911  +shakach > a sheaf <06016  +<omer > in the field <07704  +sadeh > ,  thou shalt not go <07725  +shuwb > again <07725  +shuwb > to fetch <03947  +laqach > it : it shall be for the stranger <01616  +ger > ,  for the fatherless <03490  +yathowm > ,  and for the widow <00490  +>almanah > : that the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > thy God <00430  +>elohiym > may bless <01288  +barak > thee in all <03605  +kol > the work <04639  +ma<aseh > of thine hands <03027  +yad > .