tokens , DE , 22:15 ,  DE , 22:17 ,  DE , 22:20

tokens , ISA , 44:25

tokens , PS , 65:8 ,  PS , 135:9






 tokens  Interlinear Index Study

tokens DEU 022 015 Then shall the father <1> of the damsel

<05291 +na<arah > , and her mother <00517 +>em > , take <03947

+laqach > and bring <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > [

the {tokens} of ] the damsel s <05291 +na<arah > virginity

<01331 +b@thuwliym > unto the elders <02205 +zaqen > of the city

<05892 +<iyr > in the gate <08179 +sha<ar > :

tokens DEU 022 017 And , lo <02009 +hinneh > , he hath given

<07760 +suwm > occasions <05949 +<aliylah > of speech <01697

+dabar > [ against her ] , saying <00559 +>amar > , I found

<04672 +matsa> > not thy daughter <01323 +bath > a maid <01331

+b@thuwliym > ; and yet these <00428 +>el - leh > [ are the

{tokens} of ] my daughter s <01323 +bath > virginity <01331

+b@thuwliym > . And they shall spread <06566 +paras > the cloth

<08071 +simlah > before <06440 +paniym > the elders <02205

+zaqen > of the city <05892 +<iyr > .

tokens DEU 022 020 But if <00518 +>im > this <02088 +zeh > thing

<01697 +dabar > be true <00571 +>emeth > , [ and the {tokens} of

] virginity <01331 +b@thuwliym > be not found <04672 +matsa> >

for the damsel <05291 +na<arah > :

tokens JOB 021 029 Have ye not asked <07592 +sha>al > them that

go <05674 +<abar > by the way <01870 +derek > ? and do ye not

know <05234 +nakar > their {tokens} <00226 +>owth > ,

tokens PSA 065 008 They also that dwell <03427 +yashab > in the

uttermost <07098 +qatsah > parts are afraid <03372 +yare> > at

thy {tokens} <00226 +>owth > : thou makest the outgoings <04161

+mowtsa> > of the morning <01242 +boqer > and evening <06153

+<ereb > to rejoice <07442 +ranan > .

tokens PSA 135 009 [ Who ] sent <07971 +shalach > {tokens}

<00226 +>owth > and wonders <04159 +mowpheth > into the midst

<08432 +tavek > of thee , O Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , upon

Pharaoh <06547 +Par<oh > , and upon all <03605 +kol > his

servants <05650 +<ebed > .

tokens ISA 044 025 That frustrateth <06565 +parar > the {tokens}

<00226 +>owth > of the liars <00907 +bad > , and maketh diviners

<07080 +qacam > mad <01984 +halal > ; that turneth <07725 +shuwb

> wise <02450 +chakam > [ men ] backward <00268 +>achowr > , and

maketh their knowledge <01847 +da<ath > foolish <05528 +cakal > ;



 uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens  <PSA65  -:8 >

- tokens , 0226 ,

tokens  DEU 022 015 Then shall the father <1> of the damsel

<05291  +na<arah > ,  and her mother <00517  +>em > ,  take

<03947  +laqach > and bring <03318  +yatsa> > forth <03318  

+yatsa> >  [ the {tokens} of ]  the damsel s <05291  +na<arah >

virginity <01331  +b@thuwliym > unto the elders <02205  +zaqen >

of the city <05892  +<iyr > in the gate <08179  +sha<ar > :

tokens  DEU 022 017 And ,  lo <02009  +hinneh > ,  he hath given

<07760  +suwm > occasions <05949  +<aliylah > of speech <01697  

+dabar >  [ against her ]  ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,  I found

<04672  +matsa> > not thy daughter <01323  +bath > a maid <01331

 +b@thuwliym > ;  and yet these <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are the

{tokens} of ]  my daughter s <01323  +bath > virginity <01331  

+b@thuwliym > .  And they shall spread <06566  +paras > the

cloth <08071  +simlah > before <06440  +paniym > the elders

<02205  +zaqen > of the city <05892  +<iyr > .

tokens  DEU 022 020 But if <00518  +>im > this <02088  +zeh >

thing <01697  +dabar > be true <00571  +>emeth > ,   [ and the

{tokens} of ]  virginity <01331  +b@thuwliym > be not found

<04672  +matsa> > for the damsel <05291  +na<arah > :





 tokens -0226 ensign , ensigns , mark , miracles , sign , signs ,

 token , {tokens} ,  











 tokens 135 009 Psa                  /^{tokens /and wonders into

the midst of thee, O Egypt , upon Pharaoh , and upon all his

servants .

tokens 022 017 Deu                  /^{tokens /of my daughter's

virginity . And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of

the city .

tokens 022 015 Deu                  /^{tokens /of the damsel's

virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate :

tokens 044 025 Isa                  /^{tokens /of the liars ,

and maketh diviners mad ; that turneth wise men backward , and

maketh their knowledge foolish ;

tokens 022 020 Deu                  /^{tokens /of virginity be

not found for the damsel :

tokens 065 008 Psa                  /^{tokens /thou makest the

outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice .





 tokens <DEU22 -15> Then shall the father of the damsel, and her

mother, take and bring forth [the {tokens} of] the damsel's

virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate:

tokens <DEU22 -17> And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech

[against her], saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet

these [are the {tokens} of] my daughter's virginity. And they


spread the cloth before the elders of the city.

tokens <DEU22 -20> But if this thing be true, [and the {tokens}


virginity be not found for the damsel:

tokens <JOB21 -29> Have ye not asked them that go by the way?

and do

ye not know their {tokens},

tokens <PSA65 -8> They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are

afraid at thy {tokens}: thou makest the outgoings of the morning


evening to rejoice.

tokens <PSA135 -9> Who] sent {tokens} and wonders into the midst


thee, O Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his servants.

tokens <ISA44 -25> That frustrateth the {tokens} of the liars,


maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise [men] backward, and maketh

their knowledge foolish;

