temptations 002 009 IIPe            /${temptations /and to

reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished :

temptations 004 034 Deu             /^{temptations /by signs ,

and by wonders , and by war , and by a mighty hand , and by a

stretched out arm , and by great terrors , according to all that

the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes ?

temptations 020 019 Act             /${temptations /which befell

me by the lying in wait of the Jews :

temptations 029 003 Deu             /^{temptations /which thine

eyes have seen , the signs , and those great miracles :

temptations 007 019 Deu             /^{temptations /which thine

eyes saw , and the signs , and the wonders , and the mighty hand

, and the stretched out arm , whereby the LORD thy God brought

thee out : so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of

whom thou art afraid .

