boiled , 1KI , 19:21

boiled , 2KI , 6:29

boiled , JOB , 30:27

broiled , LU , 24:42

oiled , EX , 29:23

oiled , LE , 8:26

spoiled , 1SA , 14:48 ,  1SA , 17:53

spoiled , 2CH , 14:14

spoiled , 2KI , 7:16

spoiled , AM , 3:11 ,  AM , 5:9 ,  AM , 5:9

spoiled , COL , 2:15

spoiled , DE , 28:29

spoiled , EX , 12:36

spoiled , EZE , 18:7 ,  EZE , 18:12 ,  EZE , 18:16 ,  EZE , 18:

18 ,  EZE , 23:46 ,  EZE , 39:10

spoiled , GE , 34:27 ,  GE , 34:29

spoiled , HAB , 2:8

spoiled , HO , 10:14 ,  HO , 10:14

spoiled , ISA , 13:16 ,  ISA , 18:2 ,  ISA , 18:7 ,  ISA , 24:3 ,

  ISA , 33:1 ,  ISA , 33:1 ,  ISA , 42:22

spoiled , JER , 2:14 ,  JER , 4:13 ,  JER , 4:20 ,  JER , 4:20 ,

 JER , 4:30 ,  JER , 9:19 ,  JER , 10:20 ,  JER , 21:12 ,  JER ,

22:3 ,  JER , 25:36 ,  JER , 48:1 ,  JER , 48:15 ,  JER , 48:20 ,

  JER , 49:3 ,  JER , 49:10 ,  JER , 51:55

spoiled , JG , 2:14 ,  JG , 2:16

spoiled , JOB , 12:17 ,  JOB , 12:19

spoiled , MIC , 2:4

spoiled , PR , 22:23

spoiled , PS , 76:5

spoiled , ZEC , 2:8 ,  ZEC , 11:2 ,  ZEC , 11:3 ,  ZEC , 11:3

toiled , LU , 5:5



  broiled 3702 # optos {op-tos'}; from an obsolete verb akin to

hepso (to "steep"); cooked, i.e. roasted: -- {broiled}.[ql



 oiled  Interlinear Index Study

oiled EXO 029 023 And one <00259 +>echad > loaf <03603 +kikkar >

of bread <03899 +lechem > , and one <00259 +>echad > cake <02471

+challah > of {oiled} <08081 +shemen > bread , and one <00259

+>echad > wafer <07550 +raqiyq > out of the basket <05536 +cal >

of the unleavened <04682 +matstsah > bread that [ is ] before

<06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > :

oiled LEV 008 026 And out of the basket <05536 +cal > of

unleavened <04682 +matstsah > bread , that [ was ] before <06440

+paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , he took <03947 +laqach >

one <00259 +>echad > unleavened <04682 +matstsah > cake <02471

+challah > , and a cake <02471 +challah > of {oiled} <08081

+shemen > bread , and one <00259 +>echad > wafer <07550 +raqiyq

> , and put <07760 +suwm > [ them ] on <05921 +<al > the fat

<02459 +cheleb > , and upon the right <03225 +yamiyn > shoulder

<07785 +showq > :



 as shalman spoiled betharbel                <HOS10  -:14 >

because thou hast spoiled many nations  <HAB2  -:8 >

boiled their flesh with         <1KI19  -:21 >

broiled fish                            <LUK24  -:42 >

hath spoiled by violence                <EZE18  -:12 >

hath spoiled none by violence                <EZE18  -:7 >

having spoiled principalities                <COL2  -:15 >

lord hath spoiled babylon                <JER51  -:55 >

lord hath spoiled their pasture        <JER25  -:36 >

nations which spoiled you                <ZEC2  -:8 >

neither hath spoiled by violence        <EZE18  -:16 >

oiled bread                                <EXO29  -:23 >

oiled bread                                <LEV8  -:26 >

so we boiled my son                     <2KI6  -:29 >

spoiled against                 <AMO5  -:9 >

spoiled even all                        <GEN34  -:29 >

spoiled evermore                        <DEU28  -:29 >

spoiled his brother by violence <EZE18  -:18 >

spoiled out                             <JER21  -:12 >

spoiled out                             <JER22  -:3 >

spoiled shall come against              <AMO5  -:9 >

spoiled them                            <1SA14  -:48 >

spoiled them                            <EZE39  -:10 >

spoiled them                            <JUG2  -:14 >

spoiled them                            <JUG2  -:16 >

spoiled them                            <PRO22  -:23 >

suddenly are my tents spoiled           <JER4  -:20 >

their houses shall be spoiled           <ISA13  -:16 >

they spoiled                            <EXO12  -:36 >

they spoiled all                        <2CH14  -:14 >

they spoiled their tents                <1SA17  -:53 >

thou shalt be spoiled                   <ISA33  -:1 >

thy palaces shall be spoiled            <AMO3  -:11 >

we be utterly spoiled                   <MIC2  -:4 >

we have toiled all                      <LUK5  -:5 >

whole land is spoiled                   <JER4  -:20 >

why is he spoiled                       <JER2  -:14 >

- boiled , 1310 , 7570 ,

- oiled , 8081 ,

* spoiled , 0554 ,

- spoiled , 0957 , 0958 , 0962 , 1497 , 5337 , 6906 , 7701 ,

7703 , 7758 , 7997 , 8154 , 8155 ,

oiled  EXO 029 023 And one <00259  +>echad > loaf <03603  

+kikkar > of bread <03899  +lechem > ,  and one <00259  +>echad

> cake <02471  +challah > of {oiled} <08081  +shemen > bread ,  

and one <00259  +>echad > wafer <07550  +raqiyq > out of the

basket <05536  +cal > of the unleavened <04682  +matstsah >

bread that  [ is ]  before <06440  +paniym > the LORD <03068  

+Y@hovah > :

oiled  LEV 008 026 And out of the basket <05536  +cal > of

unleavened <04682  +matstsah > bread ,  that  [ was ]  before

<06440  +paniym > the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > ,  he took <03947  

+laqach > one <00259  +>echad > unleavened <04682  +matstsah >

cake <02471  +challah > ,  and a cake <02471  +challah > of

{oiled} <08081  +shemen > bread ,  and one <00259  +>echad >

wafer <07550  +raqiyq > ,  and put <07760  +suwm >  [ them ]  on

<05921  +<al > the fat <02459  +cheleb > ,  and upon the right

<03225  +yamiyn > shoulder <07785  +showq > :

spoiled  GEN 034 027 The sons <01121  +ben > of Jacob <03290  

+Ya<aqob > came <00935  +bow> > upon the slain <02491  +chalal >

,  and {spoiled} <00962  +bazaz > the city <05892  +<iyr > ,  

because <00834  +>aher > they had defiled <02930  +tame> > their

sister <00269  +>achowth > .

spoiled  GEN 034 029 And all <03605  +kol > their wealth <02428  

+chayil > ,  and all <03605  +kol > their little <02945  +taph >

ones ,  and their wives <00802  +>ishshah > took they captive

<07617  +shabah > ,  and {spoiled} <00962  +bazaz > even all

<03605  +kol > that  [ was ]  in the house <01004  +bayith > .

spoiled  EXO 012 036 And the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > gave <05414

 +nathan > the people <05971  +<am > favour <02580  +chen > in

the sight <05869  +<ayin > of the Egyptians <04714  +Mitsrayim >

,  so that they lent <07592  +sha>al > unto them  [ such things

as they required ]  .  And they {spoiled} <05337  +natsal > the

Egyptians <04714  +Mitsrayim > .

spoiled  DEU 028 029 And thou shalt grope <04959  +mashash > at

noonday <06672  +tsohar > ,  as the blind <05787  +<ivver >

gropeth <04959  +mashash > in darkness <00653  +>aphelah > ,  

and thou shalt not prosper <06743  +tsalach > in thy ways <01870

 +derek > : and thou shalt be only <00389  +>ak > oppressed

<06231  +<ashaq > and {spoiled} <01497  +gazal > evermore ,  and

no <00369  +>ayin > man shall save <03467  +yasha< >  [ thee ]  .

* spoiled , 0554 apekduomai ,



 spoiled -0554 off, put, {spoiled},



 boiled -1310 bake , baked , boil , {boiled} , brought , forth ,

ripe , roast , roasted , seethe , seething , sod , sodden ,  

boiled -7570 boil , {boiled} ,  

oiled -8081 anointing , fat , fatness , oil , {oiled} , ointment

, ointments , olive ,  

spoiled -0957 booty , prey , spoil , {spoiled} ,  

spoiled -0958 {spoiled} ,  

spoiled -0962 caught , gathering , prey , rob , robbed , robbers

, spoil , {spoiled} , take ,  

spoiled -1497 away , caught , consume , force , pluck , plucked ,

 rob , robbed , robbeth , {spoiled} , spoileth , take , taken ,

took , torn , violence , violently ,  

spoiled -5337 defended , deliver , delivered , deliverer ,

deliverest , delivereth , escape , escaped , part , plucked ,

preserved , recover , recovered , rescue , rescued , rid , saved

, spoil , {spoiled} , stripped , take , taken , taketh ,  

spoiled -6906 rob , robbed , spoil , {spoiled} ,  

spoiled -7701 desolation , destruction , oppression , robbery ,

spoil , {spoiled} , spoiler , spoiling , wasting ,  

spoiled -7703 dead , destroy , destroyed , destroyer , oppress ,

robbers , spoil , {spoiled} , spoiler , spoilers , spoilest ,

spoileth , utterly , waste , wasted , wasteth ,  

spoiled -7758 {spoiled} , stripped ,  

spoiled -7997 fall , prey , purpose , spoil , {spoiled} , take ,


spoiled -8154 destroyers , rob , robbed , spoil , {spoiled} ,

spoilers ,  

spoiled -8155 rifled , spoil , {spoiled} ,  



 broiled 3702 ** optos ** {broiled}.

spoiled 7758 showlal -- -- {spoiled}, stripped.



 broiled ......... of a broiled 3702 -optos->

spoiled ......... And having spoiled 0554 -apekduomai->

toiled ......... we have toiled 2873 -kopos->





 broiled 3702 # optos {op-tos'}; from an obsolete verb akin to

hepso (to "steep"); cooked, i.e. roasted: -- {broiled}.[ql

spoiled 7758 ## showlal {sho-lawl'}; or sheylal (Micah 1:8)

{shay-lawl'}; from 7997; nude (especially bare-foot); by

implication, captive: -- {spoiled}, stripped.[ql



 boiled 030 027 Job                  /^{boiled /and rested not:

the days of affliction prevented me.

boiled 006 029 IIKi                 /^{boiled /my son , and did

eat him: and I said unto her on the next day , Give thy son ,

that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son .

boiled 019 021 IKi                  /^{boiled /their flesh with

the instruments of the oxen , and gave unto the people , and

they did eat . Then he arose , and went after Elijah , and

ministered unto him.

broiled 024 042 Luk                 /${broiled /fish , and of an

honeycomb .

oiled 008 026 Lev                   /^{oiled /bread, and one

wafer , and put them on the fat , and upon the right shoulder :

oiled 029 023 Exo                   /^{oiled /bread, and one

wafer out of the basket of the unleavened bread that is before

the LORD :

spoiled 011 003 Zec                 /^{spoiled /a voice of the

roaring of young lions ; for the pride of Jordan is spoiled .

spoiled 005 009 Amo                 /^{spoiled /against the

strong , so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress .

spoiled 014 014 IICh                /^{spoiled /all the cities ;

for there was exceeding much spoil in them.

spoiled 010 020 Jer                 /^{spoiled /and all my cords

are broken : my children are gone forth of me, and they are not:

there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up

my curtains .

spoiled 033 001 Isa                 /^{spoiled /and dealest

treacherously , and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when

thou shalt cease to spoil , thou shalt be spoiled ; and when

thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously , they shall deal

treacherously with thee.

spoiled 048 015 Jer                 /^{spoiled /and gone up out

of her cities , and his chosen young men are gone down to the

slaughter , saith the King , whose name is the LORD of hosts .

spoiled 049 010 Jer                 /^{spoiled /and his brethren

, and his neighbours , and he is not.

spoiled 012 017 Job                 /^{spoiled /and maketh the

judges fools .

spoiled 004 020 Jer                 /^{spoiled /and my curtains

in a moment .

spoiled 012 019 Job                 /^{spoiled /and overthroweth

the mighty .

spoiled 013 016 Isa                 /^{spoiled /and their wives

ravished .

spoiled 033 001 Isa                 /^{spoiled /and when thou

shalt make an end to deal treacherously , they shall deal

treacherously with thee.

spoiled 010 014 Hos                 /^{spoiled /as Shalman

spoiled Betharbel in the day of battle : the mother was dashed

in pieces upon her children .

spoiled 051 055 Jer                 /^{spoiled /Babylon , and

destroyed out of her the great voice ; when her waves do roar

like great waters , a noise of their voice is uttered :

spoiled 010 014 Hos                 /^{spoiled /Betharbel in the

day of battle : the mother was dashed in pieces upon her

children .

spoiled 018 016 Eze                 /^{spoiled /by violence ,

but hath given his bread to the hungry , and hath covered the

naked with a garment ,

spoiled 018 012 Eze                 /^{spoiled /by violence ,

hath not restored the pledge , and hath lifted up his eyes to

the idols , hath committed abomination ,

spoiled 049 003 Jer                 /^{spoiled /cry , ye

daughters of Rabbah , gird you with sackcloth ; lament , and run

to and fro by the hedges ; for their king shall go into

captivity , and his priests and his princes together .

spoiled 034 029 Gen                 /^{spoiled /even all that

was in the house .

spoiled 028 029 Deu                 /^{spoiled /evermore , and

no man shall save thee.

spoiled 024 003 Isa                 /^{spoiled /for the LORD

hath spoken this word .

spoiled 002 004 Mic                 /^{spoiled /he hath changed

the portion of my people : how hath he removed it from me!

turning away he hath divided our fields .

spoiled 018 018 Eze                 /^{spoiled /his brother by

violence , and did that which is not good among his people , lo,

even he shall die in his iniquity .

spoiled 011 002 Zec                 /^{spoiled /howl , O ye oaks

of Bashan ; for the forest of the vintage is come down .

spoiled 048 001 Jer                 /^{spoiled /Kiriathaim is

confounded and taken : Misgab is confounded and dismayed .

spoiled 002 008 Hab                 /^{spoiled /many nations ,

all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's

blood , and for the violence of the land , of the city , and of

all that dwell therein.

spoiled 018 007 Eze                 /^{spoiled /none by violence

, hath given his bread to the hungry , and hath covered the

naked with a garment ;

spoiled 021 012 Jer                 /^{spoiled /out of the hand

of the oppressor , lest my fury go out like fire , and burn that

none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings .

spoiled 022 003 Jer                 /^{spoiled /out of the hand

of the oppressor : and do no wrong , do no violence to the

stranger , the fatherless , nor the widow , neither shed

innocent blood in this place .

spoiled 002 015 Col                 /${spoiled /principalities

and powers , he made a shew of them openly , triumphing over

them in it .

spoiled 005 009 Amo                 /^{spoiled /shall come

against the fortress .

spoiled 004 020 Jer                 /^{spoiled /suddenly are my

tents spoiled , and my curtains in a moment .

spoiled 034 027 Gen                 /^{spoiled /the city ,

because they had defiled their sister .

spoiled 012 036 Exo                 /^{spoiled /the Egyptians .

spoiled 007 016 IIKi                /^{spoiled /the tents of the

Syrians . So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel , and

two measures of barley for a shekel , according to the word of

the LORD .

spoiled 025 036 Jer                 /^{spoiled /their pasture .

spoiled 017 053 ISa                 /^{spoiled /their tents .

spoiled 002 014 Jug                 /^{spoiled /them, and he

sold them into the hands of their enemies round about , so that

they could not any longer stand before their enemies .

spoiled 039 010 Eze                 /^{spoiled /them, and rob

those that robbed them, saith the Lord GOD .

spoiled 022 023 Pro                 /^{spoiled /them.

spoiled 014 048 ISa                 /^{spoiled /them.

spoiled 002 016 Jug                 /^{spoiled /them.

spoiled 042 022 Isa                 /^{spoiled /they are all of

them snared in holes , and they are hid in prison houses : they

are for a prey , and none delivereth ; for a spoil , and none

saith , Restore .

spoiled 076 005 Psa                 /^{spoiled /they have slept

their sleep : and none of the men of might have found their

hands .

spoiled 018 007 Isa                 /^{spoiled /to the place of

the name of the LORD of hosts , the mount Zion .

spoiled 009 019 Jer                 /^{spoiled /we are greatly

confounded , because we have forsaken the land , because our

dwellings have cast us out .

spoiled 004 030 Jer                 /^{spoiled /what wilt thou

do ? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson , though thou

deckest thee with ornaments of gold , though thou rentest thy

face with painting , in vain shalt thou make thyself fair ; thy

lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life .

spoiled 002 008 Zec                 /^{spoiled /you: for he that

toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye .

toiled 005 005 Luk                  /${toiled /all the night ,

and have taken nothing : nevertheless at thy word I will let

down the net .



 boiled 3 -

spoiled 55 -

toiled 1 -



 oiled <EXO29 -23> And one loaf of bread, and one cake of

{oiled} bread, and one wafer out of the basket of the unleavened

bread that [is] before the LORD:

oiled <LEV8 -26> And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that

[was] before the LORD, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake

of {oiled} bread, and one wafer, and put [them] on the fat, and

upon the right shoulder:

