task  EXO 005 014 And the officers <07860  +shoter > of the

children <01121  +ben > of Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > ,  which

<00834  +>aher > Pharaoh s <06547  +Par<oh > taskmasters <05065  

+nagas > had set <07760  +suwm > over <05921  +<al > them ,  

were beaten <05221  +nakah > ,   [ and ]  demanded <00559  

+>amar > ,  Wherefore <04069  +madduwa< > have ye not fulfilled

<03615  +kalah > your {task} <02706  +choq > in making brick

<03835  +laban > both <01571  +gam > yesterday <08543  +t@mowl >

and to day <03117  +yowm > ,  as heretofore <08543  +t@mowl > ?

task  EXO 005 019 And the officers <07860  +shoter > of the

children <01121  +ben > of Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > did see

<07200  +ra>ah >  [ that ]  they  [ were ]  in evil <07451  +ra<

>  [ case ]  ,  after it was said <00559  +>amar > ,  Ye shall

not minish <01639  +gara< >  [ ought ]  from your bricks <03843  

+l@benah > of your daily <03117  +yowm > {task} <01697  +dabar >


taskmasters  EXO 001 011 Therefore they did set <07760  +suwm >

over <05921  +<al > them {taskmasters} to afflict <06031  +<anah

> them with their burdens <05450  +c@balah > .  And they built

<01129  +banah > for Pharaoh <06547  +Par<oh > treasure <04543  

+mick@nah > cities <05892  +<iyr > ,  Pithom <06619  +Pithom >

and Raamses <07486  +Ra<m@cec > .

taskmasters  EXO 003 007 .  And the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > said

<00559  +>amar > ,  I have surely seen <07200  +ra>ah > the

affliction <06040  +<oniy > of my people <05971  +<am > which

<00834  +>aher >  [ are ]  in Egypt <04714  +Mitsrayim > ,  and

have heard <08085  +shama< > their cry <06818  +tsa<aqah > by

reason <06440  +paniym > of their {taskmasters} <05065  +nagas >

;  for I know <03045  +yada< > their sorrows <04341  +mak>ob > ;

taskmasters  EXO 005 006 And Pharaoh <06547  +Par<oh > commanded

<06680  +tsavah > the same <01931  +huw> > day <03117  +yowm >

the {taskmasters} <05065  +nagas > of the people <05971  +<am > ,

  and their officers <07860  +shoter > ,  saying <00559  +>amar

> ,

taskmasters  EXO 005 010 .  And the {taskmasters} <05065  +nagas

> of the people <05971  +<am > went <03318  +yatsa> > out ,  and

their officers <07860  +shoter > ,  and they spake <00559  

+>amar > to the people <05971  +<am > ,  saying <00559  +>amar >

,  Thus <03541  +koh > saith <00559  +>amar > Pharaoh <06547  

+Par<oh > ,  I will not give <05414  +nathan > you straw <08401  

+teben > .

taskmasters  EXO 005 013 And the {taskmasters} <05065  +nagas >

hasted <00213  +>uwts >  [ them ]  ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,  

Fulfil <03615  +kalah > your works <04639  +ma<aseh > ,   [ your

]  daily <03117  +yowm > tasks <01697  +dabar > ,  as when

<00834  +>aher > there was straw <08401  +teben > .

taskmasters  EXO 005 014 And the officers <07860  +shoter > of

the children <01121  +ben > of Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > ,  

which <00834  +>aher > Pharaoh s <06547  +Par<oh > {taskmasters}

<05065  +nagas > had set <07760  +suwm > over <05921  +<al >

them ,  were beaten <05221  +nakah > ,   [ and ]  demanded

<00559  +>amar > ,  Wherefore <04069  +madduwa< > have ye not

fulfilled <03615  +kalah > your task <02706  +choq > in making

brick <03835  +laban > both <01571  +gam > yesterday <08543  

+t@mowl > and to day <03117  +yowm > ,  as heretofore <08543  

+t@mowl > ?

tasks  EXO 005 013 And the taskmasters <05065  +nagas > hasted

<00213  +>uwts >  [ them ]  ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,  Fulfil

<03615  +kalah > your works <04639  +ma<aseh > ,   [ your ]  

daily <03117  +yowm > {tasks} <01697  +dabar > ,  as when <00834

 +>aher > there was straw <08401  +teben > .
