And they built , 02_EXO_01_11 , And they built , 07_JUD_18_28 , And they built , 12_2KI_17_09 , And they built , 12_2KI_25_01 , And they built , 24_JER_32_35 , set over them , 02_EXO_01_11 , set over them , 02_EXO_05_14 , their burdens And , 02_EXO_01_11 , their burdens And , 02_EXO_02_11 , them with their , 02_EXO_01_11 , them with their , 13_1CH_25_07 , them with their , 26_EZE_23_47 , them with their , 28_HOS_05_07 , them with their , 41_MAR_16_14 , they did set , 02_EXO_01_11 , they did set , 41_MAR_08_06 ,