Horites  GEN 014 006 And the {Horites} <02752  +Choriy > in

their mount <02042  +harar > Seir <08165  +Se<iyr > ,  unto

Elparan <00364  +>Eyl Pa>ran > ,  which <00834  +>aher >  [ is ]

 by the wilderness <04057  +midbar > .

Horites  GEN 036 021 And Dishon <01788  +diyshon > ,  and Ezer

<00687  +>Etser > ,  and Dishan <01789  +Diyshan > : these

<00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  the dukes <00441  +>alluwph > of

the {Horites} <02752  +Choriy > ,  the children <01121  +ben >

of Seir <08165  +Se<iyr > in the land <00776  +>erets > of Edom

<00123  +>Edom > .

Horites  GEN 036 029 These <00428  +>el - leh >  [ are ]  the

dukes <00441  +>alluwph >  [ that came ]  of the {Horites}

<02752  +Choriy > ;  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Lotan <03877  

+Lowtan > ,  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Shobal <07732  +Showbal > ,

  duke <00441  +>alluwph > Zibeon <06649  +Tsib<own > ,  duke

<00441  +>alluwph > Anah <06034  +<Anah > ,
