sustained  GEN 027 037 And Isaac <03327  +Yitschaq > answered

<06030  +<anah > and said <00559  +>amar > unto Esau <06215  

+<Esav > ,  Behold <02005  +hen > ,  I have made <07760  +suwm >

him thy lord <01376  +g@biyr > ,  and all <03605  +kol > his

brethren <00251  +>ach > have I given <05414  +nathan > to him

for servants <05650  +<ebed > ;  and with corn <01715  +dagan >

and wine <08492  +tiyrowsh > have I {sustained} <05564  +camak >

him : and what <04100  +mah > shall I do <06213  +<asah > now

<00645  +>ephow > unto thee ,  my son <01121  +ben > ?





 sustained -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid ,

lay , lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,

 stayed , {sustained} , upheld , uphold , upholdeth ,  











 sustained 059 016 Isa               /^{sustained /him.

sustained 027 037 Gen               /^{sustained /him: and what

shall I do now unto thee, my son ?

sustained 003 005 Psa               /^{sustained /me.



 sustained 3 -



 sustained , GE , 27:37

sustained , ISA , 59:16

sustained , PS , 3:5






 sustained  Interlinear Index Study

sustained GEN 027 037 And Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > answered

<06030 +<anah > and said <00559 +>amar > unto Esau <06215 +<Esav

> , Behold <02005 +hen > , I have made <07760 +suwm > him thy

lord <01376 +g@biyr > , and all <03605 +kol > his brethren

<00251 +>ach > have I given <05414 +nathan > to him for servants

<05650 +<ebed > ; and with corn <01715 +dagan > and wine <08492

+tiyrowsh > have I {sustained} <05564 +camak > him : and what

<04100 +mah > shall I do <06213 +<asah > now <00645 +>ephow >

unto thee , my son <01121 +ben > ?

sustained PSA 003 005 I laid <07901 +shakab > me down <07901

+shakab > and slept <03462 +yashen > ; I awaked <06974 +quwts > ;

 for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > {sustained} <05564 +camak > me .

sustained ISA 059 016 . And he saw <07200 +ra>ah > that [ there

was ] no <00369 +>ayin > man <00376 +>iysh > , and wondered

<08074 +shamem > that [ there was ] no <00369 +>ayin >

intercessor <06293 +paga< > : therefore his arm <02220 +z@rowa<

> brought <03467 +yasha< > salvation <03467 +yasha< > unto him ;

and his righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > , it {sustained} <05564

+camak > him .



 it sustained him                        <ISA59  -:16 >

lord sustained me                        <PSA3  -:5 >

sustained him                           <GEN27  -:37 >

sustained <PSA3 -5> I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the


{sustained} me.

sustained <ISA59 -16> And he saw that [there was] no man, and

wondered that [there was] no intercessor: therefore his arm


salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it {sustained} him.

