thicket 004 007 Jer                 /^{thicket /and the

destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way ; he is gone forth from

his place to make thy land desolate ; and thy cities shall be

laid waste , without an inhabitant .

thicket 022 013 Gen                 /^{thicket /by his horns :

and Abraham went and took the ram , and offered him up for a

burnt offering in the stead of his son .

thickets 004 029 Jer                /^{thickets /and climb up

upon the rocks : every city shall be forsaken , and not a man

dwell therein .

thickets 013 006 ISa                /^{thickets /and in rocks ,

and in high places , and in pits .

thickets 009 018 Isa                /^{thickets /of the forest ,

and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke .

thickets 010 034 Isa                /^{thickets /of the forest

with iron , and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one .

