communing  GEN 018 033 And the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > went

<03212  +yalak > his way <03212  +yalak > ,  as soon <00834  

+>aher > as he had left <03615  +kalah > {communing} <01696  

+dabar > with Abraham <85> : and Abraham <85> returned <07725  

+shuwb > unto his place <04725  +maqowm > .

communing  EXO 031 018 And he gave <05414  +nathan > unto Moses

<04872  +Mosheh > ,  when he had made an end <03615  +kalah > of

{communing} <01696  +dabar > with him upon mount <02022  +har >

Sinai <05514  +Ciynay > ,  two <08147  +sh@nayim > tables <03871

 +luwach > of testimony <5715> ,  tables <03871  +luwach > of

stone <68> ,  written <03789  +kathab > with the finger <00676  

+>etsba< > of God <00430  +>elohiym > .
